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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning everyone - it's a beautiful, sunny, sober, Saturday!! Oh, I do love alliteration
    It was so, so good to wake up this morning and realise that this is my 5th hangover-free Saturday in a row - probably for the first time since I started drinking, to be honest. I am starting to get used to not feeling hungover, so I think I need to write down somewhere how awful I used to feel, to remind me every now and again when I need it.
    Oh Sunni, that was a tough are you doing? It must have been physically and emotionally exhausting. My Dad nearly died last year, he was in hospital for months, and it was so hard to see him so weak and helpless. And my mother was running on empty for about the two years he was sick. Sometimes I didn't know which one of them I was more worried about. Take care of yourself xx
    Morning Molly, Hardroad, Mama, Fennel (any bike rides planned?!), Nora, Hippie
    AF since 13th July 2010
    NF since 5th July 2010


      Newbies Nest

      Morning Nestlings! Quick hello to let you all know I'm still alive, here and sober. Molls, I should have plenty of time this weekend to be your Mate!!Off to my PT job today - of course it's a gorgeous day and I have to be in a windowless office for 8 hours!!
      Already took LM (loud mouth for the newbies, AKA Guinness) for a walk this morning. Looks like the only way I'm going to get the exercise I need to beat this pre diabetes thing is to take the boyz for walks in the morning and nite one by one, alternating each walk. I just can't handle the barking and charging at other dogs when they are all together. They are fine one on one with me. Pack mentality---jeesh.
      See you all later today!!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Moll. I'm here.... I'll be your friend...I'll come play with you....

        Neart - I love waking up without a hangover. I didnt realise how bad I felt on a daily basis until I had given up for a few weeks. I love going to the gym and sweating out water, not wine (sorry about that thought guys!:H).

        Talking about the gym. When I was there this morning a woman had her weigh and measure and made the comment she was surprised she had lost weight after drinking two bottles of red wine last night. Another woman was amazed how much this woman had consumed because she didnt have a hangover or feel sick or have a headache. Then this second woman CONGRATULATED her for being able to drink so much commenting that she wished she could drink that much!! I couldnt believe what they were saying. It was like this woman could do something really great because she can drink heaps. It was crazy. I was always ashamed about how much I drank!

        Hardroad - sometimes it does get hard to make sure you are organised enough to know how to deal with things that come up like Friday night shopping, cravings etc. It all takes time, but you are doing so well. Even now after giving up in January (with a few drinks on holiday in June as an experiment to see if I could/wanted to moderate), I sometimes get abit worried if something comes up that I am not expecting or prepared for (which involves being around people drinking ).

        Hi Sunny - nice to have you back. Sorry to hear about your mum. It must have been hard for you to leave them and then have to deal with such a horrendous trip home. Hopefully the little peanut will take your mind off things.

        Hi Mama - havent seen you for a while.

        Hello everyone else, Nora, Fen, Coco, Pap and all who follow. Getting thru another Saturday evening with my husband "enjoying" a few scotches. Oh well at least I have my KitKat family block to eat!

        Take care

        I finally got it!
        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


          Newbies Nest

          Hey Hipster!! That story about the gym this morning is unbelievable!! I used to go to 2 different liquor stores for my wine, alternating days so that the clerks wouldn't figure out how much I was drinking. I always had an answer in my head if anyone commented: "Oh, I'm just picking up a bottle for my BF/Husband". Ok, I don't have a BF or anything else and the clerks could have cared less-I was a paying customer-the more I drank the better. So I too am floored that those 2 women thought drinking 2 bottles in one night and not having a hangover was a huge accomplishment!! It will catch up to her that's for sure!!

          Hi Sunni!! So good to see you back! i'm so sorry about your mom but relieved to hear that all those empties didn't mean your poor dad had slipped back into AL. Together you will get through this very hard time.
          So glad the peanut will be able to take your mind off things for a bit.
          Thinking of you lots!!

          OK Nora, Fenn, anyone else: Wakies Wakies!!!! I want my Diet Coke!!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            Newbies Nest

            Wow , If the gym ladies heard me say what I could drink they would be floored. Or maybe impressed!!!
            I also was swicthing stores and learning when differnt clerks were at the one most went to.I haven't seen my drinking friend and in general BF, okay the only real friend I have in town, for almost four weeks and she didn't know what I was doing because we would never addmit our drinking was out of control. Any way very scared I would drink but told her and then had a few diet rootbeer, I think the named helped and also just a differt flavor then cola's. All in all I made through that one . My out of town friend was passing through this AM and she knew but when I told her how much her jaw hit the floor. So glad


              Newbies Nest

              Hiya folks, glad to see quite a few round here for a Saturday! Just had my first sober birthday in I have no idea how many years! I feel loved and cared for and very good. And just had a little bit of icing on the cake - a friend of mine sort of dumped me when I quit drinking, she doesn't actually drink an awful lot but it always seems very important to her. Anyway I've been very hurt cos we were good pals. Anyway got a 'happy birthday' text from her a little while ago and I texted back that we should meet up and she said she would love to. I was delighted. So a lovely day and am going to bed shortly. Hope everyone is doing well?
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Newbies Nest

                Hi everyone

                Just a quick hello as we're off to the beach on this georgeious Sunday. Molly, my birthday was on Friday and the first one sober in quite a while. I also had a lovely time this week catching up with some friends whom had seemed to go by the wayside. Its time to heal and participate in life again!!!

                Hello to all, sorry I haven't time to go back and reply to you all. Congrats to all of you for being on here.

                Talk some more soon

                Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                  Newbies Nest

                  Ah Mazzie, sorry I missed your birthday:bday7::day4::upset::bday3: - just a bit late!! Sober is great, and the funny thing is I didn't feel the slightest bit deprived or anything - couldn't have imagined drinking just cos it was a birthday. Just noticed you are 3 months today:wd: we have similar 'dry dates' - we're comin on well girl! Building bridges is good isn't it, it's like the next phase in this battle, I know Hipster has talked about this sort of moving on phase - I reckon its not really recognised enough, it took me by surprise, did it you?
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Newbies Nest

                    Happy Birthday Mazzie!!!!!! Can't Believe I missed it!!! :bday7::bday7::day4::bday3:

                    I hope that you had a wonderful day............
                    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                    AF - 7-27-15


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thanks for the birthday wishes. Kept it pretty quiet just being a 29th an all :H

                      I was so remiss Molly in not wishing YOU a HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOO. we've done well - another year older but still just as good eh??? (or holefully even better sober)

                      Hip I am/was also very ashamed about the amount I drank - would never tell anybody no way. Certainly nothin to be proud of thats for sure. Can't belive those people at the gym.
                      I'm impressed you go the gym. Good on you. I think I'm too lazy although I am thinking about getting a treadmill for at home.

                      Molly, What took me by surprise was that I thought by not drinking all my 'issues' and whatever was wrong with me/in my world would be solved. That is not the case and everything is still there and waiting to be dealt with sober. Is and has been difficult to say the least. Although I must say I do have a better attitude about things AND I am finding that when I'm with people now I can actually talk to them and have something to say. I am still very quiet person and will always be that way and thats OK but I am finding that I am actually becomng interested in others again.

                      NoraC thanks for the b'day wishes. I did have a nice day. Hope you are ding OK too.

                      Neart and Hardroad it sounds like yous are doing so well. Good on you and keep it up. It is worth so it.

                      Suns so good to see you back. Have a big chunk of me time if you can, you need it.

                      Hope you all have a lovely Sunday

                      Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                        Newbies Nest

                        Evening - end of the weekend!

                        "What took me by surprise was that I thought by not drinking all my 'issues' and whatever was wrong with me/in my world would be solved. That is not the case and everything is still there and waiting to be dealt with sober. Is and has been difficult to say the least"

                        Mazzie what you said above is exactly how I feel. And the reason I am having so much trouble lately adjusting to not drinking. I even thought yesterday that by having a drink I would feel better. What is the point in not drinking and feeling like shit anyway.... I know this is just the booze brain talking and I can dis-associate myself from it now. But there is a tiny bit of me that still wonders.......
                        Glad you had a good birthday and a belated happy birthday. :bday2::bday3:

                        Neart so pleased to hear you have told your friend. Hopefully she will give you some support.

                        You too Molly. I know you have been upset by the cooling of your friendship, so that is great news that you are going to meet up.

                        Hope everyone is having a sober Sunday. Has anyone heard from KatieB, Runningwind, Dancingon, Tranq? I hope they are all doing so well that they dont need us anymore.

                        See you tomorrow.

                        I finally got it!
                        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                          Newbies Nest

                          Maybe I am making it sound to easy. But the thought of going to just buy a drink or (a bottle) is in my brain as much as I think about what I might eat three meals from now. As I write this I am even thinking I am going to the store today why not? So hasn't been all sunshine, but just am better than I thought. Yesterday my son woke me up real early about something stupid and I had stayed up to late night before. So ended up doing yard work and ended up bit everywhere by bugs. I was puffin up infront of my eyes so I took allergy med and tried to sleep, kids were watching tv and being loud and I was crabby at them and the first thing my youngest said is were you drinking or something. That made me want to drink in my mind cause he already thought it why am I working so hard at it and he thinks it anyway! But am glad to say I didn't, but would you belive my oldest woke me up today too, not as early though. But used to love to drink my Sunday"s away. So guess this is part of the struggle thats why it is so helpful to hear your stories and sometimes laugh at how we think alike on our buy booze ideas or just the goofy things we did thinking no one else knew outside our homes. Well heres to another day, GOOD LUCK to all and thanks for your hope and the stories.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello everyone! Sorry have been MIA today - actually just out sunning myself in the garden with my son and my chickens - still excited about them! Its a gorgeous day here today.
                            When I started out Hardroad, I was very conscious of family sort of lookin at me to see if I had been drinking ( they said since, they didn't but I'm sure they did!) and like you I used to think what's the point if I'm going to be under suspicion anyway!! Happily that's over.
                            Mazzie, Hippy,Nora, hope you had/are having a nice day. Yes it's sad when old familiar names sort of disappear, but like you say maybe they have moved on to lovely easy sober living?
                            Will check in later, goin to cook roast pork and apples with lovely Irish cabbage and new spuds, am salivating just thinkin about it!!
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Newbies Nest

                              The nest was almost down the bottom of the page......... Where is everyone?
                              I finally got it!
                              "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                                Newbies Nest

                                I'm here HC!! I think Sundays are usually just busy busy esp if the weather is nice. Plus I notice lots of new threads which bumps us down.
                                I was going to play hookey today-overslept due to a very upset tummy last nite. Way to much food at my doggie get together yesterday!! Totally went off the low carb plan!! 2 of my dogs got sick last nite too so I'm not sure what's going on, but as luck would have it, my 2 bosses are out today on vaca so I have to go in. :upset: I'll be going in late tho!!

                                Hope everyone has a fabulous day. I'll check in tonite.
                                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                                KO the Beast!!

