Utterly artificial ingredients.. sorta like gummy bears, but bigger and a little harder. And, before you ask... they taste NOTHING like wine :H
Eva, so glad all the reading is aiding your house cleaning avoidance efforts! :H Usually works for me, too! Btw, whaddaya mean.. by 'leaving your posts untainted'? If it's the witching hour and you are having a hard time with it - this is EXACTLY the time to post! And, this is EXACTLY the place to do it! Please, for Pete's sake (who IS that, anyways?) don't think you have to only contribute happy/cheery/pg rated posts here!
Talula - you are doing AWESOME! Hats off, Mylady!
Molly... do they make you fill in the wine gum tracker? :egad:
Mazzie... you're almost TWO MONTHS AF! TWO months! Congratulations! Who woulda thunk, huh?

Neart - Welcome! Hmm... you can try using excuses... diet, medication, that sorta thing. Or, you could tell them to feck off and mind their own business

Nora, what ya up to working so hard? On a Friday? That ain't right!
Coco - I was thinking of you today when I picked up fresh smoked trout from the fishy truck in the store's parking lot

Ok, that's it for me. I feel like I've been spinning my wheels all day. I'm just drained - probably more emotionally than anything else - but what the heck. Tomorrow is a new day and the sun WILL rise. Speaking of rise, I better set that blasted alarm for 7am. On a Saturday, no less! Hmpfh.
Well, night light is on for any late comers... have a grand night, everyone.