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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    NoraC;949936 wrote: Morning everyone - I'm sorry but I've got to run. I'm glad that everyone sounds positive.
    Hippie - I have been talking to my counselor about getting out more and the panic attacks and all. I'm so glad that you are feeling better. :l
    Ok all - I must run. I want to stop by the hospital before work.
    Oh I wish Fennel would hurry up and get back to Dos Gatos. No offense Coco but ummm she does my vegetarian needs much better. :H

    Coco - I didn't join the September challenge. I thought about it. I'm trying this one on my own. I keep failing miserably at these challenges. I want to have some time under my belt before I go public again. By they way - Congrats to you!!! Good job!!!!
    I could do you a nice veggie jello mold in the shape of a salmon?


      Newbies Nest

      Coco-Nut;949847 wrote: But---oh no---here comes the @#$%&*$ weekend. Affix bayonets!
      Coco, lol :H:H

      Hope you've all had a good Thursday? All good here, had a nice day really. Sun was shining, which helped. And I cleared out my room a good bit - tidy room, tidy mind as my friend in college used always say!

      Hardroad, how did trip go? Nora, how's your Uncle? Molly, I saw on Sept thread you're off to bed - sleep well x Hippy, glad things are picking up for you :l I remember when I first got to Oz a few years ago, I was very, very confused about all this talk of thongs!! DFL - hope Day 3 is going well for you :goodjob: and Coco, thanks for trying to keep the show on the road while Fennel is away...get those bayonets ready, aimed and sharpened!!
      AF since 13th July 2010
      NF since 5th July 2010


        Newbies Nest

        Well my drive was okay, But the client got bad news well guess he doesn't know. But he has a growth in his head (forehead) but in the brain. IT will kill him if they don't get it out , block blood and his spinal fluid. So they will drill a hole in his head and than about 4 hours later they will get it out. He is the only way I can make a living with the great hours I have. But will have to take life as it comes. I have to laugh when I read my last posts, guess I can't type or spell. Lol sorry all! Have a good
        fri. I'll be at the dentist.


          Newbies Nest

          Neart - we have a language all of our own! Nearly as good as the Irish...... just ask Molly!
          I finally got it!
          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


            Newbies Nest

            Hippy Chick;950324 wrote: Neart - we have a language all of our own! Nearly as good as the Irish...... just ask Molly!
            I'm Irish too, so I know all about it! I was living in France a few years ago, and was friends with a few English people. They used to get a kick out of some of the english I used - it seems Ireland is the only place we call people "eejits" when they are being a bit silly, and everything is usually "grand"... I love the NZ accent - instead of saying "chips", it sounds (to me) like "chups"
            AF since 13th July 2010
            NF since 5th July 2010


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Newbies group; you are a nice group. Is it Fennel's job for making tea in the morning? Well, I've left my coffee pot full, you can all go help yourselves (tea pot too for the non coffee folks), I'm off to dress for work. Happy AF Friday!
              From the Sanskrit prayer;

              "....For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision,
              But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a dream of hope."

              determined to be AF


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning all!!!

                A very happy Friday to everyone!

                Thank you Patty for seeing to the coffee. I'm afraid the group didn't care for the breakfast I provided yesterday - bit too fishy for most tastes! (I KNEW I should have served sardines instead. Oh well, hindsight is a wonderful thing...)

                Neart - I would love some chups or even chips (here they call them french fries - except when they are served with battered fish - then it is acceptable to call them chips!).

                And yes - here comes that dang weekend with all its evening challenges so yes, I say again "AFFIX BAYONETS" and off we go!

                Oh dear, this doesn't go very well with my new red dress. Which clashes with my orange feet anyway. So here I am once again, looking like a dog's breakfast but at least I am not HUNGOVER!!!


                  Newbies Nest

                  right there with you COCO....already thinking about that Friday night beer...damn it all!@!!
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    Newbies Nest


                    Think about that Friday night..... sparking water with lemon!!!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Think about a wonderful, hangover free, clearheaded, bright, beautiful Saturday morning!! I know some don't advocate it, but I found for me that an AF beer got me through those moments - I drank it a good bit at the start, and the more AF days I add, the less I need it - but it's still handy for those times when I'm out. Again, not for everyone, and there are good reasons to be careful (not dealing with issues, pretending still drinking etc) but for me, it's soooooooooooooooooooo much better than a regular beer, and the one after that, and the one after that, and... It got me over the first 2 weekends, which were the trickiest. Just a thought. And remember - waking up on a Saturday with no hangover is glorious!!!
                      AF since 13th July 2010
                      NF since 5th July 2010


                        Newbies Nest

                        Part way through day 4 and I'd forgotten how tired I got last time I stopped drinking around this period, funny how I forgot all these symptoms falling asleep at the drop of a hat oh and my personal fave tripping over things and missing steps and whatever exactly as if I had been drinking:H

                        So I woke up really really wanting to spend today drinking, not helped by the fact my h/b bought himself some wine automatically last night, and I forgot to remind him NOT to buy any... now theres a first it's usually a frantic text asking TO buy some, but at least he didn't offer me any...

                        By the time I'd gotten to school I was really wound up with the kids, guess the mood swings are kicking in, went home and promptly fell asleep and almost slept through my doctors appointment.

                        Walking past the supermarket I fully intended to go in on the way back and just buy one of those small bottles (who am I kidding) saw a different GP who immediately upped my AD's again when he saw how wound up I was, had a long chat, discussed more options, gave me more stuff to think about, a couple of books to read and somehow picked up on a couple of things that were on my mind without me saying or hinting anything... Picked up my meds and headed back to the supermarket fully intending on getting my little wines whilst tinking about the consultation and totally forgot about buying the wine and even ended up refusing the glass my h/b offered to pour me... what the? How did that happen? Looking forward to waking up sober again in the morning now, mind you it's still only afternoon here right now.. but I'm determined not to drink today now...

                        Hope everyone is having a good stressfree Friday
                        AF since 31/08/2010... every day the AF total gets bigger...

                        So do you drink Lee? .... Actually no I don't Jeff........


                          Newbies Nest

                          Design For Life;950666 wrote: Part way through day 4 and I'd forgotten how tired I got last time I stopped drinking around this period, funny how I forgot all these symptoms falling asleep at the drop of a hat oh and my personal fave tripping over things and missing steps and whatever exactly as if I had been drinking:H

                          So I woke up really really wanting to spend today drinking, not helped by the fact my h/b bought himself some wine automatically last night, and I forgot to remind him NOT to buy any... now theres a first it's usually a frantic text asking TO buy some, but at least he didn't offer me any...

                          By the time I'd gotten to school I was really wound up with the kids, guess the mood swings are kicking in, went home and promptly fell asleep and almost slept through my doctors appointment.

                          Walking past the supermarket I fully intended to go in on the way back and just buy one of those small bottles (who am I kidding) saw a different GP who immediately upped my AD's again when he saw how wound up I was, had a long chat, discussed more options, gave me more stuff to think about, a couple of books to read and somehow picked up on a couple of things that were on my mind without me saying or hinting anything... Picked up my meds and headed back to the supermarket fully intending on getting my little wines whilst tinking about the consultation and totally forgot about buying the wine and even ended up refusing the glass my h/b offered to pour me... what the? How did that happen? Looking forward to waking up sober again in the morning now, mind you it's still only afternoon here right now.. but I'm determined not to drink today now...

                          Hope everyone is having a good stressfree Friday
                          Having someone pour you one is the hardest, isn't it? Good job!


                            Newbies Nest

                            hi there looking foward to a new life


                              Newbies Nest

                              JonnyBoy52;950677 wrote: hi there looking foward to a new life
                              :welcome: JonnyBoy! You came to the right place. Make yourself at home.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Well, my guests are gone and I'm getting my house back together. I hope Nora is still hungry...I have a lovely veggie scramble for her, complete with fresh herbs from the garden. I have chai latte, mocha coffee, regular coffee, decaf, tea, water, bubbly water, and today's special of the day..."mystery" taquitas. :H

                                Thanks to Coco for her tender ministrations and solicitous attention to the hungry nestlings during my absence.

