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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    good morning fellow nestlings!!
    I actually turned in very early last nite-extremely tired. Didn't sleep well at all tho-tummy was upset because of all the CRAP I've been eating lately. Today is a new day, day one of my 2 day diary for the nutritionist. I think I'm finally ready to tackle the sugar addiction. Took me a while to get here.
    Neart-well done on your plan for after the finals!! You will be so proud of yourself when you wake up Thurs. morning to a clear head and the exquisite relief that finals are OVER!! You will deserve a treat for all that hard work so start thinking of what you can give yourself that is AF: mani/pedi, facial, one new piece of clothing, decadent chocolate? You'll be in Dublin: a small piece of china or a hand made shawl or sweater? A walk on the beach? I think it's important to keep a reward system in place so that our addicted mind sees that there are other things besides AL we can use as rewards. JMHO.
    Hard-congrats on day 9!! How lovely you can play chauffeur now!! You must have been secretly giggling!!
    Molls-hope you're feeling better today.
    Hey there Paguy, Mayday, HC!!
    Off to the vet in a bit and then I think it will be a cooking day even tho the heat returns. Found the biggest zuke yet in my garden!! Zucchini bread for everyone!!!
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      Newbies Nest

      My hardroad is getting a little smoother. Everyone else sounds so busy guess need to find more to do to keep on track. I am so used to kind of hiding in house so no one knows, except for the dreaded drunk dialing,. So have to find out away to start out slow, cause I still don't really want to leave house, even though I envy people that are outgoing and I wonder how they do it. Since my 13 year old died I feel everyone else kept going with life and mine came to a halt. The divorce didn't help and than ex's change of lifestyle. Which I could care less but they are so for drama it just seems they enjoy watching me being misserable. Iam not as unhappy as I sound I do have a good sence of humor but feel I can get it out here. Hope every one else has a great day before the new week starts! Day 10


        Newbies Nest

        Hello all - I haven't had a chance to catch up but will do that later. Just want to drop in and say hi.
        Wow, been a busy weekend so far. Had to go get my hair color fixed. :H Took the kids bowling and they had so much fun. Then out to lunch. Then to a store ($5.00 toy only). Fun time yesterday. Now, we've got to plan today.
        I'll be back to catch up but wanted to say hi.
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning all,
          Aargh feel yuk this morning (not sick) just need to concentrate today on drinking lots of water, and take L Glut, forgot to take it the last 2 days and both nights really felt like drinking!
          Also the thought of going back to work (have had time off) and can feel the whole anxiety thing thinking there will have to be some changes there, as the stress is a powerful trigger for me to drink!
          Nora glad the hair colour got fixed!
          Have a great day all
          30 day Challenge...started 16.08.2010


            Newbies Nest

            HI Nora, Paps, Hardroad, Mayday, fraid I've been a bit anti-social the last few days, just feeling a bit cheesed off - nothing specific just:blah: Going to bed now (9PM) read my book and hopefully wake up full of beans tomorrow - so sorry I've been moany.
            Neart:goodluck: with the exams - you'll be brillo!
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Newbies Nest

              Morning Nesters

              Molly, you're just going to bed and I'm getting up to start my Monday. Hope you're feeling much better when you wake up. The blahs are so blah. Nora so glad you're hair is fixed and without having to shave it all off. I ended up with orange hair once. i was 8.5 mths pregnant and wanted short nice hair so I wouldn't have to worry about it for a while. So the new hairdresser I went to cut it so short it just stuck up all over my head and the orange as well. I am a burnette so it was brutal. I looked like a punk!!!

              Mayday good job on staying sober. I find the L-Glut works well for me too. (When I remember it). Job stress doesn't sound good - any chance of making it work better for you or maybe a change is in order. We spend so much time at work we need to be happy.

              Hip good going with knitting. For some reason I pictured you finding a new sport or something energetic. But knitting is good You've got something to show for it when you've finished.

              Paguy - Top job - nearly 4 weeks. That's great. Keep that going.

              Neart - all the best for your Xams. And so wise to return home straight away. You can have your own celebrations al free.

              PapM zucini bread sounds pretty good. Never had any before. Am interested to know how the sugar free goes for you. I am being very bad at present with that. Something else to work on I suppose.

              Hardroad - sending you lots of hugs today. No need to rush into anything, just take baby steps and do things as you feel ready. From what I have gathered there are lots of introverted, shy type people here - I think we are maybe more prone to the drinking at home alone syndrome.

              Coco - where are you? Come out come out whereever you are.

              Hello to everyone I have missed here.

              I have had a lovely weekend with my daughter. I think she has begun to appreciate us and has been missing us for a while even though she has always been very independant.
              When she was little her mantra was 'I can do it mineself'.

              Have started my week hol and I plan to do lot of culling all the 'stuff' in this house. Hopefully I will stick at it and get it done in between MWO
              Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                Newbies Nest

                Morning all.

                Hardroad, neart, paguy and mayday - it is so nice to have newbies that are so committed to getting and staying sober like you all sound you are. Well done all of you, it's not easy but you are putting in the hard work and it seems to be paying off. Good on you all. Keep at it, it does get easier. xx

                Maz - maybe I could knit while abseiling or rock climbing......:H

                Have had a blah weekend thanks to my lovely teenager. Had a knock at the door Saturday, two old people telling me my son had been seen graffiting their fence the night before. I thought he had learnt from the last time but obviously not. I was so disappointed as he had only been allowed out Friday night after his grounding from the first time. He has let me down big time. I am still trying to decide what to do next. I think I need to understand the gang mentality of graffiti crews as it isnt about art. He has enough outlets at home to do art. I really felt llike a drink yesterday! Was so close to ordering a wine at the pub but thought I would not give him that power to take away MY sobriety.

                Oh bloody kids!:damn:

                Gotta run. Will talk more later. Have a good day.
                I finally got it!
                "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                  Newbies Nest

                  I am so sorry. Proud of you for hanging strong. I haven't been. My son didn't come home until almost 3:00 this afternoon. I had gone online finding the numbers he had been calling last night and had started calling them. He is fine but I just really am back down again. Sending you lots of strength Hippie.
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    Newbies Nest

                    HIPPIE, My youngest son told me he was staying at friends house and friend said he was staying here altogether 5 kids pulled this over on us parents, till the police called and asked us to pick him up at 3 in the morning at cop shop. First time he has been caught at any thing now makes me wonder what else I missed. His older brother thought it was so funny and was ready to tell me all the things he did at that age, had to tell him he's 21 and still alive and I didn't know then and I really don't want to know now. I think kids do drive you to drink, you worry so much about them you sometimes need that way out.... well not as far out as I went. Guess I should try to sleep for the week ahead. Busy at work and home but nothing fun, school signup for a public school it sure cost a lot, and always have hardtime getting dad to pay half. We'll see this year. G-night


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Monday all!!!

                      I think I really must be in a mood this morning because even stopping to get gas this morning ticked me off. Something to do with being in a hurry and how long it seems to take -- I mean is it really necessary for the gas pump to ask so many questions?

                      Pay here or inside? (Well, I've already put my card in - it would appear I'm paying here.)

                      Do you want a car wash? (Random. Do I want a tonsilectomy? A new hair color? Seriously - I don't have time for any of those things. Don't ask.)

                      Do you want a receipt? (OK - I guess that's reasonable.)

                      What's your zip code? (Really? Does it bloody matter? If I put in the code for a good neighborhood will I be charged more per gallon?)

                      And $45 and the tank isn't even full. Aaargh...!!!

                      (Sorry for the rant!)

                      I did so well all last week and then so badly all weekend. I'm probably just mad at myself and taking it out on a defenseless gas station.

                      Hey ho - onward and upward!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Do you want a car wash? (Random. Do I want a tonsilectomy? A new hair color? Seriously - I don't have time for any of those things. Don't ask.)
                        I should have known not to get my hair colored there!!!!!!

                        Seriously though....sorry Coco. And, I'm right there with you. Feel like crap today.
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Newbies Nest

                          Happy Tuesday morning Nesters!!!!

                          Wanted to drop in the nest to say hello & had a hard time finding it! Figured I'd better bump it up for you:H

                          I've been on my journey nearly a year & a half now. Life is definitely better with a clear head, regardless of what it throws in your path!!! I continue to learn & grow a little more each day. Commiting myself to an AF life was the best decision for me, no regrets whatsoever

                          Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!!!!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks for the BUMP - and nice to see you!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Coco-Nut;929949 wrote: Good Monday all!!!

                              What's your zip code?
                              (Really? Does it bloody matter? If I put in the code for a good neighborhood will I be charged more per gallon?)
                              My neighborhood gas station has the same feature. The reason is that the credit cards being used (at least in my area) are frequently stolen. If you punch in the wrong code, the screen prompts the user to go inside and see the clerk, so they can verify that you are who you're saying you are. Or, make note of the license plate number of the person speeding out of the parking lot, I suppose.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Well, I'm back from vacation. It was the most active one fact, I'm still recovering! In addition to the strenuous and lengthy bike rides, paddling adventures and hiking, I had to defend poor Mrs. Fennel from the usual onslaught of attacks from various arachnids, insects, and small mammals.

                                A chipmunk actually broke into our back porch while we were eating breakfast one morning. Mrs. Fennel began whimpering and protesting- I swear, it was only a grade one cry for help, the sort that usually indicates a daddy-long legs or silver-fish attack. When I looked over at her, she had her feet drawn up, and was gesturing frantically at the chippy. I carefully herded him back out and had to listen to Mrs. Fennel's description of his foam-flecked fangs and talon-like claws for the next two days. :H

                                I also had to do a perimeter check in the wee hours when a raccoon tried to get in the same back porch. Then, there was the dead mouse sprawled in the doorway of the back bedroom, which fortunately, she never even saw. I disposed of the poor thing before she got out of bed.

                                Anyway, it's nice to be back!

