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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello nestlings...I'm loaded down with chai latte, herbal teas, diet coke, flavored water, and coffee for anyone who's thirsty.

    Mrs. Fennel and I have been driving around all over rural WI looking for land. We looked at a place about an hour and ten minutes from home, owned by a very nice couple with artificial knees who just can't keep up with the place any longer. Barn, out buildings, old farm house, spring-fed pond...really nice. They were boarding their daughter's horses. I now know that if you're wearing "Tuscan Honey" lotion, you might be very attractive to certain equines! A lovely lass named Molly came hustling over to greet me- I stroked her nice horsey nose a couple of times when she became entranced with my arm. She was gumming my wrist like it was the best thing since carrots! She was very gentle, but the husband was a bit nervous...afraid she'd take a chomp out of me. I know that horses = huge= they can kick my ass six ways from Sunday, so I obliged him and removed my arm. She sure was cute, though.

    I'm having an AF evening. I'm going to watch a Julia Childs Documentary I rented from Netflix, so I'm signing off for now...:h


      Newbies Nest

      wow is everyone busy or what!! I wasted a whole day with my parents listening to window salesmen come through my house from 11:30 A.M.-7:00P.M. I think I could almost sell them now. I have done almost everything to my house in the last year and last but least need a house of windows. Okay not like that saying about living in a house of windows, but really get windows. Tonight is the big downtown street dance party. And am in my p.j.s and brushed my teeth and watching tv while checking out the nest. It is working fine thanks to the combined advice! AF one more day/night. :groupluv:


        Newbies Nest

        Yep, everyone still very busy, last post and now first! How was the Julia Childs Doc. I saw it on t.v. and it was very intresting and amazing when you think of all the shows now she would be amazed, I think cooking shows are on as much as those crazy "real" life shows, all thos Housewives. I wonder how many of them need a nest, or mabe they should just live in a real one anyway. Well happy Sunday! It looks like a nice day here. But will have to get some laundry down before I can play!


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning hardroad, and those who come along,
          I love the Food Network, don't watch any of those housewife shows...
          I'm doing chorse today as yesterday was lazy. Enjoy the Sunday!
          From the Sanskrit prayer;

          "....For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision,
          But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a dream of hope."

          determined to be AF


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning, hardroad and babysteps!

            The Julia Childs documentary was fantastic...Mrs. Fennel was sobbing at the end when Julia's husband, Paul, became ill and handicapped from strokes. They were so in love. She was truly a pioneer- unheard of for a woman to become a chef...and then, co-creating a book that would help average Americans bring French cuisine into their own kitchens. Then, creating a show! Yes, I think she'd be amazed at the sheer number and diversity of cooking shows on t.v. today, and I bet she'd be pleased.

            I'm glad to see the two of you in the nest...sometimes, weekends get a bit quiet around here.


              Newbies Nest

              Hi there!!! I have been in the nest before...but fell out far too many times than I would like to I am ready to give it another 3 AF for me!!!!
              I want to live life sober....not die a drunk


                Newbies Nest

                I'm on day seven, myself, liverbirdy. For many of us, this journey has stops and starts...I'm not perfect, but I'm really trying hard to clean myself up. When we fall, the important thing is getting back up. :l


                  Newbies Nest

                  And, congrats on day 3! It's a huge accomplishment.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Afternoon all! How's your Sunday going? I've had a nice relaxing day so far, although I don't feel like I've gotten much done (it's 5pm here). Sun is shining though!
                    Have finally settled on a colour for my bedroom, a nice warm yellow-y colour. I'm all about fresh starts and cleaning the ol' slate these days! From the time I started my 18 month postgrad, I've gone from a coupled up, binge drinking, smoking, unemployed with no qualifications, on bad terms with parents, 29 year old to a single, sober, non-smoking, unemployed with a qualification, on good terms with parents, 30 year old!!
                    Sunni, Atlas is only gorgeous Babysteps - did you get your chores done? Hardroad, so glad the pj's and teeth-brushing helped! Fen, glad you enjoyed your AF night and film - I watched Hot Tub Time Machine (quite rubbish - no surprise there!) and A Single Man (very sad but touching and lovely) last night and ate loads of chocolate - a happy Saturday night
                    Good to have you back liverbirdy :welcome:
                    Right, I'm off to do some prep for job interview tomorrow - fingers and toes crossed, everyone!!
                    AF since 13th July 2010
                    NF since 5th July 2010


                      Newbies Nest

                      Neart, I saw "A Single Man" a few months ago...I wasn't prepared for the ending, and it literally plunged me deeper into depression for a few weeks! Of course, I was drinking pretty heavily, then, but still. It was so sad! One of the most visually beautiful movies I've ever seen, was brilliantly made.

                      Congrats on the progress you've made! Care for a chai latte to celebrate? :goodjob:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning all!!! Well - it's almost afternoon here. Already 10:17 am and I'm just getting started. I'm dragging myself to work again this morning. Got to get things ready for everyone because I won't be there tomorrow.

                        I'm so happy that you all sound so positive. I'm going to jump on all your coattails. Throw on my velcro and here I go. I've started the Topamax again and I'm ready.

                        I've never seen either of those movies that you are talking about. I've always admired Julia Childs though. She was such a remarkable woman.

                        Ok - folks. I better get moving. I have to tell you that it's nice to be feeling positive again. Thanks for being here everyone. :l:thanks:
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thanks for the
                          I want to live life sober....not die a drunk


                            Newbies Nest

                            Oh, yes please Fen - I'd love one!!
                            I know what you mean about A Single Man - not what I expected at all, and if you were feeling bleak already, it might not be the best... But it is beautiful. A friend of mine says her favourite film is Requiem for a Dream - I dunno if any of you have seen it, but if you haven't - DON'T!!! Now there's a film to plunge you into a deep, dark depression - it was awful - you have all been warned!! I do love a good comedy, so if anyone has any recommendations?
                            Nora, are you all set for jury duty? Any chance it might be interesting?
                            Hardroad - I used to work in a posh office that had glass interior walls, and if I wasn't walking into bloody see-through doors, I was pawing the open door space in front of me to try and tell if the doors were open or not - much to the amusement of the solicitors working in said offices
                            Liverbirdy, how is your weekend going? And hi to everyone else who might be hanging around the nest
                            AF since 13th July 2010
                            NF since 5th July 2010


                              Newbies Nest

                              my weekend is going fine's to another AF day tomorrow!!!
                              I want to live life sober....not die a drunk


                                Newbies Nest

                                neart;946908 wrote:
                                Hardroad - I used to work in a posh office that had glass interior walls, and if I wasn't walking into bloody see-through doors, I was pawing the open door space in front of me to try and tell if the doors were open or not - much to the amusement of the solicitors working in said offices
                                :H:H:H I just started laughing out loud at that one. I am such a klutz, I can just see myself trying to work in that environment. I run into file cabinets - can you just see me trying to avoid glass walls? :H

                                I got a call at 3:00 am last night from the alarm company saying that they had an alarm here at work and should they dispatch the police. I told them no because we've been having false alarms. I just got here and the alarm was going off in one of the buildings!!! So, it's been going off for 9 hours. Whoops. Guess I should have come over like I usually do. So, now I'm here all by myself and nervous. I'm all locked in so I know that I'm safe. I'm just going to work quickly & get out of here.

                                I'm sure that they won't select me for the jury Neart. I think I'll be let go tomorrow. My neighbor/friend is a policeman and my nephew is a sherrif. I don't think they'll want me to be on the jury.
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

