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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hey Neart - again congrats on 30 days:goodjob: I am heading to bed so just a quickroud:
    Hi Lav, great to see you around - reckon this place needs livening up:band2:
    See you all tomorrow I hope
    Night night
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Newbies Nest

      Morning all.

      Hi IWantToChange and welcome. Sounds like you are in the right place. Do as Lavande suggests - get the book, CD's and the supplements. It all helps you with your new life. And visit us here often. We have been where you are and understand. No judgement here just help and support. Well done for finally admitting you need help. It takes alot to do that. Looking forward to getting to know you.

      The further I go in this journey, the more I see how I used alcohol to do just about everything. The antidepressants I have been put on make me feel sick so the doctor doesnt want to increase the dose until I adjust. But I need the dosage increased as I am not getting any benefits as yet. The psych the doctor referred me to has disappeared off the planet and I left a message for the doctor to find me another on Monday and I still havent heard from her. Every direction I turn, I find obstacles in my way so I am doing what I have always done - isolating myself, although this time there is no alcohol to keep me company. The more I isolate, the more I think about drinking..... It is a vicious circle and I am getting fed up with fighting. I need a break!

      Dont worry, I am not thinking of picking up, just getting frustrated that I am not making more progress.

      Have a good day everyone.

      I finally got it!
      "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


        Newbies Nest

        It takes a few weeks for anti-depresants to work so if you are having problems ask for something to take the edge off till the other starts to work , thats what I did after my son died and again when had a bit of break down at Christmas. And did not tell my Dr. yet about my alcohol problem, but got back on that when I decided to end the drinking roller coaster.I can't remember who said they are doing better with there kids since they stopped drinking,because they can remember what they said the night before, made me LOL because I always promise things or they tell me something and the next day pretend I know what they are talking about. Usually not even remembering even talking to them. Not good but good to hear other people go through this.

        And to want a change,I happened to stop before I had a crash but sure that would of been next for me.
        I was not ready to show up toAA in this little town and with the support of this site and some meds I seem to be holding my own for now.


          Newbies Nest

          Congrats on thirty days, neart! :greatjob2:


            Newbies Nest

            hardroad;933170 wrote: It takes a few weeks for anti-depresants to work so if you are having problems ask for something to take the edge off till the other starts to work , thats what I did after my son died and again when had a bit of break down at Christmas. And did not tell my Dr. yet about my alcohol problem, but got back on that when I decided to end the drinking roller coaster.I can't remember who said they are doing better with there kids since they stopped drinking,because they can remember what they said the night before, made me LOL because I always promise things or they tell me something and the next day pretend I know what they are talking about. Usually not even remembering even talking to them. Not good but good to hear other people go through this.

            And to want a change,I happened to stop before I had a crash but sure that would of been next for me.
            I was not ready to show up toAA in this little town and with the support of this site and some meds I seem to be holding my own for now.
            I'm glad you're hanging in there, hardroad...sounds like you've been through quite a bit. :l


              Newbies Nest

              Morning all! Just reading back here this morn and Iwanttochange, I'm sorry I missed you. Welcome and I'm sorry you had a prang in your car - whenever possible turn things into a positive - this could be your 'lightbulb' moment re. drinking? If it is it'll be the best $2000 ever spent!
              Hardroad, you sure have a lot on your plate and well done for tackling the booze, it does make things worse. Definitely my kids are aware that things are better around here - they don't talk about it, but the adult kids are visiting far more often - my 2nd son who sort of divorced himself from the family (in a nice sort of way - he's very independent!) now calls in for his dinner and a chat bout 3-4 times a week - I haven't seen this much of him since he was about 14!!
              Hips, sorry you're still not feeling great - have had a touch of the blues and sort of - unsettled - the last few days, am going to doc later on this morn so will have a chat with him, I also am not that happy with the ADs I'm on - I have to take them in the morning - don't know why - and they make me dopey then and then at night I'm still not sleeping:crap:
              Hey to everyone else - will check in later it is my day off
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Newbies Nest

                Morning everyone.........

                I'll try to catch up with you all soon. I am so behind on everyone.

                When I very first started Anti-depressants, I had to change them to get the ones that worked for me. If these aren't working for you, ask for something else. I'm sorry to hear about your therapist Hippie. I hope you can get that all sorted out.

                Have a great day everyone. Catch you all later.

                Fennel - Diet Coke & bagel for me please
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Newbies Nest

                  Coming right up, Nora!

                  Good morning/afternoon/evening, nestlings!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi guys! Hope your day's going well?
                    Thanks Fennel, appreciate it
                    Molly, hope it goes well with the doc x
                    Hippie, sorry you're having a tough time. The way I (try) to look at these things is - maybe that therapist wasn't the right person to help you, and you may end up getting a much more professional person (who won't disappear!) and who is better suited to you. I know from experience that it is crucial you trust the person - waste of time and money otherwise. So perhaps the right therapist is working their way towards you as we speak, it's just not clear yet :l
                    Hardroad, you have had such a rough time - you are great to take this step and to I am full of admiration.
                    Nora, pap, mazzie, coco, iwanttochange, mayday and everyone else i'm forgetting - happy Friday
                    AF since 13th July 2010
                    NF since 5th July 2010


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hey again all! Just had a mega bbq with hubs and 2 sons. It was really lovely and I'm so stuffed I can't hardly breathe. Doc went fine - he's delighted with me and kept remarking on how much weight I'd lost, I was chuffed. He has changed my ADs to a slightly higher dose and to take them at night and he thinks I should sleep better, really really hope that works.
                      Hubs is heading off down to Kerry next week on his motorbike and I got this sort of flash thought 'oh I could drink and noone would know' - the thought was gone as quickly as I had it but THAT IS REALLY SCARY! What sort of control does alcohol have over us?
                      Have a nice evening all
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Newbies Nest

                        Molls...I am so happy for you sweetie!!
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          Newbies Nest

                          Oh Molly, that's brilliant!! So happy for you :l That kind of thing makes it all worth it, doesn't it!
                          The brain patterns we develop are cracked, aren't they? For ages after I quit smoking, every time my folks left the house to go to town or the shops, I would automatically start to go outside for a cigarette, or even just get that restless feeling, waiting for them to leave, even though I no longer smoked!! Silly brain took a few years to catch up on the new reality
                          AF since 13th July 2010
                          NF since 5th July 2010


                            Newbies Nest

                            I also think about having my drink night when both kids gone the other hard one is Fri. after work I always think I blend in at the store on Fri. cause everyone gets ready for get togethers. Which means I can buy more and they just think it's a party. But now just never shop on Fri. night. It is such a struggle everyday have to be one step ahead of myself!!! Everyone have a Great AF Fri. !


                              Newbies Nest

                              Helloooooo Nestlings!!!!

                              Miss me?
                              How's everyone? From a quick look around it seems that you all are hanging in there and doing well! Awesome!

                              I'll make this short - I might get into some of the holiday stuff in another thread. It was a trip with very mixed emotions. It was wonderful to see my dad; I almost had a heart attack when I found a bunch of empty booze/beer bottles in the garage but as it turned out, my dad is ok. My mom, on the other hand, is not. And to be honest, this may have been the last time I saw her. It was very difficult to see her in such a devastating state. Hence, there was no sight seeing, really, and we did a lot of work around their place, as my dad is basically a 24 hr/day care taker and my mom is not able to do anything.

                              The trip back involved getting out the door by 4:30 am, 2 missed connections, 1 cancelled flight, and 3 flights leaving late. 18.5 hours door-to-door. I think we were semi-comatose by the time we pulled into the drive way :H

                              So, that's it in a nut shell. Tomorrow, baby peanut is coming to visit, plus we have Mr. Wonderful's ex step daughter here (yeah, may seem weird, but she's a lovely girl) - so there's commotion, as always

                              Have a safe, happy, and sober night, birdlings!
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Great to have you back Sunni - glad to know you found Tigger as well:H That sounds like a very frought holiday for you, so sorry to hear your Mum is so unwell - it's very hard isn't it. My mums illness was the catalyst to my mad drinking so I know how bad you must be feeling. On the positive side, your Dad didn't fall into that pile of bottles thankfully so he is strong for her.
                                Anyways as I say, good to see you - catch up on some rest if you get the chance.
                                Morning everyone else - lets not have the 'disappearing' people this weekend, I feel positively lonely around here at the weekends 'Billynomates' that's me:upset:
                                Mornin Neart, Mama, Hardroad - I actually went across the border to stock up on my booze one time and the checkout girl was asking me about the 'party' I would be having with all the drink and I had to make one up:H:H:H
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

