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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Lavande;930712 wrote: Happy Tuesday morning Nesters!!!!

    Wanted to drop in the nest to say hello & had a hard time finding it! Figured I'd better bump it up for you:H

    I've been on my journey nearly a year & a half now. Life is definitely better with a clear head, regardless of what it throws in your path!!! I continue to learn & grow a little more each day. Commiting myself to an AF life was the best decision for me, no regrets whatsoever

    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!!!!

    It's great to see you, Lav...congrats on your year and a half!


      Newbies Nest

      Fennel - my dear friend!! I've been missing my daily camping updates. :H:H
      You need to tell everyone about the marvelous 30 MILE bike ride you went on. verheated:

      Take care everyone.
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        Newbies Nest

        NoraC;930817 wrote: Fennel - my dear friend!! I've been missing my daily camping updates. :H:H
        You need to tell everyone about the marvelous 30 MILE bike ride you went on. verheated:

        Take care everyone.
        OOOFF!! I'd mentally blocked that trip, it was so traumatic. :H I wish they made tractor style seats for bikes...with lots of gel!

        Is your hair back to normal now?


          Newbies Nest

          I'm now cinamon brown. :H I'm getting lots of compliments. Guess anything is better than the orange. :H:H
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning all, just a quick swoop into the nest and out again... would like to hear about that 30 mile bike ride???

            Hope all have a great day
            30 day Challenge...started 16.08.2010


              Newbies Nest


              Yes - bring on the bike ride! (I told about my horrendous experience at the gas station; now it's your turn.)


                Newbies Nest

                Welcome back Fennel - yep lets hear bout the bike ride!! Sounds like an eventful holiday!
                Hi everyone else, I've spent most of the evening on skype with my daughter, she's doing great in Canada and loves it. She has just got a job in a music school teaching and she is over the moon. My youngest is missing her badly tho - I can't help thinking he has a big worry, but I can't get thro to him, maybe nothing but he is very out of sorts. I think I just need something to worry about!
                I do know that a few months ago I would have just 'self-medicated' and forgotten all about a troubled youngster upstairs. Anyway - finished moaning, am off tomorrow morning so will check in and read back.
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Newbies Nest

                  Yes, the bike ride... Well, Mrs. Fennel and I each have our "favorite" things to do in the out-of-doors. Mine happens to be hiking and paddling, while Mrs. Fennel prefers biking. We make concessions for each other- I go on a thirteen and a half mile bike trip with Mrs. Fennel around the lake near our house each weekend, and she submits to strenuous hikes in the state forests in our area.

                  Mrs. Fennel discovered that there was a bike path in our region, starting in Traverse city and going up to Sutton's Bay, fifteen miles between the two towns. We have many of these bike paths in my state. Old rail road routes that have been converted to bike paths. Most of ours are paved or very smooth, limestone gravel covered paths. Well, Mrs. Fennel neglected to mention to me that this guide she was reading indicated that this particular path was for mountain bikes! She claims she thought the writers were just wimps.

                  The first two or three miles were brilliant...nice, black-topped path, going through woods and then farmland. Then, the pavement went away. Not only did the pavement go away, the bike path became two graveled (and rocked) ruts. The path became very washboard-like and often had deep pockets of sand (sand dune lake michigan region) which threatened to fish-tail one off of the path. At some points, I was certain my teeth were going to rattle out of my head, that's how awful the path was!

                  The scenery was fantastic, however, and we soldiered on, convinced that things would improve sooner or later. Well, they did, after about twelve miles of this hell. Then, smooth sailing on a paved bike path for two or three miles into Sutton's Bay. We crawled off our bikes and had lunch at a park at the harbor, then began the trip back. Of course, as it was extremely windy that day (perfect biking weather), a tree had fallen across the path at some point, and we had to portage our bikes around that.

                  By the end of the trip, my shoulder and neck muscles were screaming, as I had a death grip on the handle-bars to avert disaster on the rough path. I actually pulled a muscle when I rode into a patch of sand. When we got back to the Fennel-mobile, I took three ibuprofens and had a lie-down in the back for fifteen minutes or so. :zonedout:

                  Then, Mrs. Fennel told me that we were supposed to have mountain bikes, LOL! Anyway, I lived to tell the tale, but I'm not taking that trail again without dune-buggy tires on my bike!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Welcome back Fennel!! I've missed ya!! Glad you had a nice vaca (except for the nightmare bike ride!!). Hope all is well with Bob? Who took care of her while you were gone?
                    Hi Molls!! I do hope you can get to the bottom of what ails your son. It must be so hard raising teens!! So glad your daughter is doing well and being successful in Canada. That must make your mummy heart feel grand!!
                    Hello everyone else!! Hope all is well. I feel like I am very behind on posts the past couple of days. Probably all in my mind!!

                    Had my appt with the nutritionist this morning and it went very well. She only expects me to lose 3 lbs in the next 6 weeks!! Piece of banana!! Can't say cake as I have to watch my carbs now. She told me as far as she is concerned I do NOT have diabetes. I'm definitely prediabetic but we can deal with that. As far as the kidney thing goes, she was very familiar with DaVita and highly recommends the site to her dialysis patients. As for me, no need for a kidney diet hopefully forever. Only stage 4 and mostly stage 5 patients need to go to that extreme. WHEW!!!!! All I have to do is watch my carbs and my sodium, exercise and stop eating by 8 and I am good to go!! I expect you guys to help keep me on task. I hope dealing with this sugar addiction won't be as hard as dealing with AL addiction but I'm sure I'll need some support.

                    OK, time to turn in. New plan-up at 5am, walk at least one dog, put meals together for the day and GET TO WORK ON TIME!!!!

                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi all!

                      This site was recommended to me by a dear friend and I'm glad to be a part of it. I have a long, involved and murky drinking history (which I won't share right here) but it's great to have company on the road back to self respect and sanity.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Tipsytopsy and welcome

                        The nest seems to be a tad quiet this week but stick around. We'd all enjoy getting to know you.

                        Yes, self respect and sanity - count me in.
                        Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                          Newbies Nest

                          Welcome back to you Fen. Missed you. Hope you had time for a lot of rest and relaxation as well as the hectic stuff on the agenda.
                          Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                            Newbies Nest

                            Mornin and welcome Tiptop:welcome: Indeed we all have VERY murky drinking pasts (well I have anyhow!) so you're in company of friends and yes self respect is probably one of the best by-products I found being sober. From bein a guilt ridden booze obsessed alkie I am actually now a bit up myself:H:H:H Try the Tool Box (still can't do the link lads!) in the Monthly Abstainers thread, it has some great tips for the tricky times, the 'urge surf' is the one I used most at the beginning.

                            Fennel, I'd say you had one sore backside for a while! We used to cycle a lot when we were young and dry! Cycled round Brittany and Normandy in France one summer and it was magical - I would love to be that fit again, have just bought an exercise bike to try and get 'back in the saddle' so to speak!

                            Paps, I am delighted with your health results - sounds like you just have to do normal sort of healthy things, we'll bully you if you want?
                            Goodday to everyone else, Neart you must be finishing your exams today so hope everything went well and also that you stick to your plan to go home tonight? Let us know how it all went.
                            Hey Nora, Mayday, Coco and Lav, lovely to see you!
                            Nora my hub for some bizarre reason thinks I would be 'dead sexy' if I just went gray/white, I had pitch black hair as a girl and went gray at about 18 and colouring ever since, am debating letting it go - not sure - cinnamon brown sounds quite nice actually.
                            Will check in again later
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thank you

                              Mazzie;931520 wrote: Hi Tipsytopsy and welcome

                              The nest seems to be a tad quiet this week but stick around. We'd all enjoy getting to know you.

                              Yes, self respect and sanity - count me in.
                              I think this site will help me a lot. A problem shared and all of that...I do go to AA but sometimes find (as someone back on the bottom rung of the ladder) some of the members a bit judgmental. I consider myself a work in progress and am quite ok admitting its been a rocky road at times. Onwards and upwards!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi all,
                                Thank you Fennel for the great story...
                                I have very skinny tires on my new bike, so that conjures up all sorts of horrible images
                                Hi to Tipsytopsy...another fellow kiwi I too am am at the bottom rung of the ladder so no judgement away overseas now but hoping I will still be able to access internet..don't really know, but either way we can cover these rocky roads together, all the best x
                                30 day Challenge...started 16.08.2010

