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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Oh Thank Goodness - I'm so glad that LM is fine. Sorry about the long night though. I can't think of any way at all that you're going to make money off of that. :yukko:
    I can never walk into Wally World and walk out with one bag. I can't seem to walk into any store and walk out with one bag. Something happens to me when I get inside the store.
    Wonderful about your epiphany today! I think that's great.

    PS - Glad that kitty was forgiven and that Fennel won't be serving up some kitty tacos.
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Newbies Nest

      Coco-Nut;921312 wrote:

      (I've been so busy at work, supervising a number of summer students - kind of like herding cats, feeding a nestful of baby birds and being pecked to death by chickens all at the same time.)

      The baby birds are calling... (OMG they are so YOUNG and sweet(-looking).
      Coco, I've said it before and I'm saying it really have a way with words! :H


        Newbies Nest

        Papmom, I'm so happy that LM is o.k, although the almond poop doesn't sound very fun! As an FYI, in a past life, my partner and I had to child-proof all of our cupboards because we had a very food motivated feline who was capable of opening cupboards and pulling out food. Amazing what they can do when they put their minds to it!


          Newbies Nest

          Hellloooo feathered, flippered, and other fellow nest dwellers!

          Meeting went very well; medium sized job (semi-government) and it's mine. Project will begin when I return from my 'holiday'. Which, btw, I'm looking forward to... kinda. :H First off, we will be visiting my parents at their 'cottage' (for lack of a better term) on the Atlantic coast - so... visiting family ain't no holiday. At least not in my books. Secondly... let me put it politely... my mother brings out the WORST in me. Seriously. Last time I saw her (which is now 6 years ago) I was ready to strangle her (or myself) by day 2. So... I got a bit of mixed emotions there. However, 6 years is a very long time not to see one's parents at the age they are at - it is definitely time. And, who knows.. perhaps, both her and I have mellowed out a little.

          Of course, I will be worrying about the big critters - or really just Miss Sophie. I hope she doesn't pull any 'I'm not eating' stunts while I'm gone... she really can't afford to lose weight.

          Oh.... btw, I forgot something this morning... I'm at a horse show all day Saturday... I'll be taking Atlas and riding the flat classes (dressage). Wish me luck. Nuttn like an old granny making a fool of herself :H

          Papmom... I don't see any reason why you can't get into selling designer fertilizer. Almond manure - sounds much better than fish guts! :H And I love the epiphany!

          What the heck is Wally World, btw???? I have that 'Omigosh, did I really BUY all those things' experience every time I come out of the horsie store... is it like that?

          Molly... :H @ the wifey thing and nod and listen! How's the head ache?
          Hippie... :l You are one strong and awesome lady, my dear. I'm so sorry that you have so little support at home... but as everyone else said - you certainly have support here!

          Fennel... lemme ask you: You had a 'very food motivated feline'???? You mean, there are others???? :H Mine have always been brilliant thieves in their own right.

          Ok, folksies... I'm done for the day... have a great night and be good to yourselves!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            Newbies Nest

            Hello and good morning everyone.
            Paps, glad the little doggie's good. I understand your Epiphany, sometimes it is really important to actually think WHY we are doing this. I'm just after posting on another thread that i knew with absolute certainty that if I kept drinking I'd be dead by 60 - I never bothered about pensions or talk of cruises when we retire, I just always 'knew' I'd be dead - ISN'T THAT APPALLING! I love life now, sing and giggle and feel good (most of the time) WOW!
            Hips, I wonder if you told your hubs the extent of the drinking - the hiding, the topping up etc. would he think differently? Would you think of showing this site (selected bits maybe:H) to him and he could see what a HUGE thing this is to you he might see what a battle you've had. I think you are very strong if at any weak moment you can just pick up a glass at home with no repercussions - try and get him in your corner by any means! You have all the support here that you can stand!!
            Morning Nora, you sound stronger - I'm really glad, I'm drinking the water and didn't take any painkillers yesterday, wonder is it solved? How about you?
            Sunni - ditto, thanks for the tip with the water - seems to help! Where you going on hols - somewhere exotic I bet!!
            Fennel, Coco and all else to come have a lovely day!!
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Newbies Nest

              Hi guys.

              Thanks for all your words of support. I really do appreciate it. I love coming here to catch up on your lives and always feel stronger after. I think it is more than about time to sit down and have a heart to heart with my husband. I dont like living like this so somethings gotta change.

              Pap - what is Wally world? I checked out the link Fennel (?) sent for Chuck E Cheese..... sounds like something that would have appealed to me when my kids were younger. They love arcade games and pizza. We dont have anything exciting here. Oh we do have Hooters, which my husband told me was a "family restaurant with good food" ........ I DONT THINK SO!!! We went there when we were on holidays. My son wasnt in his usual hurry to get out of a restaurant for some reason.

              Oops gotta pick my son up from training, will be back soon to finish what I was saying....

              I finally got it!
              "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                Newbies Nest

                What my fiance told me about Hooters: earnestly, "The service is actually very good."

                Good morning everybody! Two weeks AF today for me. Woooot! A weekend with drunken revelers ahead, but I'm going to get through it. More concerned with them pressing me to drink so they're comfortable than with dealing with the urge to drink.

                Our cat, aptly named Attila, can open the bread box. I have a series of pictures cataloging his path of destruction entitled "Still Life with Cat" that I'll share if I can ever figure out how to post them.

                Have a GREAT day, lovely folks! Off to work!


                PS: Sunny, you're going to kick ass in that dressage competition.
                AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hippy Chick;921543 wrote: Morning.

                  Molly - you are lucky your husband supports your sobriety. My husband thinks its the wrong thing. He liked me better when I was a drunk. He didnt believe I had a problem. Hiding bottles and replacing what I have drunk so no one knows, taking shots while fillling up our glasses, blacking out so I dont know what I have said/done, drinking my glass while he is out of the room then refilling it before he got back, having the first thought in the morning being what time I can open the bottle, feeling ashamed and embarrassed every morning, feeling hungover every morning
                  Me too - calls me an alcoholic when he's mad but doesn't want me to quit... Likes the "fun" me but not the "addict" me and doesn't understand that I can't stop at "fun."


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hippy Chick;921873 wrote: Hi guys.

                    I checked out the link Fennel (?) sent for Chuck E Cheese..... sounds like something that would have appealed to me when my kids were younger.
                    No - it doesn't appeal to anyone over the age of 5. The only way to get through it is (was) to buy a couple of glasses of their horrible wine and hide in a corner until it's over.


                      Newbies Nest

                      G'day, urchins!

                      So, we've got kitties forgiven, doggies on the mend, head aches drowned in water... sounds like a purdy good day to me

                      I'm just plugging away here with work and whatnot. Made a (sober) ebay purchase this morning :H - there's something you don't want to do when tanked up.

                      Molly... I'm not sure how exotic the east coast of Canada is..:H but sure, we can call it that!

                      And now, I suppose I ought to get back to work. No, actually, I need to run into town. I ordered trail boots for Miss Sophie (kinda like running shoes for horses) 'cause her tender tootsies don't like the gravel road... and wouldn't ya know it - I measured wrong. They're too small - so back they'll go

                      Oh well.. off I go! Happy whatever day today is!
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        Evenin All, got home knackered from work and hubs rings me to go collect his car from mechanic - only home about half an hour, so fed up and runnin late so this will be just a quickie!! Sunni, believe you me the 'East coast' of anywhere that isn't Ireland at the moment sounds exotic!!
                        Hipster, sit that boy down and tell it as it is - this is hard enough - I know, easier said than done - bloody men huh!
                        Anyway to everyone a good evening/morning and will talk again later
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Newbies Nest

                          hey gang...I am here...tired as is kicking my ass
                          everyone sounds you all and will check in later after a glass of iced tea and some dinner!!
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey all

                            I joined this site ages ago but have never posted before - was supposed to do "dry july" and have totally failed but determined to go "dry august" starting today! the first AF Friday in a long long time. o yeah, go me! I like how there's lots of women here. Anyway I live in Sydney Australia and I'm here to get sober.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Welcome, Moana! You've come to the right place. Lots of friendly and supportive people here. Best of luck with your goal to have an AF August. We'll all be here cheering you on!
                              AF since 7/13/2010


                                Newbies Nest

                                Thanks John - also like the friendly guys here!

