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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning everyone, and i mean GOOD morning! I'm beginning to feel semi-human again. Actually went out yesterday with hubs up to Drogheda, bit like you Neart, in the trakkie bottoms and shitey hair and who do I meet - my 'up her own arse, botox, plastic surgery ridden' SIL. Yuch WHY HADN'T I DRESSED UP! Actually afterwards hubs made a very valid point the fact that I CARED that I looked like shite was an improvement!!
    Having lived away from home and then going back again was prob even harder Neart - my second son had to come back for a short while after being in Oz and we all found it very hard, you sound brighter tho so bear with it!!!! Like Sunni says, eventually it all does happen, the job comes along and bobs ur uncle!!
    Anyway hope everyone else is happy and have a lovely day,Paps, Hippy, you doing the disappearing trick now?:H:H
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Newbies Nest

      Fish Market is Open

      Right then - I'll see to breakfast this morning. We've got kippers, eggs & krill, smoked salmon, oysters not on the half shell and sashimi.

      Coffee and diet coke are about the extent of the drinks available. And the coffee is a bit cold. Well, stone cold really. OK, OK - I took the old pot from the taco truck.

      Everyone just suck it up, and pray for Fennel's quick return.

      Oh, and HAPPY WEDNESDAY everybody!!



        Newbies Nest

        Thanks Coco - and believe me ..... I'm begging Fennel to hurry back. :H:H:H
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Newbies Nest

          Coco-Nut;949024 wrote: And the coffee is a bit cold. Well, stone cold really. OK, OK - I took the old pot from the taco truck.

          Everyone just suck it up, and pray for Fennel's quick return.

          Brilliant lol :H:H:H

          Reminds me of the week when I was about 8 or 9 and my Mam was away on a course. We had Dad minding us for the week (me and older brother). By the end of the week, the house was an absolute kip!! We were fed, but it was very chaotic I remember playing outside when Mam got home, and even at that age, I was feeling sorry for her, knowing what the house looked like...
          AF since 13th July 2010
          NF since 5th July 2010


            Newbies Nest

            I haven't had hot coffee for so long! I gave that up before drinking when my stomach was a wreck but felt it had to be coffee not the huge amount of vodka! Yea!!! it's Wed. and I have off Fri. but I do have to go to dentist first. My oldest son is driving me nuts, Iam getting a headache think I will go in my room so I don't get stressed out. Have a good evening all! :nutso:


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Everyone!! it's been a busy nest these past few days!! Everyone sounds great, especially nice to hear you say you're feeling better Molls. So happy for you! :H about meeting up with SIL and not looking your best. I bet she didn't even notice if she's that stuck up!
              Nora-hope you are doing OK. Read in an earlier post you are on the Topa again. I hope it works for you this time as I know you want this very much. I know it sounds trite but seriously, if you can just resist putting that first drink in your mouth, it gets easier and easier. Just take it ODAT ok and strap yourself in. We're here for ya!!

              Neart, HR all the newbies-keep up the good work. It's so worth it, even when the down times hit. Especially when the down times hit.

              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                Newbies Nest

                Hi everyone - quick check in. Just got back from the hospital. Don't remember if I posted here about my Uncle being in the hospital in ICU. Anyway - he is still hanging on. He was awake and spoke to me. My other cousin got in this morning.
                Papmom - Thank you for those encouraging words. The Topa is really kicking in. I went to the store tonight to buy some Ensure for my Uncle and ended up buying a bottle of champagne. Came home and didn't even open it. Didn't even want it. No desire for it whatsoever. So, you are absolutely right - stay away from that first drink.
                Well - I'm going to say goodnight. I want to go back to the hospital in the morning before work. :l
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Newbies Nest

                  'God bless us and save us':H (as the nuns used to say to us at school)!! Champagne, Nora - I'd never have become an alkie if my drink of choice had been champagne - cheapest voddie in tescos was all I aimed for:H:H. Seriously tho,sorry to hear about your uncle, seems like everything is getting thrown at you lately?Well done not drinkin it anyway.
                  Hardroad, what age is the son that's drivin you mad? I've one of nearly every age and they all drive me mad!
                  Hi Neart - things a bit brighter? and Coco - mornin! Paps - believe you me she noticed the trakkies - she'll dine out on it for weeks!!!!:H
                  Have a lovely day everyone, I have the house to myself today for the first time since I sort of cracked up so am a bit nervous but looking forward to lounging round in jammies and mindin me chickens!!
                  Talk later
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi all

                    Thought I'd drop in and say hi, I'm on my AF3 day yet again, it's always my hardest and when I most fail but I'm determined to get through this time... so right now I'm writing my list of all the reasons I'm NOT going to drink today...

                    Not having to hide from the other moms from school...

                    Going to bed with the feeling of being physically tired and not alcohol induced tiredness ( I love the difference in feeling)....

                    Not feeling like crap and then having endless hairs of the dog....

                    Knowing I've stayed sober for another day

                    That all the money I've spent on endless diet plans won't be a waste of money as I'm not negating them with AL

                    Being able to go to the doctor tomorrow and not having to lie once again about how I'm working on giving up and being able to say "Actually this is my AF day 4..."

                    Have a lovely AF and stressfree day guys:l
                    AF since 31/08/2010... every day the AF total gets bigger...

                    So do you drink Lee? .... Actually no I don't Jeff........


                      Newbies Nest

                      Design, great to see you here. You are a step ahead of me anyway - I still haven't got round to formulating a plan and I know it is a big flaw in what I'm doing so:goodjob: on that bit for starters! Going to Doc tomorrow, better still, great to have a doc in your corner. Hang out here until bedtime if needs be. Day 3 is tricky, but day 4 feels great!!!
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Newbies Nest

                        Thanks Mollyka:l yeah day 3 has always been my hardest... plus the kids are back at school today and that as always been my excuse for an "extra treat" drinking day :blush: Going to finish the girls room today I'm all behind with that job as I lost a couple of days hungover last week another thing to add to my list of reasons NOT to drink today
                        AF since 31/08/2010... every day the AF total gets bigger...

                        So do you drink Lee? .... Actually no I don't Jeff........


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi everyone.

                          Molly - so glad to see you back and sounding sooooooo much better. I can relate to the shopping trip looking like shite then bumping into your SIL.... Everytime I go to the shops in my trackie dacks, thongs (the aussie version of thongs!), no makeup, looking like I have just got out of bed, I always bump into someone that I dont want to see. Actually thinking about it now, I havent done that for about - nine months!! I wonder what changed 9 months ago!!!

                          Nora - hope the topa gives you what you so desperately want. Hang in there, it will happen.

                          Hardroad - I used to blame my upset tummy on the coffee too :H Had nothing to do with the copious amount of wine I had consumed the night before. Funny that too has disappeared in the last nine months...

                          Design for Life - sounds like you have a good plan in place. It is so good to be able to hold your head up high when facing the other mums at school or the shops. I used to feel like everyone, even people I didnt know, knew that I had a dirty secret. That is was written on my face for everyone to see. Maybe it was. Good luck and think how good you will feel when you can tell your doctor that you have 4 AF days. Write a daily plan if you need to because putting it in writing (and telling us) makes you more accountable and less likely to stray off your path.

                          Doubling my dose of anti depressants seems to have done the trick for me. I feel happier than I have for a long time. I have so much more energy and a desire to actually get out of the house. (although on Saturday when I was gardening I got bitten by a white tip spider and have a nasty ulcerating sore now - that will teach me for not wearing gloves!).
                          But apart from that, I enjoyed being outside for the afternoon.
                          The panic attacks and anxiety are slowly going too. I have been trying to think of a time that I didnt suffer from panic attacks and anxiety and have had to go back to my childhood. I honestly believe that I started drinking at 15 because that was the only thing that stopped me feeling like that. I never realised until I stopped drinking that it had been part of my life for so long. I had just learnt to deal with it. Or not deal with it by self medicating with AL for so many years.

                          Anyway if I'm not around as often as I was, dont worry. I am trying to get off the computer and do other things but I will pop in every few days. Still need my fix of MWO and you all.

                          Take care

                          I finally got it!
                          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                            Newbies Nest

                            H I E V E R Y O N E !!!

                            Howz everybody? Hi Hippy & Molly & Pap & Design & Nora & Neart & everyone else as well :h:h

                            Has everyone signed up for the Sober September Challenge? I'm going to give it (yet another) go - haven't managed to make it through a whole month yet but maybe September is the one, eh???

                            I'm on Day 10 so I have a headstart! But---oh no---here comes the @#$%&*$ weekend. Affix bayonets!


                              Newbies Nest

                              DRL I never wrote them down but list is about the same as mine that all ways amazws me how we all almost do the same things, you know there has to be others right next to us trying to hide it one more day. I am new at AF so don't have the greatest track record but each day counts and I feel sooooo much better! The hiding it is just as triring as doing it! Well sounds like everyone is doing better this week.
                              I am so glad to be AF today because I have to ride with my boss for hour to (Madison Wisconsin) to take my client to doc. to find out about a growth on hi brain. So will ended up being a all day thing and that is the worst if I was still drinking! Got to go!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning everyone - I'm sorry but I've got to run. I'm glad that everyone sounds positive.
                                Hippie - I have been talking to my counselor about getting out more and the panic attacks and all. I'm so glad that you are feeling better. :l
                                Ok all - I must run. I want to stop by the hospital before work.
                                Oh I wish Fennel would hurry up and get back to Dos Gatos. No offense Coco but ummm she does my vegetarian needs much better. :H

                                Coco - I didn't join the September challenge. I thought about it. I'm trying this one on my own. I keep failing miserably at these challenges. I want to have some time under my belt before I go public again. By they way - Congrats to you!!! Good job!!!!
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

