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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    mere;954206 wrote: Fennel,
    I know what you mean by "hearing" those two authors differently than you hear others. I love how Augsten Burroughs writes! I first read his "Running with Scissors." "Dry" gave me such hope about so many things. It's why I love the movie "28 days" with Sandra Bullock - I could relate so much to her mother scene. I just found out my mother was an alcoholic. She died when I was 10 after an all nighter with the "single Catholic" group. She was taking her friend home and a man ran a red light at a high speed and broad sided them.
    Got off the topic there but I think he is an incredible writer. I just heard an interview by Carolyn Knapp's best friend who has just written a book about their friendship because Carolyn died not too long ago of lung cancer.
    On a happier note - thanks for sharing your information and wisdom.
    I'm so sad about Carolyn Knapp...what a beautiful mind.

    I've never seen "28 Days"...gonna have to check it out on Netflix. Sorry about your mom...such a huge loss for a child! :l


      Newbies Nest

      My grand-nephew left behind some chocolate and vanilla milk from his visit...I'm thinking I can use it in the coffee (per your requests) to give "Dos Gatos" that slick, "Starbucks" feel. In that spirit, I've created my own special "Fennel's Dos Gatos" mix C.D., available for free with one lunch special. I haven't had many post-breakfast customers here at the nest. What's up? My "mystery" taquitas not cutting it for you peeps? :H


        Newbies Nest

        Morning newbies....
        I am still here.....
        I cannot believe Carolyn Knapp died...I read her book....
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          Newbies Nest

          mama bear;954595 wrote: Morning newbies....
          I am still here.....
          I cannot believe Carolyn Knapp died...I read her book....
          MAMA!!!! Oh my gosh, I haven't seen your new avatar until now!!!! Here, I'm sending some grundies his way...yah, we called 'em "grundies" at my house... :flyingunders:


            Newbies Nest

            mama bear;954595 wrote: Morning newbies....
            I am still here.....
            I cannot believe Carolyn Knapp died...I read her book....
            Good Lord, Mama - put some pants on before you come to the breakfast table!!

            How're you doing today?


              Newbies Nest

              And sad about Carolyn Knapp. She quit drinking, but never quit smoking. She died of lung cancer a few years back.


                Newbies Nest

                You all make me smile and laugh it is a great way to start the day. i AM GOING TO A BAR TONIGHT, EEEK! Am trying to come up with plan so will just try to stop in and make them happy and excuse myself early, with everything goin on I would love to use this as a excuse to sit back and have a few. I seem to do okay if I order a ice water first and have time to think and than some times I just stick with water. Hope it works. Hard day at work today which will add to it so I'll just think control!! Good Wed. to all!


                  Newbies Nest

                  hardroad;954609 wrote: You all make me smile and laugh it is a great way to start the day. i AM GOING TO A BAR TONIGHT, EEEK! Am trying to come up with plan so will just try to stop in and make them happy and excuse myself early, with everything goin on I would love to use this as a excuse to sit back and have a few. I seem to do okay if I order a ice water first and have time to think and than some times I just stick with water. Hope it works. Hard day at work today which will add to it so I'll just think control!! Good Wed. to all!
                  Order something AF really fast - get something safe to drink in your hand as quickly as possible. (That's the extent of my brilliant advice - but I do know once everyone around you is getting AL it makes it tough if you don't already have something...)


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hardroad, I'm only 5 days into AF and went to one of my favorite Italian restaurants last eve where the wine flows - I had a glass of water with lemon - refreshing. Tad of a longing but thought about my morning Good luck you'll do fine!


                      Newbies Nest

                      You all are so funny! I wish I had time to play today.

                      Paps - Topamax is working. But, if I miss a pill I can tell. I forgot one during one of the stressful days when my Uncle was in the hospital and so much was going on. I also ran out of my Estroven (the over the counter hormones) that I've been taking. I thought maybe I didn't need it anymore. Nope - I went right back into my slump. The crying and everything I mean. So, will go out & buy that today. We don't need a repeat of that. :H But, I'm doing much better. Thanks for asking. :l

                      Ok - folks. Off I go. I really want to get some time to be in the nest. I miss it here. My niece called & she thinks she might have a lead on a car. So keep your fingers crossed. :h
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Nesters! How are ye all this evening? My goodness am I tired - I had forgotten how exhausting a room full of children could be! So just a little note to say hi to everyone

                        I was shocked too when I heard about Caroline Knapp - that book really affected me about a year ago, and was a part of my realisation of the road I was headed down. I read an article in Oprah magazine about her recently, and felt so sad.

                        I love the film 28 Days too - sandra bullock is great in it. Went to cinema last night and saw The Switch - it's good for a romantic comedy - I really liked it anyway, and the kid is soooo cute in it

                        Molly, I actually felt bad admitting about the biccies! I'm back to the straight up no frills chocolate bars tonight. Fair play Mere - you did great to get through that! I hid away in the earlier days (still am, to be honest). Nora, papmom, hardroad, coco (I think) and fen - hi and mama, what are ya up to at all at all??!! There was me thinking you were oh-so-pure-of-heart-and-mind.....I just don't know any more...

                        ps Good luck with the car hunt, Nora!
                        AF since 13th July 2010
                        NF since 5th July 2010


                          Newbies Nest

                          Well day 5 AF for me and I'm having "those thoughts" you know, wow I've managed 4 days it's okay today right? Willpower.....say a prayer for me!


                            Newbies Nest

                            :goodjob:PAPSER 4 MONTHS TODAY - JUST SPOTTED YOUR DATE
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Newbies Nest

                              Paps, well done, it's been a hell of a journey and we have come a long way already girl haven't we?! Sorry to hear you are feeling lonely, you know, I never felt lonelier than when I was drinking - hiding and lying and not wanting anyone anywhere near me cos they interfered with my drinking. Am going back to counsellor on Friday - I'm a very very very private person and now that I'm feeling stronger in myself I'm not sure that I'll be able to open up to her or even if I want to?! Anyway good on you girl and hi to everyone else - hope the car gets sorted Nora.
                              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                                Newbies Nest

                                This honest stuff can be hard sometimes. I had my water and than Two BEERS nothing in my book. But still feel could have done better. I was doing so good with nothing so I will get back to nothing, even though little proud Didn't over do it, but have to say was really looking forward to having house to myself tonight. Hope I go to bed and get some sleep. BUT HAVE ONE LOAD OF LAUNDRY SO i'LL GET THAT DONE. EXCUSE MY CAP. LETTERS, IT'S THE COMPUTERS FAULT!!!! THANKS FOR EVERYONES HELP AND SUPPORT , THOUGHT ABOUT THE NEST WHILE OUT AND HELPED ME FEEL LIKE I HAD PEOPLE WHO UNDERSTOOD. CHECK IN MORNING, SURE I'LL NEED COFFEE AND STUFF, NO FISHEY STUFF. COCOA, I DO MISS THE LITTLE PENGUIN. enguin:

