Morning everyone - it's a beautiful, sunny, sober, Saturday!! Oh, I do love alliteration

It was so, so good to wake up this morning and realise that this is my 5th hangover-free Saturday in a row - probably for the first time since I started drinking, to be honest. I am starting to get used to not feeling hungover, so I think I need to write down somewhere how awful I used to feel, to remind me every now and again when I need it.
Oh Sunni, that was a tough are you doing? It must have been physically and emotionally exhausting. My Dad nearly died last year, he was in hospital for months, and it was so hard to see him so weak and helpless. And my mother was running on empty for about the two years he was sick. Sometimes I didn't know which one of them I was more worried about. Take care of yourself xx
Morning Molly, Hardroad, Mama, Fennel (any bike rides planned?!), Nora, Hippie
