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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest


    :thanks: Thanks to everyone for their love and support. I'm feeling much better today as a result and feel that there'll be plenty more opportunities in the future that will make this seem teeny tiny in comparison! Onwards and upwards,things can only get better a day at a time x x x
    "The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes,but in having new eyes" -Marcel Proust


      Newbies Nest

      Morning all.....

      Hello MsBates - Glad you're feeling better today!

      Hard - How did your son's concert go???

      How's everyone doing today?????

      Quiet in the nest? Is everyone's arms velcroed down or something? :H:H:H
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        Newbies Nest

        Hello all!

        Neart - I wouldn't get too excited about the krill. It's really an acquired taste (unless you are a marine mammal or seabird)! Fennel makes the krill dishes especially for me - and though I am more than happy to share, there haven't been too many takers!!!


          Newbies Nest

          Coco-Nut;944402 wrote: Hello all!

          Neart - I wouldn't get too excited about the krill. It's really an acquired taste (unless you are a marine mammal or seabird)! Fennel makes the krill dishes especially for me - and though I am more than happy to share, there haven't been too many takers!!!
          True...the Dos Gatos truck got towed last week, partly from the smell! :H


            Newbies Nest

            Neart, krill are tiny shrimp-like ocean critters that whales, penguins, and other assorted marine critters eat.


              Newbies Nest

              NoraC;944397 wrote: Morning all.....

              Quiet in the nest? Is everyone's arms velcroed down or something? :H:H:H
              I was in that full-body velcro suit that you recommended a couple of nights took me forever to get out of that thing so I could shower! :H


                Newbies Nest

                fennel;944438 wrote: I was in that full-body velcro suit that you recommended a couple of nights took me forever to get out of that thing so I could shower! :H
                I thought there was a bit of a smell around here recently alright...between Fen not washing, and all that krill stacking up!!

                Wish someone would velcro my arms down and away from the biscuit tin Ah well, who's perfect, eh?
                AF since 13th July 2010
                NF since 5th July 2010


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good Morn... nevermind.. evening!

                  Phew. Where DID this day go? And, more importantly.. is it Friday yet? :H
                  Did more horse stuff yesterday, didn't get home 'til midnight.. cripes, I'm getting too old for this! Odd client techie issues to deal with all day today, biz meeting in the afternoon, on to make dinner and PLANT MY ASS ON THE COUCH. After feeding Miss Sophie, mowing the lawn (? definition, please?), and finishing a load of laundry, of course.

                  So - ya'll sporting fashionable velcro, are ya? Very good! Hardroad, hope your junior had a blast, and Fennel... go get clean, yer mutt! :H

                  :hallo: Coco, Nora, Neart, and whoever else flies in! Have a fabby evening!
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    The concert went fine... just a little worried for all the "firsts" . I ended up going to friends house and did not drink, which I also was worried about but knowing he was at the concert I wanted to make sure I was AF in case he needed me. so worked away good for me . Add another day to my list!!!! And to top it, it's Fri. again ! Our weather here is really nice now hope it stays a while! How is everyone elses where you all live?


                      Newbies Nest

                      Glad the concert went well, Hardroad - and fair play for being there for him - trust builds slowly, I guess xx Sounds like you've been busy, Sunni? I keep talking about going horse riding, but still haven't gotten to it. Soon!
                      I had a grand day, no major excitement. Painting the kitchen at home, and then out to dinner with the folks. I had a sparkling water and only briefly missed the idea of having a glass of wine, but it passed quickly, and I thought about surfing that wave, waiting for the moment to pass. Had a cup of coffee at the end of dinner though, which pretty much guarantees no sleep for me till after 2am at least - why do I do it?!
                      Nearly Friday here, gonna switch off the laptop and read for a while.
                      Hope everyone's doing well and keeping happy
                      AF since 13th July 2010
                      NF since 5th July 2010


                        Newbies Nest

                        neart;944547 wrote: I thought there was a bit of a smell around here recently alright...between Fen not washing, and all that krill stacking up!!

                        Wish someone would velcro my arms down and away from the biscuit tin Ah well, who's perfect, eh?
                        neart, you're cracking me up! :H

                        You know, I've really been drawn to sweets, must come from not drinking. That's probably why you're into the biscuit tin!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Sunni, geez...I don't know the last time I've been up at midnight, you wild thing!


                            Newbies Nest

                            fennel;944736 wrote: Sunni, geez...I don't know the last time I've been up at midnight, you wild thing!
                            Yeah.. that's me, alright!

                            Well, I'll have to be up very early to retrieve my Atlas monster tomorrow morning and daughter and peanut should show up around noon to spend the weekend. Then son's ex-girl friend will show up at some point, and the 3 of us will make her a birthday cake (she NEVER gets a birthday at home - her folks regularly 'forget'), so that should be fun

                            Neart and hardroad.. well done! You two are doing us old mother hens proud

                            To all of you - good night.. I'm gonna see if I can't hop into bed at a decent hour tonight
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              moderation or wishful thinking?

                              Is moderation possible long-term for alcoholics? This is the question I am seriously asking myself. Abstaining for a month or more is not a problem. The problem is wondering if my drinking will slowly inch up to too much / loss of control after a long period of moderation. Does moderation only work for "problem drinkers" - and who can really know if they are one or the other? I've gone to AA and hear way worse problems than mine, but I don't want to keep having the level of problems I have right now either.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Iam not anywhere near knowing if that would work for me , right now I am enjoying the days I make it and even though had a slip up it was almost a good thing because IT all came back to me and don't want that any more. I never thought I would have a problem with it and it didn't affect my job or family and than it became way out of control, throwing up in the morning sometimes having to do a shot just to feel better and the hiding of it(which was just me thinking I was) so I wouldn't think I was so bad. I hope to never get like that again but I am sure it will be along time before I feel comfortable with myself not to go over board again. cdauphne you will have to decided that after you have given it a chance without. I don't know why I think I can give advice Iam still at the begining stages but thats how I think it will work for me. I know I was using it to escape the death of my 13 year old son and divorce of exhusband, and than having to start my whole life all over job wise and I really didn't want to I wanted everything back the way it was, and I think I see now this is what it's going to be and drinking was only making it worse! Good Luck! And hang out here for awhile it has REALLY helped to hear others stories and also the weird things we did to hide it from changing stores to buy, or pretending having people over, but I am sure they all knew. Hi everyone else, hope to read from you guys this weekend, it's a big end of summer party down town and I am not going (not ready for that) so It will be a lonely one if I have no one to share with. P.S. Saturday I plan to sleep in a bit, so could I have a nice flavored coffee around 9:30a.m. one of those buritoes sounds good to but not the enguin: food! :thumbs:

