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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good Morning & Happy Tuesday! I made it through the long weekend (barely). Hope everyone has a great week. I'll be back soon for breakfast. (Not that I only popped in to see if Fennel had been around with the truck - it just would have been an added benefit.)



      Newbies Nest

      Good morning, nestlings! Hope you all made it through the weekend o.k.

      Let's see...I have chai latte, coffee (regular and decaf), diet coke, water, tea, and some of those fancy vitamin-water thingys that I found on the side of the road. For breakfast, I have toast (with marmite, if requested), bagels, pastries, muffins, kippers, krill, bass shakes, and some of last night's tofu scramble ready to be made into a breakfast burrito.

      Coco, good for you on getting through the long weekend! :goodjob:


        Newbies Nest

        Day Beginning #4

        Wow I can see why a body needs 28 days in rehab! This alcohol must have really taken it's toll on my body all of these past 14 years! I'm sleeping but my body and mind are tired.
        I can't believe how much this site is helping these past couple of days. What my biggest trigger is is my ego that gets so cocky and says "see you can go off a couple of days and be FINE!" But then the vicious cycle begins. The longest I've gone is 14 days and I sat in an AA meeting that "lonely" Saturday and said to myself "I'm going to buy a bottle of wine." Yeah sure did and the weekend was one sloppy sad weekend - all alone.
        But I wrote out a plan last eve and I've take Sr Member Molly's advice about writing down what my hangovers are like, etc., plus I did a values inventory and compared what they are sober and what happens when I'm drinking, like "liar." I'll post my plan in that thread later.
        Now off to take a shower and get to work.

        Thanks to all and to another day of AF!


          Newbies Nest

          Mere, I had that complete tired feeling, and at night I couldn't sleep, in the day I could barely move. I also went through bad headaches, but soon it went away. when I think how my drinking started I can't believe it got that bad. But trying and I mean trying to hide it took a lot of time and totally took my real life away. It's funny to read all the back posts and see all the things I did and thought I was really getting away with it , so many others did all the same thing. CRAZY!!! Now waking up is so much better Using this sight is so much for me compared to AA. Well have good day everyone it's already Tues. !!!


            Newbies Nest

            mere;953648 wrote: Wow I can see why a body needs 28 days in rehab! This alcohol must have really taken it's toll on my body all of these past 14 years! I'm sleeping but my body and mind are tired.
            I can't believe how much this site is helping these past couple of days. What my biggest trigger is is my ego that gets so cocky and says "see you can go off a couple of days and be FINE!" But then the vicious cycle begins. The longest I've gone is 14 days and I sat in an AA meeting that "lonely" Saturday and said to myself "I'm going to buy a bottle of wine." Yeah sure did and the weekend was one sloppy sad weekend - all alone.
            But I wrote out a plan last eve and I've take Sr Member Molly's advice about writing down what my hangovers are like, etc., plus I did a values inventory and compared what they are sober and what happens when I'm drinking, like "liar." I'll post my plan in that thread later.
            Now off to take a shower and get to work.

            Thanks to all and to another day of AF!
            Welcome, mere! :welcome:

            That's a great idea from Molly...I know that I tend to have an extremely selective memory when it comes to drinking. I tend to forget the agonizing and shameful times and recall only the warm relief and quasi-"fun" parts.

            I suggest reading to help get through this time. "Drinking- A Love Story" by Caroline Knapp is a beautifully written account of her drinking and recovery. I'm in the middle of "Dry", by Augusten Burroughs. So far, it's riveting. Hang in there and visit often.


              Newbies Nest

              hardroad;953653 wrote: Mere, I had that complete tired feeling, and at night I couldn't sleep, in the day I could barely move. I also went through bad headaches, but soon it went away. when I think how my drinking started I can't believe it got that bad. But trying and I mean trying to hide it took a lot of time and totally took my real life away. It's funny to read all the back posts and see all the things I did and thought I was really getting away with it , so many others did all the same thing. CRAZY!!! Now waking up is so much better Using this sight is so much for me compared to AA. Well have good day everyone it's already Tues. !!!
              Waking up after an alcohol free night is really such a wonderful thing, isn't it? I hold on to that memory when I'm having a difficult evening.


                Newbies Nest

                fennel;953635 wrote: Good morning, nestlings! Hope you all made it through the weekend o.k.

                Let's see...I have chai latte, coffee (regular and decaf), diet coke, water, tea, and some of those fancy vitamin-water thingys that I found on the side of the road. For breakfast, I have toast (with marmite, if requested), bagels, pastries, muffins, kippers, krill, bass shakes, and some of last night's tofu scramble ready to be made into a breakfast burrito.

                Coco, good for you on getting through the long weekend! :goodjob:
                Ooooh - anything found at the side of the road HAS to be good! One of those please, et pain avec le marmite, s'il vous plait. (Oh - what just happened???? Perhaps I'm speaking in tongues. My brain must be draining of AL - Day 15 - the longest I've managed to go in 10 years. OK - aside from the nonsense coming out of my mouth (what's new???) I am FINALLY sleeping better**.

                ** I'm using spray Melatonin (ordered from Seems to be helping...


                  Newbies Nest

                  Coco-Nut;953661 wrote: Ooooh - anything found at the side of the road HAS to be good! One of those please, et pain avec le marmite, s'il vous plait. (Oh - what just happened???? Perhaps I'm speaking in tongues. My brain must be draining of AL - Day 15 - the longest I've managed to go in 10 years. OK - aside from the nonsense coming out of my mouth (what's new???) I am FINALLY sleeping better**.

                  ** I'm using spray Melatonin (ordered from Seems to be helping...
                  Would you like an oeuf with your marmite? :H I LOVE when peeps beak, er, speak in tongues...reminds me of those pentecostal services when folks are using their flippers as satellite dishes to tune in to god.

                  What's Melantonin spray? And, more importantly, where do you spray it?


                    Newbies Nest

                    Oh, and MAJOR congrats on fifteen days! That's huge, Coco! :l


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thank you Fennel and HardRoad - HardRoad it's kind of funny no really sad I read Carolyn Knapp's book when it first came out and I thought ' "Oh I'm not that bad." I've read Dry twice! Again thinking "oh I'm not that bad...." Well I'm not but I'm going to get there if I don't jump in now and get serious.
                      I really am off to work but I had a very sobering thought when I was getting ready - I spend over $7,-000 every year on wine! I figure it's $440/month and that's not counting going out! Wow I could be saving that and going to Tahiti!
                      Thanks for your help. I'll be back later. I read this post throughout the day don't always login but am so glad all of you are there. You are my life line right now.:thanks:


                        Newbies Nest

                        fennel;953665 wrote: Would you like an oeuf with your marmite? :H I LOVE when peeps beak, er, speak in tongues...reminds me of those pentecostal services when folks are using their flippers as satellite dishes to tune in to god.

                        What's Melantonin spray? And, more importantly, where do you spray it?
                        Melatonin Sleep Spray | Natural Sleep Aid *

                        A little under the arms... Just kidding - it is administered sublinqually (that means to spray a little under the wings of an Irish airplane).


                          Newbies Nest

                          mere;953673 wrote:
                          I really am off to work but I had a very sobering thought when I was getting ready - I spend over $7,-000 every year on wine! I figure it's $440/month and that's not counting going out! Wow I could be saving that and going to Tahiti!
                          Thanks for your help. I'll be back later. I read this post throughout the day don't always login but am so glad all of you are there. You are my life line right now.:thanks:
                 know, I've never attempted to figure out the monetary costs of my drinking....I'm going to hustle off and do that right now, to the best of my ability. Maybe we should put x number of money into jars weekly and save that up and see what happens! We could all meet somewhere in a year's time and have a "nest" meeting!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Coco-Nut;953683 wrote: Melatonin Sleep Spray | Natural Sleep Aid *

                            A little under the arms... Just kidding - it is administered sublinqually (that means to spray a little under the wings of an Irish airplane).
                            My first flight on Aer Lingus was a real trip...I vividly recall being bombarded by Kylie Minogue videos. :H

                            I watched the video. I wonder if stumbling off to the bathroom and being exposed to a night light shuts off my melantonin? It's not like switching on the overhead lights, but it's still light...


                              Newbies Nest

                              mere;953673 wrote: Thank you Fennel and HardRoad - HardRoad it's kind of funny no really sad I read Carolyn Knapp's book when it first came out and I thought ' "Oh I'm not that bad." I've read Dry twice! Again thinking "oh I'm not that bad...." Well I'm not but I'm going to get there if I don't jump in now and get serious.
                              I usually can't relate to other's stories. I have respect for the above two authors because of their intelligence and facility with the English language to relate the things that we do have in common- an inexplicable love for A, and the struggle to stay away from it. I've spent substantial time in AA meetings and lived through many "drunkalogues", always feeling like an outsider. In the last AA meeting I attended, I listened to a man, consumed with hatred for his ex-wife, plot her murder for twenty minutes before somebody broke the "no cross-talk" rule and told him to knock it off or leave. When I read these books, I'm "hearing" the authors in a way I don't "hear" others. I don't drink as much as they do, but I feel I can relate to them.


                                Newbies Nest

                                This is great loads of folks here - been reading for 10 mins! Coco LMAO bout the irish airplane:H Hardroad, is your ex coming back to you from Amsterdam or just generally back in the country? Is it your sons first time off with the army? Its hard seeing them go isn't it, I still haven't got over my girlie going in June.
                                Lav thanks for all those sites - I've just been presented with my 2nd egg - went out to put them to bed and there it was. Booze took all the laughter and joy and excitement out of my life - completely - and now I just got such a buzz from ONE LITTLE EGG! What do we do to ourselves?
                                Went back to work yesterday after 2 weeks off sick with depression, my upped anti-d's seem to be working already, I feel so much better. Was very nervous going back but now am absolutely fine - sore feet, but fine!!!
                                Hi Fennel, Mere oh and Coco, 15 days brilliant! Hey to absent friends - Paps, Hips, Nora, Neart, and all you other missing blighters, will check in later
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

