Evening all! Any chance of a chai latte, Fen? I do love them! I drank strong coffee after a late dinner last night and was still wide awake this morning at around 3 am - think am hyper sensitive to caffeine-anything after 2pm and I'm guaranteed not to sleep...dunno why i keep doing it! but, I do think that as long as it's not AL, I'm doing just fine

Nora, glad to hear your son is ok. I was in a bad crash when I was about 18 and it shook me - not physically, but emotionally. But time healed, and I'm probably a better driver now for it, more aware. Hi Sunny(I'm with you on the car - mine's hanging in by fraying threads at this stage), Fen, Papmom (really liked your morning post), babysteps and everyone else out there - hope your day's going good x