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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thank you Nora and Chillgirl and Hippiechick - love the names and pics - for the welcome!

    I will definitely keep coming and posting and making friends, as I think that will really help me. (Tried in July the AA thing; its great it is there but I don't think for me.) It will be off to work and then the weekend. AF. I'm putting my strength suit on. I intend to do alot of writing, have been jotting things down from this site to carry around with me. I am also going to read the book this weekend, sounds like a smart thing to do. And order myself a good few supplements.

    I have a book club meeting tonight. We meet once monthly, talk about our current read for @ 10 - 30 minutes then gab and drink wine for a few hours. I plan on bringing along a large decaf iced starbucks! And leaving early. Good day to all !
    From the Sanskrit prayer;

    "....For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision,
    But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a dream of hope."

    determined to be AF


      Newbies Nest

      :welcome: Welcome, babysteps!

      Hippy, how is your daughter coming along? I hope she starts to perk up soon.

      Let's see here...I have coffee, diet coke, bagels, scones and marmite toast...along with the breakfast burrito. The truck is open and ready for hungry nestlings!


        Newbies Nest

        I'm hungry! How about a Diet Coke for starters please and then I'll take on of your famous veggie breakfast burritos. :thanks:

        Feeling really blah today. Don't know if it's a letdown from the kids leaving or if I'm coming down with something. So, think I'll just stick my twig today.
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Newbies Nest

          Hello Babysteps and all the ones newer than me! The ones that have been here awhile have wonderful ideas and also seem to just listen. I just couldn't see myself at AA in my small town, but my brother did great with it in milwaukee , Wisconsin. You will never be under the raidar there in my town and even if people are there for same reason it won't feel like it here. this is working out way better than I thought and it isn't the first time I tried, so hang in the nest awhile and you'll see what I mean. Hope everyone had a good Friday, and those of you under the weather hope you feel better before weekends over. Good night!


            Newbies Nest

            Evening friends.

            Sitting watching the excitement on TV of the election of hopefully a new prime minister for Australia.
            My husband, who told me he was not going to drink today at golf, came home and reversed the car into the wall!! I have had enough of his irresponsibilty when it comes to drink driving. (I did it myself so I do feel somewhat of a hypocrite). But tonight I let him have it. He knows I will come and get him from anywhere rather than let him drive. But he thinks he is above the law and is totally bullet proof...... he probably wont even remember me having a go at him. I am fed up with holding my emotions in.
            Apart from the danger, he is not setting my kids a good example. Although I drank in front of my kids, they never saw me blind drunk - I always made sure they werent around when I was fall-down drunk. And they wouldnt have known I was in black out like I was most of the time. Actually typing that, I just wonder if they did know I was pissed. Maybe they did! I can always tell when my husband is drunk so maybe I am not giving my kids enough credit. Anyway I hope his hangover is horrendous tomorrow morning. (Arnt I nasty).

            How you doing Babysteps? Sounds like you are very committed to your sobriety. Good for you.
            I'm with you Hardroad regarding AA. I did do it for awhile but just couldnt get the higher power part of it. I dont have a higher power and couldnt pretend I did. But everyone is different and I say good luck to people who do get something out it.
            Hope you are feeling better Nora.
            Fen - my daughter is better now. She had a nasty virus but has recovered well. Thanks for asking.
            Where is everyone? Molly? Mazzie? Coco?
            Oh well I'll just get back to tv and see who is winning.

            Before I go, my doctor gave me a website that is good for depression and anxiety. I havent looked at it yet so cant comment but she seems to think it is good. It is called Moodgym. So if you are interested, check it out.

            Have a good Saturday evening.
            I finally got it!
            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


              Newbies Nest

              Hi everyone....I am new here.Ive been an alcoholic my entire adult life.My story is sorted and sad also funny and victorious.I rarely tell it cause it makes me feel ashamed but also grateful.But I will (tell it that is).Glad to find you all.I was drunk for almost 30 years of my life but now sober for the past 14 months.A Divine intervention for my drunk Irish ass.Ha....never knew how smart I was.I can remember EVERYTHING.My husband can no longer "remind" me of things Ive said or done.Really we are happy clams.No longer in that Hell cycle of drunk,humiliated and hungover. But I came to the end of myself....and found a beginning....


                Newbies Nest

                Well that's a good story scarlet, and without the aid of this site? How did you do it?
                Morning all. Slow getting going today. I am going to order my A1 and other supplements. I was so gung ho, but had 2 glasses of wine last night at birthday party. BUT. I had more in the house when I got home and just said to self - I don't want it! So. That is amazing. I am going to restart my desire to do a 30 days off until I have all supps, tapes, and am prepared. But continue here reading and learning so I don't have 1 more hangover in the meantime. A waste of my life is what that is!

                Hippychick, good luck with the husband. I only have an ex, and to think, I used to think he drank too much and I beat him out big time after he was long gone. But, he ended up getting esophageal cancer a verrrrryyy nasty thing. He smoked, drank beer everyday and also had alot of heartburn. Maybe scare your hubby with that story! Have a good day.
                From the Sanskrit prayer;

                "....For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision,
                But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a dream of hope."

                determined to be AF


                  Newbies Nest

                  G'd evening Nestlings!

                  Welcome Scarlet - you should definitely tell your story!
                  Babysteps - heed thy name :H Baby steps WILL get you there. Please don't make the mistake of staying away from here when you've messed up; believe me, we all have been there and had to dust ourselves off. Well done, for leaving the stuff at home alone. That's way better than what I was able to accomplish in the beginning.

                  Hipster, darling - I feel for you. Yes, you SHOULD let hubby have it for drunk driving. Aside from the physical danger and legal implications, I agree that this is one of the worst examples we can set for our growing youngsters. Glad little Miss Hippie is on the mend :l

                  Nora, how goes the battle? You hanging in there? Need a hand? Ear? Shoulder? Smack upside the head? :H

                  Well, I've been busy but mostly spinning my wheels (or so it seems) - and next week looks positively nutz as well. Ahh well.

                  Have a great evening/night/day or whatever time you got!
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Ok, I will tell it...Im guessing we do that in the -my story- section.I like this sight.I dont go to A.A.I did go in a small town but believe me it was my experience that it did not stay in the rooms and it was a bit of a horny fest.But thats just me maybe... or the town(horny and blabby).


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi all - Sunni - a smack up the head would be a good thing I think.

                      Welcome to the newbies. Hello to all my old friends.

                      I'll be back on tomorrow but just wanted to touch base.

                      Son was in car accident last night. We got a call at 4:30 this morning and went and took him to emergency. He's ok. Very, very bruised up. Is very sore. Thank God that he is ok. The car is totaled. He was driving down the street and someone pulled out in front of him on a red light. Completely the other persons fault. Been a long day today.

                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        Newbies Nest

                        Nora, how scary! Thank goodness he is ok, good good news.
                        From the Sanskrit prayer;

                        "....For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision,
                        But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a dream of hope."

                        determined to be AF


                          Newbies Nest

                          Oh geeez, Nora - it never ends, does it?! :l

                          So glad the young lad isn't seriously hurt. You must have been in utter panic mode. I'm so sorry, luv :l
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Kids that keep us on our toes, so glad he was okay, I guess another reason to live for the min. cause everything could change in a flash! As a mom these things really hit home and my youngest will start driving soon and all his friend drive now! I hate it! Hope you have a GREAT sunday!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Oh Nora, your poor family must've all gotten such a fright - hope you're all ok?
                              Hippy, so glad your daughter is okay again. Hi to Mazzie, Molly, Sunshine, PM3, Fen, Hardroad, Coco and everyone else - hope your weekend is going well?
                              I was up in Dublin again all last week and didn't have any internet access. It was nice today when I finally got logged on and could catch up on everything that's going on in the nest!
                              I am happy with myself at the moment, I have to admit - I went out on Friday night in Dublin with friends from college and didn't drink at all, and didn't even mind! I had some non-al beer, but I'm thinking of dropping that, as I could feel it in my system the next moming. Sparkling water, here I come! My friends were all cool with it, a couple of them asked why i wasn't drinking, but not in a pushy way, just curious (since I'd usually be first to the bar and last to leave ) I just told them that I'm happier without it, and that was that. Again, what I noticed was how drunk some people got, and how sober others were at the end of the night, and the awareness of which category I always fell (literally) into... I was up dancing a good bit, and being sober meant that I could check out any cute guys that were there :H I felt good by the end of the night, and better by the morning.
                              Today, at dinner, everyone was drinking, and I didn't - felt okay about it, and didn't really want any. So things are good at the moment, staying AF - couldn't have done it without you all :l
                              AF since 13th July 2010
                              NF since 5th July 2010


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi All-just checking in to say hi!
                                Nora-so sorry about your son's accident but what a relief he is OK!! Thank god!!

                                Had a busy weekend what with the dog show on Sunday (spent way too much money!) and a family birthday party yesterday. No problem being AF. Was able to observe how the different people treated their beer and wine. Most of the women there sipped the wine and made it last so long I would have been on my 3rd glass 3 months ago!! It just hit home again how I am not and have never been a normal drinker and I never will be. It was nice not to have a pity party or cravings. I was just bemused and happy with my seltzer and water.

                                Today is a lazy day as it is pouring outside. I'm very happy as I needed a day to relax and nurse my sore back (not sure why it's sore but it is!!) plus my garden needs the water.

                                Hope everyone is having a fabulous day and counting their blessing whatever they may be.

                                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                                KO the Beast!!

