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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thanks Molls!! Yes we have come a long way! In some respects it feels much longer than 4 months!! I'm thinking of getting a referral to an addiction counselor just cuz I know things just aren't right but AL always hid them so ididn't have to deal. I think opening up to an objective strange will be a good thing. have a go at it Molls-you might find that because you're feeling stronger, it's easier now.
    Let us know how it goes OK?

    Nora-car news?

    Hang in there mere-you can do it. Just don't let that first drink get past your defenses!!

    Neart-you crack me up!! You're a funny person!!

    Hey ho to everyone else in the nest-fennel, coco, MB (love the avatar!!) and the rest.

    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      Newbies Nest

      Thanks Papmom3. Didn't even make it to drink #1! Made dinner - yeah actually hadn't let the food spoil because when I drink "I'm too tired to cook and want someone else to cook for me" so I go out and spend too much money and drink more (my evilmere alter ego talking).....I made a great meal that has left overs and me and my Cheweenie went for a walk - lovely evening. I'm tired, going to take my melatonin and sleep. Thanks all for being here and battling the demon Al right along with me. So glad I'm here.


        Newbies Nest

        mollyka;954878 wrote: I'm a very very very private person and now that I'm feeling stronger in myself I'm not sure that I'll be able to open up to her or even if I want to?!
        Ya know, whenever I try to envision myself at a session with a therapist, I'm always running through the story I'm going to give him/her. Wouldn't really be too beneficial, would it? (Making the effort and going to the expense of a therapy session and then lying throughout it!)


          Newbies Nest

          hardroad;955060 wrote: COCOA, I DO MISS THE LITTLE PENGUIN. enguin:
          I missed the little penguin too! So - I'll just slip back into my costume and away I go. (Please pass the fish.)


            Newbies Nest

            I only have a car news yet. I have received an e-mail back. I will call him this morning. I have a horrible feeling that it's going to be another scam.
            Anyway - I always felt the same way about the counselor. Luckily for me I went in there and I just clicked with her. I felt comfortable. I had my 4th session last Saturday and as I was blabbing away, I suddenly stopped and said "Listen to me, just blabber". We both laughed. Because at first, it was hard. Now, I have decided that I might as well tell her what's bothering me. She's not there to judge me, she's there to help me find ways to cope to get better.
            Oh two cents. Since you never asked for my two cents. :H

            I'm glad my penguin is back. More free advise.

            Have a wonderful day everyone.

            Congratulations to Paps and to Molly!!!! 4 months on both of you!!!!!!
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              Newbies Nest

              Molly...I went throuogh therapy a squillion years ago and I had to visit four or five before I found I could open up to......but be really is good for you
              Hell...I need to go now for a "tune up"!!!
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                Newbies Nest

                Okay now that we have enguin: back , mama bear you are going to have to get dressed one of these days, getting much colder out and the bar bell will fall anyway! how bout these :grannypants: !!!


                  Newbies Nest

                  New and starting today

                  Hello everyone. I am not sure if this is where I post as a newbie, but here it goes....My name is Tiffany and I am taking the first step today in stopping drinking. I come from a long line of heavy drinkers and believe it or not, I thought this was a normal way of life for a very long time. I am scared as I have concerns because I do not know what to expect stopping cold turkey. I just know I can no longer wake up at 2am feeling anxious and not being able to go back to sleep. I want to get rid of the cravings I have everyday when I get off work. It has become something I feel I have lost control over. I have read many posts and the introduction from the author. My story is very similar to everyone elses. I used to binge drink when I was younger, now it is an everyday event. I believe it stemmed from the stress that has come in to my life which started about 2 years ago. :new:


                    Newbies Nest


                    Hello Tiffster & Welcome! You've come to the right place!

                    You will find this site extremely helpful - great resources and supportive members.



                      Newbies Nest

                      too cute hardroad...actually I changed again to a mama that can kick ass and so can all of her lovely bum was getting chilly and my viagra was wearing off so i knew I needed to do something quick!!
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        Newbies Nest

                        Welcome Tiffster - definitely you've come to the right place. Everyone here is at different stages - but we're all relative newcomers and we have shared our stories and be sure to tell us about yourself. Re. cold turkey, it depends on lots, how much you are drinking, your age, sex, size heaps of stuff. Personally I would recommend starting with the help of a doc but if that's not possible be very careful, either taper down if you are a big drinker, if not, just drink loads of water and be gentle with yourself for a day or two. It's tough but very doable and so so worth it! Keep in touch
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Newbies Nest

                          Just had a good giggle. My 2nd son popped in for a bite of dinner and a chat - he's my most down to earth one and can be very sharp! I told him I was going to counselling tomorrow and he asked me how much it cost. I told him it is 60 euros an hour. Anyway, I was just saying to him that I couldn't imagine what I was going to whinge about for an hour to her and he said 'why don't you whinge about the 60 euros':H
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Newbies Nest

                            hardroad;955499 wrote: Okay now that we have enguin: back , mama bear you are going to have to get dressed one of these days, getting much colder out and the bar bell will fall anyway! how bout these :grannypants: !!!
                            lol good one hardroad :H

                            Hi Tiffster :welcome: Good advice from Molly - do see a doc if possible as it's safer that way. You are very welcome here - I am sure I wouldn't be going this long without AL without this site - browse around and read up lots if you like, and know that you are very welcome here

                            And Molly, your son is very wise :H I remember going to a counsellor a few years ago, 50 quid a go, which was a huge amount for me at the time. I didn't like her so much to be honest - her style didn't suit me. Not least because she spent half the time talking about herself! I'd say "I was fighting with my mother" or something, and she'd start rabbiting on about her relationship with her own mother, and then put out her hand at the end of the 50 minutes (not even the full hour!!) for the money...

                            It's really important that you find someone you trust and feel comfortable with, as Mama said (although she is an interesting role model wandering around the place with no pants on, I must say). The first time I went to see a counsellor (that I ended up trusting) I remember just sitting there in complete silence for the first 5 mins (felt like an hour) - I felt like such a tosser to be honest - every problem seemed so trivial all of a sudden! But when you find someone you trust, it is brilliant - it doesn't stop you from being a private person, cause it's not like you're blabbing to random strangers at a party (as I used to do) - you're telling someone who can help you move on and leave negative patterns behind.

                            Oh, I'm rabbiting on as always!! Hi everyone, hope your day is going well. Nora - really glad therapy is going well for you, and WELCOME BACK COCO!!! Was beginning to think you had developed Stockholm Syndrome and our little penguin was never coming back from the kidnappers...
                            AF since 13th July 2010
                            NF since 5th July 2010


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thank you!!!!

                              Thank you everyone for all the welcomes! I printed out a list of Docs that specialize in addictions and will start going down the list. I did try an addiction doctor before, but I was told I would need to be inpatient for atleast 4 days and then go do a 6 week outpatient program. I can not do this, nor do I think I need to. I felt also that they were more interested in the money as they wanted to charge me an arm and a leg for it, even though I have insurance with mental health benefits. I really think I can control this if I could get rid of the cravings. As far as drinking, I drink about 1/3 a 5th of liquor between 5pm and 8pm every night. That has been the average now for about 2 years. I drink an incredible amount of water daily, probably close to a gallon. My tolerance level is very high and I never "feel" the effects of alcohol until 2am when I wake up and I am having a sugar crash with a slight shake, also very anxious. Has this happened to any of you? Also, does anyone have any advice in how to approach the doctor regarding this issue? I do not believe I need to go inpatient, and am concerned that they will suggest it again. I really would just like a script for the cravings in addition to the supplements that available on this website.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Tiffster - yes waking up and feeling shaking/anxious is very normal for those of us who inmbibe late at night and then go to bed- I'm a great example of that! The best things for the craving is right on this website - the MWO book explains topriamate or toprimax - pluse the supplements Kudzu, L-glutamate, Primrose Oil, calms forte, amino acids, etc. The melatonin is great for sleep.
                                I'm only 6 days into this but found this sight after reading the book. Check out the tool kit under the thread "Abstinence." Molly has a great bunch of tools on that thread.
                                Just keep posting and reading all of the others - so many hear who know and have lived our stories and are still alive and sober!

