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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    My new me

    I was so inspired by Mama Bear's multiple changes today, I have decided to try something new as well!


      Newbies Nest

      Oh Coco - what are you? (should have gone to Specsavers!)
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Newbies Nest

        I'm just some random anime drawing, Molly. People have commented in the past that they don't know if I'm male or female by my avatar, so I chose something female-ish. There were actually a couple on the website's selection of avatars that I would have picked but I didn't know if someone was already using them - which would have been rude - so I just chose something nice off Google images!


          Newbies Nest

          Hi all! been a bit busy, which is a good thing, I reckon Just catching up here - everyone seems to be doing well and keeping happy, which is great!

          One thing though - I am a VERY concerned that our little penguin has been kidnapped by some lady in a big coat or something, and I don't know how we are going to get her back...any ideas???

          And Molly, I don't know how to say this, I really don't, but I tried the Turkish Delight Biscuits, and I was...disappointed...I felt that the turkish part was too soft and the biscuit was too hard. I have half a pack left here if you would like them?!

          I have an interview on Saturday for a job, so am trying to prepare as best I can for it - I really need to give this one a good shot. So I'm heading off to do a bit of work then get some sleep as I have a bit of work tomorrow (thank God - a little money coming in finally!).

          Hi to everyone else and hope everyone is having a good day,

          AF since 13th July 2010
          NF since 5th July 2010


            Newbies Nest

            Hello Guys

            Hope we're all having/had a good stress free AF free day today....

            AF day 8 for me almost done with, the last couple of days have shot by and I have to admit for the last two I didn't think about alcohol, well that's not true I was thinking earlier about how I won't be able to drink when I go out for lunch next week, but then it's next week and there is no point me stressing about it yet.

            Well I'm sleeping for England right now, I can just about manage to stay awake long enough to get the little ones to school then I fall asleep again, I'm not complaining though as it's so much better then falling asleep in a drunken stupor after I've dropped them off like I usually do... can't wait for the headaches to pass now as they're too much like the ones I get when I get hangovers.

            Well today I've signed up for a German class, I took the daytime one as opposed to the night time one I intended on doing as thats always a trigger for me.... go to class, finish at 9pm and buy a bottle of wine on the way home.. and I've decided to open an account and place 40% of what I used to spend on alcohol each week, every week I stay AF free, that way when I get tempted I can look at the hopefully growing amount and have another incentive not to drink...

            Right time to give in to sleep.. have a good day/ evening everyone:l:l:l
            AF since 31/08/2010... every day the AF total gets bigger...

            So do you drink Lee? .... Actually no I don't Jeff........


              Newbies Nest

              How could anyone not like those biccies - not a nice thing in the house and I'm now craving them. Good luck with the interview, Sat a funny day to have one isn't it? Anyway for the 95th time tonight I'm going to bed - keep popping around for a look and getting caught up on threads! See you tomorrow folks - night
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Newbies Nest

                x-posted DFL, good for you with the German and the sleep - I can't do either. See you tomorrow
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Newbies Nest

                  I think all of us thought at one time I not as bad as that person, I did it most of the way through and my friend and I would say it under our breath at the pub about others.Wonder how many said it about us.
                  My x was on his 5th vacation(this year) with his "partner" in Amsterdam. We traveled with kids tons when we were together, we had just got back from a trip to
                  California. before my son took his life two days later.I had won trips to Disney and california. Always thought we would have so much fun traveling in the later years never thinking my life would take such a turn! I just don't want to be alone when my kids go out on own. The other question was is it my sons first time off, no he goes to training often which is great because it gets him motivated. He is going back to school in Jan. to continue more with his firefighter stuff.Unless the army sends him somewhere.Humpday tomorrow!! It's a nice break from all the x :drama: Guess it is back to crazy times! Good night all!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Well I've now made it to 4 days of AF. Today I had one minor twinge when I thought about Friday night but said "stop it's only Tuesday." I was busy at work but was glad I had no cravings. I even went out to dinner with a friend and they serve wine, etc., and I just said "no thanks water is fine." He didn't drink either. I did though at times see those big goblets and think "hmm." But then remembered - nah, money down the drain that can go into savings.
                    So I am now putting more money into savings as a result of my figuring out how much money I have spent weekly on wine! Gawd it's awful.
                    Getting ahead of myself and putting myself down - my bad. Tomorrow is day 5 and one step in front of the other - got to watch my ego and cockiness right now.


                      Newbies Nest

                      I know what you mean by "hearing" those two authors differently than you hear others. I love how Augsten Burroughs writes! I first read his "Running with Scissors." "Dry" gave me such hope about so many things. It's why I love the movie "28 days" with Sandra Bullock - I could relate so much to her mother scene. I just found out my mother was an alcoholic. She died when I was 10 after an all nighter with the "single Catholic" group. She was taking her friend home and a man ran a red light at a high speed and broad sided them.
                      Got off the topic there but I think he is an incredible writer. I just heard an interview by Carolyn Knapp's best friend who has just written a book about their friendship because Carolyn died not too long ago of lung cancer.
                      On a happier note - thanks for sharing your information and wisdom.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello Nesters - Sorry for the absence. I thought we had another newbie and I finally figured out it was Coco. :H:H

                        I haven't had time to read up in the nest. I hope that everyone is doing FANTASTIC!!!

                        I am having a heck a time trying to find a used car to buy. :upset: Every scam artist is crawling out of the woodwork to pull a trick. I got so mad because one of them that they was used was that her son was killed in Iraq and she is selling his car. Now, who would do that?? Seriously. Who would do that? I wonder how much money she has already made on that. It makes me furious. I would love to report her/him/them. But, I don't know where or how.

                        Anyway, it's time for bed. I hope that I get some time to check in tomorrow.

                        HAVE A WONDERFUL NIGHT/MORNING/AFTERNOON/EVENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning Hardroad, Mere Nora and all to come. Nora that is horrible tho as I get older I get more cynical, where money is involved some people will do anything, that includes my own sister - long story, I'll save it for a day we're all bored!
                          Well done with the 4 days Mere. I used to mock at politicians and people who gave out about advertising and sponsorship of events by tobacco and alcohol companies but was watching a movie the other night and someone was drinking a big cold glass of white wine and I thought 'wow that looks lovely' so yeah, they have a point.
                          Hardroad, glad your son is just training - that sounds like a great focus for a young person. Hope the X bit is ok today!
                          Right going to let my chickens out and going to hairdressers in a couple of hours try and rectify orange hair!! See you all later
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello Nestlings!! Sorry I haven't posted in a while but I have been lurking and keeping an eye on you all!! Everyone sounds great and I'm very impressed with all the well thought out plans!! Keep up the good work!
                            Molls, I think somehow I missed your 4 months anniversery!! I'm so sorry! Well, good on you and keep it up!! I'm so glad you're feeling better with the change in ADs. Hope you're enjoying going back to work after your "retreat".
                            Nora-hows the Topa working for you this time? I've always bought my used cars from guys who go to auctions and then fix them up. Get a good recommendation as they can be scam artists too but if they are on the up and up you can get really good deals. My Outback is from one of these guys. He won't buy anything that's been in an accident, just cosmetic and maintenance issues. My previous "guy" was a master at rebuilding Toyota's that had been totaled. he wouldn't touch anything with engine problems but if it was just frame/body work he was in. I bought 6 corolla's from him before he retired!! Good luck!!

                            Everything is fine in my world. Looking forward to vacation in a week. I still get urges but they are mental, not physical and have a lot to do with lonliness and sometimes boredom/hopelessness. I'll probably talk to my doc about getting counseling. Don't want to do rx ADs yet. I'm taking Lav's natural AD, Amoryn and for the most part it's really helping.

                            OK, off to get ready for work-I'll prolly be late again!!

                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              Newbies Nest

                              NoraC;954217 wrote: Hello Nesters - Sorry for the absence. I thought we had another newbie and I finally figured out it was Coco. :H:H
                              Yes it's just little me. I thought I'd play dress up for a while but I'm not sure I like the new "me" just yet!!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Coco-Nut;953832 wrote: People have commented in the past that they don't know if I'm male or female by my avatar, so I chose something female-ish.
                                I, for one, love the ambiguity of your old avatar. Keep 'em guessing, that's my motto!

