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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I'm here too.....

    Pap - Hope that you feel so much better. :

    Hippy - Have you been looking for another counselor? It is worth it to find someone that you can connect with. :l

    Molly - sounds like you had a wonderful day.

    Hardroad - Good job! Sorry that you got eaten up by bugs but congrats on staying strong.

    Fennel - I'm ready for breakfast please!

    Hello to everyone and I must get ready for work. Kiddos leave in 2 days. Got a ton of stuff to do to get them ready to go home. I have also joined Techie's 30 day Clean & Sober challenge. So - this will be my push in the right direction I hope.

    Catch you all later........................
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Newbies Nest

      Evenin All! hey Paps Nora Hips - only the usual suspects around today?! Was working out in the country again today, it's only bout 8 miles from my house but it is like another world! I live on the outskirts of a fairly big town (bout 10,000 people I think) and the village I was working in today prob about 400 people and they all know eachother and distrust outsiders like me!! Anyway I'm stuck out there for the rest of the week so I'll have to put up with it!
      Hope tummy's better now Paps
      C u all tomorrow
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Newbies Nest

        Hi, my name is shezam (not really). I've been checking this site out for a few days and been reading about other people's issues and problems overcoming their issues and problems. We all have a story. Mine is very different, but yet the same. I drink too much. I know I do. Won't admit it to anyone but all you (seemingly) loving people out there! I know it's time to face this demon. I don't want it to kill me. I have two beautiful daughters. I want to be around to see them through college, boyfriends, their weddings and children. That's not going to happen if I don't curb my drinking. Any first step help would be appreciated.


          Newbies Nest

          Shezam, you've just taken a very big first step coming here. You are very welcome. At one stage of my drinking 'career' I remember being quite accepting of the fact that I would not be around long enough to see my daughter getting married - she was maybe 18 at the time (22 now) and I was 49. I was comfortable with the thought that I needed to keep drinking so - so be it, sort of thing. What an appalling disease this is.
          Check the 'tool box' in the monthly abstinence section (still can't do links) and if you are detoxing be careful - if you were drinking an awful lot you might need some medical care?
          Come back to the nest tomorrow and let us know how you are getting on
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Shezam, welcome. Congratulations on making the huge decision to put your daughters before alcohol. Not an easy decision. Every morning I woke up from a bender my first thoughts (apart from wondering whether I could move without throwing up or feeling like my head would explode....) was if I keep doing this I wont see my kids get older. I had my kids quite late (compared to everyone else I know) and my biggest fear is not being there for them when they are adults.
            There is a book which this site is based on - download it or buy it from a store. It explains everything you need to know. It suggests some supplements which do a lot to help with things like withdrawal, returning your body back to health and mood control. There is also some medication suggestions that can help with the process. Some are available on the internet but it is probably a good idea to discuss it with your GP. I know that can be quite daunting but admitting it to someone else is quite liberating.
            There are also CD's which I found extremely helpful in reprogramming my brain and they are also very relaxing.
            One of the best things to do however is to come here and talk to us. We have all been where you are now, have some great suggestions and support for you. No-one judges anyone. We all just try and support each other.

            Hope to see you around.


            Hi everyone. Sorry gotta run, need to be at work in 10 minutes...... Will be back later. x
            I finally got it!
            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


              Newbies Nest

              hey everyone! Sorry to be chiming in so late. Night got away from me!! That's what happens when you're not sitting on the couch drinking the nite away, eating crap and watching mindless TV-things actually get done!!

              Welcome Shezam!! Hippy gave you just about all the info you need to get started. I will tell you that the supplements saved my life! I stayed on them for almost 5 months until my body didn't need them anymore. You just know when it's time. The book is fabulous as are all the threads and people here. The CD's work miracles for some people as well. I can never find the time to listen to them except the sleep one.

              I hope you will stick around and let us know of your plan and how you are doing. One other thing that helped me immensly was started a recovery journal. Mine is in the general section and is called "My AF Journey Journal". You are welcome to read it if you would like.

              Busy day today folks. My tummy felt much better after getting a decent and low fat brekkie in it. Got a ton done at work which is great as I was procrastinating big time the past few months. Deadline is next Wed and I feel like I will meet it with a day or so to spare.
              Puppies are better today-I have new pillows and sheets on my bed (LM got sick all over it last nite) and the AC has been running for an hour. I feel my bed and book calling me.
              Nite nite!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                Newbies Nest

                Welcome Shezam - Glad that you have joined the nest. We offer lots of encouragement here. We also offer butt velcro to keep us safely perched in the nest and away from the alcohol. I myself need the full body suit because I keep slipping. But, I am wearing it now.

                Where has everyone gone today? I sure hope that I haven't scared everyone off!!!! Come out, come out where ever you are.
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Newbies Nest

                  New here....JUST LIKE ME

                  This is my second time here, the first time didnt work i dont think cause i was on my iphone in bed. Ill have another go and hopefully share some of my experiences with the demon Al.

                  Ive been watching and learning for a couple of months now, and now i feel i want to join in the discussion because MWO has helped me like i never thought it could.

                  If your just like me and found this site by accident, it was no accident.

                  One day i woke with a terrible hangover(worse than normal)and went looking for answers as to what my life had become. I Found MWO. I found answers from people Just like me.

                  Answers from real people who are experiencing the same things as i am.

                  Bookmark this site and stay here, just keep on looking. Keep on reading. Keep coming back...

                  You have found the help you need....

                  Just like me



                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Blueby - Glad that you decided to join in.
                    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                    AF - 7-27-15


                      Newbies Nest

                      Everyone on this site makes this whole thing go alittle better, but what I enjoy so much is hearing everyones stories on how we made up excuses for ourselves or tried to get around it all. Almost everyones drinkinking days sound like mine and how foolish I was thinking I was the only one in this nightmare with no way out. I feel like this was my first step and someday will be able to admit to others around me all I really did and hopfully never fall like that again. There is always a challenge and I am sure I will have many more. So keep with the site and read and you'll see you are so not alone. And yes I came accross this site just when I needed it and don't know why this one made me stop and get working on my life. Good night!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Ill share some of mine soon hardroad. yea i like those stories too...
                        makes you see yourself through someone else's eyes.

                        Thanks Nora


                          Newbies Nest

                          im off to work for a while now but ill come back tonight and look in for some words of wisdom and kill a few hours (instead of brain cells)on the laptop, before bed...


                            Newbies Nest

                            Lovely to see some Newbies here when I woke up this morning!:welcome: Blueby Hi, this truly is a great help. I actually don't know that I could get sober without the support I have here and yes the distraction. Its lovely to know if I'm feeling low or tempted or just plain bored I can log on here , vent or just read, anytime day or night.
                            Morning Shezam, Hardroad, Nora, Paps, Hipster! Heading off to seriously boring country job today so will see you all tonight:byebye:
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Newbies Nest

                              Spill my guts a bit...

                              Thanks Molly for the welcome.

                              i ll stick around and keep reading and put some input when i feel i can.

                              Dont know where to start.

                              My jerney has brought me here from great heights as an elite athlete, to the lowest i could reach with much spiraling drinking training over a 12 year period. I guess i would consider myself as an elite drinker while living a lie to myself and thinking i could still lead a normal life. something i have pulled off for the last 10 years with every trick in the book you could imagine. if they gave out degrees in hiding it i would be a professer of it. EXCEPT for the times knew i didnt get away with it after a bender. even I could smell the shit on myself. always ready with the gum and coffee and a garlic lunch but it still was in my friggin breath............. who am i tryimg to decieve? only me

                              Everyone else around me says nothing because they look up to me and Im such a F*#& up that i think i can trick them.

                              only one tricked is me...


                              there's a bit out...

                              sorry, its a bit rambled but i dont know where to start and i hope someone who is lookin on feels the same and logs on like i just did.

                              ive found it such a help.

                              after a week of sitting on the fence i went over 30 days AF all by myself.

                              only to return in a very controled manner,
                              BUT i think the 30 day challenge was my savior and will be again and again...
                              thanks all who post on MWO

                              here for the long haul

                              Blueby out.......


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning, Newbies and Oldies *cough*

                                Great to see some new 'faces' - make yourselves at home. The book, the toolbox thread, and lots of reading will be a great start on your journey to break free

                                Nestlings, I'm sorry I haven't been around much, getting back from holidays, 200 messages (or so it seems) to answer, emails galore, a house full of kids and the grand peanut over the weekend, and there is that little striped creature which now lives in my pocket (Tigger is visiting, for anyone who didn't know) :H I haven't even unpacked/washed my stuff yet!

                                Had friends over for dinner last night, and the female part and I tried going for a ride but just as we were tacked up a storm that had been hovering finally broke lose, so we aborted. Not worth it with horses all nervous and dancing around.

                                So.. back to work for me - have a fabulous Tuesday and I will try to check in later!
                                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                                Winning since October 24th, 2013

