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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Ahh Jaysus Neart, the movie is shite!! and they keep shouting - buggered if i'd want to be on a desert island with any of them.
    Roast Beef for the dindin - that's pretty much what I do with the roasters as well. Gonna do profiteroles and pavolva for afters - they'll think they've died and gone to heaven!! One son lives out of the chippers and the other one ready made M+S dinners, which are very nice but NOT every day!
    Gonna check the ginger cake - d'ya know it's movies like this that probably turned me to drink in the first place:H:H:H
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Newbies Nest

      mollyka;951263 wrote: Ahh Jaysus Neart, the movie is shite!! and they keep shouting - buggered if i'd want to be on a desert island with any of them.
      lol :H:H:H I know, I wouldn't pick Jude Law for a desert island either! I'm eating me turkish delight and watching Revolutionary Road on my laptop now. They didn't have the turkish biscuits in the supermarket - boo! Don't worry, I am dedicated and will try again tomorrow

      By the way, can I come for dinner tomorrow too??!! You just named two of my favourite deserts - do you actually cook them yourself?
      AF since 13th July 2010
      NF since 5th July 2010


        Newbies Nest

        Hi there, Cooper229 here. Just found this site today, and it's come at a really good time. I've never been in a forum before, usually just read. But i feel it might do me some good to join in on this one. Looking forward to talking to ye all.


          Newbies Nest

          I lost my post somewhere in this computer so will start again. I was so excited to see this site exploded with new post and of course all the senior members! I went out after my dentist appointment with my friend for girls day because we both had off.Had a few beers and wasn't going down good so I ended up with ice water and continued all day, I feel great saved money and was able to play slots at all our old "haunts".we did great she won alittle more than I. But she called this morning telling me she thinks she has a drinking problem, I am so glad because she is my only friend so have to keep her and if we can both change it would be huge!! We used to run and bike together and got alittle competive with that and next thing I know we are drunks together! Time for a change. Glad Earl settled down but my friends ex-husband caravand from wisconsin to long Island with all the big electric trucks from here and waited out storm to fix when over. More important they wern't needed but it seems if your ready for something like that it isn't as bad as was thought. Glad coffee will be back when needed and all the other treats, mine aways seems a bit cold and needs a reheat maybe will send my own thermas next time! GOOD SAYURDAY EVERYONE---AF! :happy:


            Newbies Nest

            Morning everyone & welcome to our Newbies. :welcome::welcome: Please jump right in and start talking!

            We talk about silly things.....serious things....and everything in between. Whatever we need to talk about. So don't hesitate just jump right in.

            I'm going to see my counselor today. I'm glad. I've been having a lot of stuff going on so it will be nice to talk to her.

            Fennel - where are you this morning? If she doesn't get back here then I just don't know what?!?!?!

            Have a wonderful day folks!!!!!! I will be back on later after my appointment.
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              Newbies Nest

              Great to see ya Nora - I hope it goes well with your counsellor - it takes great courage to take that step and go to someone, so fair play to ya :l

              I did online counselling at the beginning of the year (I had never heard of it before!) - the college I was going to provided it free, so I was being counselled by a woman in England. It made such a difference to me, really helped me change, and to understand myself.

              I think for me anyway, the big change needed to happen in my reaction to normal life situations, good and bad. Somebody said to me recently that our lives are made up of 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react. Not sure how I'd feel about that in the middle of a crisis, but there is some truth to it, for me anyway. The other quote I heard was that we can't change other people, but we can change how we respond to them. I try to remember that if I'm getting mad with someone!!!
              AF since 13th July 2010
              NF since 5th July 2010


                Newbies Nest

                Hello to all of you!

                First time as a member. Read Roberta Jewell's book about a year ago, started the supplements, etc but have had a bumpy time. I'm starting fresh today over this weekend. But I'm so glad I'm here and hearing all of your stories and hearing the support. Thanks for being here.:new:


                  Newbies Nest

                  wow busy here today for a weekend yay!! yes neart I do cook them from scratch, I actually love cooking - prob could have been a chef if I'd been headed that way, actually just listening to the Audiobook of Clarissa Dickson Wright (two fat ladies?) don't know if you've ever heard of her - she's a chef now but she was a raving alkie and it is a fantastic book I'm actually trying to stay awake at night now to hear the next chapter.
                  Nora great to hear from you, we seem to be missing eachother. Let us know how the counselling went - I have my 2nd session next Fri and don't even know where to start?!
                  Cooper, you are so welcome - we need some Irish here! It is a great place, I bore everyone cos I say this every time somebody new comes but this place has saved my life - no cliche - no drama - truth.
                  Hardroad, when I started here I lost more shagging posts that I agonised over sometimes for what seemed like hours - touch wood hasn't happened for a while, another positive I can take to bed with me tonight:H:H
                  Oh and yes Neart, you are more than welcome for dinner, in fact you can all come cos ya won't cost me too much on the booze:H:H:H
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Newbies Nest

                    Mere, crossposted with you - you are so welcome:welcome:. Try reading the Tool Box thread in the monthly abstainers section - great tips in there - PAPS, NORA, I STILL CAN'T DO LINKS!!!!!!!
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Newbies Nest


                      :new:Hi all, been drinking 44 years & use to do drugs when in military in the 70's. drink beer & smoke
                      pot now when can get it also started playing keno at the tavern i go to. i'm a binger now. only drink
                      3 or 4 times a month but they're all dayers. went 11 months last year without drinking but had a supply
                      of weed & smoked it daily. started drinking in march again, ran out of weed, now binge drink once a week sometimes make it two weeks even went 20 days in july. thinking about trying one of the starter packs. tired of falling off the wagon. drank all day yesterday


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey Keiffer - starter packs are good. I didn't go that route because I already had some of the stuff here at home. But, I'm still thinking about getting some I think it's called All in One???
                        I'm sorry that I've got to run right now but I will be back. Keep reading & posting!!!
                        Glad to have everyone here in the nest. :l
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Newbies Nest


                          better order before change mind, thanks


                            Newbies Nest

                            Evening guys: l AF5

                            Hello to all the newbies like myself, Mere, Cruise, Keiffer, have I missed anyone else? I did try and memorise the names then promptly forgot them... like I said last night just call me Dory:H

                            Well I don't know if the supps I'm taking are kicking in but I didn't think about drinking at all today... I kept thinking why am I not thinking about drinking? a few times but other than that I didn't have the urge at all... even picking up Mr D's wine glass and the smell of the wine wafting up failed to have any effect... All in all a good day for once.

                            Neart you're so right about getting upset over hypothetical situations that might never happen or getting upset over not having wine with cheese again, I was lying in the bath this morning thinking... Christmas Dinner... I'll never have wine with it again, what am I going to do?

                            Silly girl Lee you just b uy AF wine like you did when you were preggers.... well thats months away in the future, but I might check out some mocktail recipes ready for my h/bs Birthday later in the month...

                            Neart and Molly cadburys Turkish is just soooo delish I can devour the whole large bar in ten minutes:H The biccies though were sooo disappointing, but I ate them all anyway

                            Well have a good Sunday all..... Looking forward to actually enjoying the lunch I'm going to cook tomorrow which reminds me I must stock up on diet coke to drik with lunch..
                            AF since 31/08/2010... every day the AF total gets bigger...

                            So do you drink Lee? .... Actually no I don't Jeff........


                              Newbies Nest

                              Heya, Just got in from work. This is where my biggest downfall is....... I'm a singer, and gig around pubs. People buy you drinks and don't believe you when you insist you don't want one, especially when they know what you usually would have had. :damn:........Anywho, tonight I impresses myself, as although I did have one drink before I started my gig, I went straight on to the rock shandys after.............and stayed on them:wings:

                              So am gonna head off to bed now, look forward to a nice clear head in the morning and WISH that every other gig could go as soberly as tonight!!!

                              Thanks for being here!!:h


                                Newbies Nest

                                Mornin folks, Cooper, that's a tricky job with the booze I'd imagine alright? I feel very lucky in my job - just so happens loads of my colleagues just don't drink - no reason, they just don't. Half of them are as mad as a bag of cats but that's another story!!
                                Right I'm out'a here cos 'mummies little boys' (smallest one 6'2"!) are all coming for lunch in a couple of hours so better get the beef goin! Will check in later and expect to see EVERYONE!!!!
                                Keiffer, missed you there, sorry being lazy not reading back - you are so welcome! Hang around reading and posting. I suppose getting the starter pack would be a sort of commitment? Best of luck anyway
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

