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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    prancy;923185 wrote: What in the world is "wine gum"?

    Utterly artificial ingredients.. sorta like gummy bears, but bigger and a little harder. And, before you ask... they taste NOTHING like wine :H

    Eva, so glad all the reading is aiding your house cleaning avoidance efforts! :H Usually works for me, too! Btw, whaddaya mean.. by 'leaving your posts untainted'? If it's the witching hour and you are having a hard time with it - this is EXACTLY the time to post! And, this is EXACTLY the place to do it! Please, for Pete's sake (who IS that, anyways?) don't think you have to only contribute happy/cheery/pg rated posts here!

    Talula - you are doing AWESOME! Hats off, Mylady!

    Molly... do they make you fill in the wine gum tracker? :egad:

    Mazzie... you're almost TWO MONTHS AF! TWO
    months! Congratulations! Who woulda thunk, huh?

    Neart - Welcome! Hmm... you can try using excuses... diet, medication, that sorta thing. Or, you could tell them to feck off and mind their own business Either way, stick to your guns my dear - it's YOUR life and health.. not theirs.

    Nora, what ya up to working so hard? On a Friday? That ain't right!

    Coco - I was thinking of you today when I picked up fresh smoked trout from the fishy truck in the store's parking lot

    Ok, that's it for me. I feel like I've been spinning my wheels all day. I'm just drained - probably more emotionally than anything else - but what the heck. Tomorrow is a new day and the sun WILL rise. Speaking of rise, I better set that blasted alarm for 7am. On a Saturday, no less! Hmpfh.

    Well, night light is on for any late comers... have a grand night, everyone.
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Newbies Nest

      Morning all! Prancy - how can anyone not know what a wine gum is:H:H Sunni's right it's like a gummy bear.
      Was going to start a thread this morn cos I need to VENT but Sunni is right(again!!) we don't always have to be happy little campers on here.
      Actually I've calmed down now, anyway here goes. It sort of relates to earlier posts of Hippys, hubs was home yesterday evening and having a few beers - irritating me - and I made a few remarks just sort of 'stop talking crap' remarks and he had a go at me cos I said it in front of our son. Didn't develop into a row but it bothered me, cos when I was the one drinking and he wasn't he was sooooo intolerant of me. Then son was due in last night at 10.30 and wanders in at 11, my older kids would have been killed, then when I got up this morning I spent 3 hours just picking up shoes and old lunch boxes and wet towels and cleaning and hoovering, and I work full time and there are only 3 of us in the house at the moment AND I REALISED THIS IS ONE OF MY BIGGEST TRIGGERS.
      Up to now, I think they have been pussyfooting around me a bit cos Ive been quitting drink. Now I think they are just taking it for granted, and me for granted and I am livid ( gettin myself mad again now thinking about it). And I sat down on the couch about half hour ago 11AM and actually thought I would love a drink just to calm down - I didn't know this was my trigger until now. I suppose I feel powerful in a way knowing that's a fact however if they are going to go back to old ways, am I as well?? NO of course not, but it doesn't feel good. I am so sorry for landing this on you lot - you can blame Sunni :H:H:H

      Hello to all, Prancy, Talula, Eva, Neart, Mazzie (nearly 3 months - not 2?) and all our other lazy lumps, Hipster, where are you, well day time in Oz!
      Will have a talk with junior when he falls out of his pit, I have written a list of things to give out about, will let you know how it goes!
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Newbies Nest

        Suuuuure. Blame Sunni. Everyone else does! :H

        Oh Molly, I'm sorry you awoke to such a mess :l I can't speak for the hubs 'talking crap' (love that, btw), as Mr. Wonderful has his glass of wine in the evening, but that's about it. I believe I may have seen him ONCE a little buzzed. However, I sure know about following the trail of dirty shoes, clothes, and dishes when my darling son is "in 'da house". It IS infuriating. And, it well may be a trigger for me as well. Sit them down today and LAY DOWN THE LAW.

        Well, it's 7am, I'm up and at 'em. Just started raining out - oh goodie. Will leave here shortly, drive to the venue and attempt cleaning up that incredibly filthy horse of mine. Thankfully, I got the trailer all ready last night, everything is packed. I didn't tell you about my super blond evening last night... I'll make it short. The pasture (and where the trailer is parked) is about a 2 minute walk from the house. Not far, but all in all I made about 6 trips back and forth last night.

        1. Collect some lighter stuff to take out to the truck/trailer, incl. shovel to muck out
        2. Had to stop and rearrange stuff as bridles were slipping off my shoulder, etc... had to put some things down while adjusting others.
        3. Stow tack items in the truck, go to muck out... but where's my shovel? Oh right, must have forgot to pick it back up again. Back to the house.
        4. Had a thought, might as well take the wheel barrow. Good idea. Shovel goes in wheelbarrow. Off I go.
        5. Halfway there, I'm thinking 'duh - you got the wheelbarrow... should be taking the saddle in that'. Good idea. Turn around, get saddle.
        6. Put saddle in truck, go to muck out. But where's my shovel? Right. Had to move it to fit the saddle, musta forgot to put it back in. Back to the house.
        :H You starting to get the idea???

        After all is said and done... Mr. Wonderful asks.. did you pick up my lighter I forgot in the truck. Very proud of myself: "Yup, honey, sure did!" It's sitting right with my ciggies and coffe.... out by the trailer. Back I go. I really don't need an exercise program, as long as I have a bird brain!

        Anywhoo... off I go! Happy Saturday, nestlings!
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          Newbies Nest

          No wonder you're skinny Sun, all de runnin around! good luck wit de horsies an stuff, had a good chat with youngest sprog and he's cleaning his room as we speak!
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Newbies Nest

            Hey everyone, I'm here finally!! Glad to see the Nest somewhat hopping!
            Had a busy and interesting nite last nite-go to my journal to check it out!

            At work today at my PT job. First time I've worked on a Saturday in many weeks and now I know why I didn't miss it (except for the $$)!! I don't think I can do this much longer. Gotta find something I can do from home AND make decent money doing it.

            Sunni- I LOVE your blonde moment!! Totally cracked me up and I felt like you were describing me at times!!

            Hey Molls-stuff gets left all over my house too-only problem is, it's me who's doing it!! Just doesn't seem fair that I can't blame someone else for the mess :H !! Glad to hear the young 'un is paying due pennace!!

            Someone asked the other nite what Wally World was. It's Walmart! Not sure how or why that nickname got attached but it's a reference I believe to Chevy Chase's Vacation movie. Could be wrong on that so if anyone out there is a trivia nut, please chime in!!

            OK, phones are ringing so gotta get back to work. I'll be lurking tho!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              Newbies Nest

              Ha Paps, just had my own blonde moment, went wandering round the site looking for your journal to read your post and when I came back I just realised you have a link to it on your post!! By the way, how do you do a link? You know when you want to put in the tool box link for newbies an stuff - how do you do that?
              Good on ya with the PT job, I'm so knackered by the end of the week I couldn't work for anything - just cleaning up this muck heap is bad enough - just made a cake tho and it looks brillo!! choc and lemon marble cake - I don't much eat cakes so don't feel guilty about making itl
              Hope you got over your night! I left a post in your journal
              Check in later, I reckon everyone else must be having exhilarating weekends and poor sad me doin nothin!!
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Newbies Nest

                Hi everyone!!!!

                Sunni - I laughed & laughed. Talk about my life. You were living it. Hope that you have a great time today.

                Molly - I know what you mean about the whole thing. Good for you for making a list and telling your son to clean up. Especially Good for you for noticing the Trigger!

                Prancy - I didn't know what wine gum was either. Thanks for asking. :H

                Talula, Mazzie - You are doing great! Actually everyone is.

                Eva - Please don't stop yourself from posting. You need to post. The good, the bad the ugly.

                I fell asleep last night at 7:00 pm and didn't wake up until 9:00 am. Wow - talk about catching up on lost sleep. I even missed out on the marshmallow roast last night and the brand new episode of 'I-Carly' on Nickelodean channel.
                We only have our Great Niece & Nephew for 2-1/2 more weeks then they are back home to Italy. Looks like they are going to be stationed in Mexico City starting in December.

                Ok - off to read Paps post. Thinking of you Pam. I have my 2nd counselor appointment today. Nervous. But, I think it might be the best thing for me.
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Newbies Nest

                  PS - HI MOLLY - Cross post. :H
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hey Nora, good luck with the appointment. I'm guessing it gets easier each time as you get more comfortable talking and you each get to know each other better. I would LOVE to talk to a counselor but I'm overwhelmed with the process of finding one. I guess I'll ask my MD at my followup appt in Sept. I don't think anything is horribly wrong but I HATE these really blue episodes I've been having. I get into a really foul mood esp at work and my colleague notices it (I don't think the staff does) and I would really like to know why I have never been in a long term relationship and if it's too late (if I want to that is). I've always felt that I was different and out of whack with the rest of the world. Anyway, hope it goes well for you!
                    Molls-yes good on you for noticing and recognizing the trigger. That is huge!! to post a link, just go to the thread you want and copy what is up on the URL field, then paste it in your post. It shows up as the title of the thread (or website if that's what you're pasting). Pretty cool!!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      Newbies Nest

                      didn't work
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Newbies Nest

                        oops sorry Paps, I copied and pasted but it just came up as the words, not as a link
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Newbies Nest

                          Paps - I had a counselor assigned to me. And I was so nervous about it. My insurance will only cover 4 visits at a time. If my counselor thinks I need more, she will put in for more. When I went in, I was ready to walk out if I didn't like her. I really was. But, thank goodness, we clicked. Even though I am still so nervous, I do think this will be good for me. I have been holding so many things in for so long that I think it is important for me to try to deal with them now.
                          I hope that you do try to find one. You have been having the 'truly blue' episodes too. :l It is not too late for a long term relationship, if that is what you want. It's funny that you say you feel out of whack with the rest of the world - that is me. I only have a couple of friends. I am very much a loner. I am a quiet, shy person. So, for me to do this was a MAJOR step. I hope that you will seriously consider it. I will keep you posted today. As the time gets closer, I am getting more & more nervous. Last week, I threw up before I went. :yukko: :H So, let's hope I can get past that this week.
                          Big hugs Pam. I am finding out that there is hope out there. I am still climbing out of my pit of despair. But, there is hope. :l
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Newbies Nest

                            Paps Link

                            Molly - Highlight the URL that you want to copy. Then Copy the URL. Then in your post type a Few Words that you are going to call the link example Paps Link. Then highlight what you typed Paps Link and click the little world with the paper clip icon next to it. When it comes up paste the URL that copied. Hit ok. Then finish your post.

                            Hope this helps.
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              Newbies Nest

                              Nora, I think it is fantastic you are going to counselling. Like Paps, I would love to talk to someone but the organising of it just seems overwhelming. I too am a loner, my only friends now are really the people I work with and my family and this may seem a bit silly but some of the folks on here, you lot!! I know we've never met but it feels like I know you, most of the time that's enough, but not always - do you know what I mean?
                              And yes Paps, I too know what you mean about bein out of whack with the world, I had put it down to booze first and then depression, but I think it may be just me. As regards a long term relationship without being flippant you know the saying 'be careful what you ask for.........', I have to say your life from a few thousand miles across the sea sounds very nice and peaceful?! However it certainly is not too late if that's what you want. A colleague of mine at work who has lived alone for the last 20 yrs (after an abusive marriage) has just met a truly lovely man and is so happy it is ridiculous - she is 10 years older than me and I'm quite envious of her!! She met him at a 'set-dancing' class.
                              Good luck anyway Nora,will be dying to hear how you get on
                              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                                Newbies Nest

                                mollyka;923506 wrote: I too am a loner, my only friends now are really the people I work with and my family and this may seem a bit silly but some of the folks on here, you lot!! I know we've never met but it feels like I know you, most of the time that's enough, but not always - do you know what I mean?
                                Molly - I agree with you 100%. You all mean so much to me. I do understand. :l
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

