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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I dunno Tiffster - doesn't sound like an amount of alcohol that should cos dangerous withdrawals but that's just my opinion. Yes I know that anxiety in the middle of the night - definitely alcohol induced, and it goes away very very quickly - within a week in my experience. Not sure how docs approach things in the states, but at that level of AL in Ireland there is no way would they suggest inpatient care, so I would just level with them tell the WHOLE truth - pointless otherwise, and they will give you meds to get over the first few days. I am not implying that you are not drinking too much, just that it should well be manageable at home under supervision.
    Good luck and let us know
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Newbies Nest

      Thank you Mere and Mollyka for your input and advice. I will look in the abstinance thread as you suggested Mere. The doctors in the states seem to push for Inpatient care of any kind for some reason. I work at a hospital in the case management department and see it every day....patients being admitted as Inpatients, then their insurance denies the claim as the pateint did not meet the criteria for Inpatient and should have actually been outpatient. I agree with you Mollyka as I do not think I need inpatient treatment and think it can be managed at home under supervision. I will definately keep you posted! Thanks again!


        Newbies Nest

        Hi tiff

        I'm just on day 10 myself, everyday it seems to get a bit easier, but I've been here before so this time round I know what to expect and I'm on meds for depression so maybe it mkes it easier...

        I'm sure you can do this, just be kind to yourself and keep distracted as much as possible at the times you'd usually start to drink, I've spent so much time online with my friend this week it's been untrue, we talk every night, but I've kept him online for 3 or 4 hour stints.. but it's kept me busy. I'm just using some supplements at the moment L glutamine, kudzu, Evening Primrose, Milkthistle and vitamin B complex, being here and reading everything you can and taking the support helps so much too....

        So day 10 AF for me, over.... Somethings taken over my body and mind, suddenly I'm Mrs ultra I need to be organised and as for cleaning, stand still in my house and you'll either be cleaned, painted or filed away, I'm never usually organised and I hate housework, the whole place used to just get a cat lick but now, hell I even polished the top of my wardrobes this morning:H

        Anyway today I thought of a list of reasons of why I love being sober:l

        Not having to hide away from the other Moms at school, going shopping and not worrying what people think of me buying vodka at 9.15 in the morning, no clanking bottles as I walk home, stopping and buying something nice for the house on a whim instead of dashing back wanting the first hit of alcohol... I could go on and on....

        Hope everyone is doing okay today:l
        AF since 31/08/2010... every day the AF total gets bigger...

        So do you drink Lee? .... Actually no I don't Jeff........


          Newbies Nest

          I found myself doing the same thing regarding the Moms at school or school events my children wanted to go to. I did not want them to smell the alcohol on my breath. I feel so awful and selfish as my little ones got the short end of the stick. I wish I could go back in time and change that, I am completely guilt ridden over it. Living where I do, it is a big time shift town and alcohol is available 24/7 in the grocery and convenience stores. However, I plan on moving back home to Texas soon and the laws regarding selling alcohol are a lot stricter. I believe this will help me as it will not be as easily available as it is here.


            Newbies Nest

            Tiff... You are not alone on the guilt anyone with kids with our problem has done it. The AL becomes your past time and if you did things with / for kids it would take time away from AL. Everything else you are feeling is also things we all have talked about. It's good to see those things gives you reason for being AF. You will love the clear head and different way you feel after the begining. I didn't go to dr. and was drinking so much everynight till pass out for bed. You'll do great stick close to the nest for awhile!!


              Newbies Nest

              Yes Tiff, Hardroad is so right - anyone with kids here knows the guilt of putting alcohol over their children. 'Cringe' moment here. I once drank vodka before going to a parent/teacher meeting. I like to think I covered myself breath/demeanour etc. cos I was a VERY functional alkie right up to the last year, but jeez what if anyone copped it? I just get goose bumps thinkin about it.
              Heading to counselling in an hour, must compare notes with folks who've been, Nora anyhow?
              Am feeling very bright - bar the bloody headaches - it's a lovely feeling. I know cravings will come and go but I can't imagine how drink could tempt me when I feel so good without it ...............but it will and I won't
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Newbies Nest

                I keep posting in Sober September, thinking it's the nest!! Am so easily confused Some of the other threads are so big, I get lost and can't remember who's in them etc so I like the nest - a nice, friendly, manageable size for me

                Molly, I've done counselling before a few times, and I remember how weird and awkward and selfconscious it is at the start. It really is worth sticking with if you like the counsellor though. And you'd be surprised - you'd think you have nothing to say, but like Nora said, once you start, it starts flowing and you'd be amazed at what you'd remember from years ago that was actually bothering you that you thought you'd forgotten (if that makes sense). Best thing is to try not to edit yourself - don't think "oh, I won't say that, it sounds stupid", etc - cause you'll get so much more out of it by just saying whatever comes to mind - get your 60 euros worth!!!

                Hope all the nesters are having a good Friday xx

                ps Fen can I have a chai latte please? No coffee for me today, trying not to get too wound up about interview!
                AF since 13th July 2010
                NF since 5th July 2010


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good Morning & Happy Friday!

                  F E N N E L -- Please put fish back on the menu - that little anime personage has left.

                  Morning Nora, Neart, Mollyka, Hardroad, Tiffster, and everyone else! BTW - Anyone seen Sunni lately???

                  Hmmm...the kid thing - that's enough to put your face back under the covers again, isn't it? Guilt, guilt, guilt...


                    Newbies Nest

                    I could'nt even tell you how much counsling I had, but most for marriage, childs death, divorce, anger at x for leading me on for 18 years and three boys later changing his life style. I started the drinking during these times but was not as bad. So mostly talking was just me being angry, or upset. It was a good release and always felt better after. I guess it didn't really solve anything . My drinking also included sporting events, school functions, anything I wasn't to happy to do instead of hidding at home.
                    Hope I was as good at hiding as I thought I was. I know when I drunked dialed x it showed and of course I had no idea the next day and had to turn the conversation so he'd tell me what I said. Yuck! Thats hard to think about, what a mess. :egad:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning every one! Day 7 for me always in the fore front because it is F R I D A Y - always the party evening right? I can party without AL!
                      Molly I have done sOO much counseling over the years but found it is like peeling an onion just kept taking layers off. You do have to find the right counselor though - there are some real odd counselors out there so be careful and find the one that you trust.
                      Would love to keep posting but off to work with a clear confident swagger - LOL!
                      Thanks to all again for your posting wisdom and advice.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Afternoon Neart, Coco. Just back from counsellor and specsavers, feckin 450 euros in specsavers - I need counselling just for that!
                        Yeah Neart I know what you are saying - I went in feeling very bright and breezy and left in mad tears and snots an everything! The words just came out like mad things, there is so much hurt in there buried it is frightening. Anyway absolutely exhausting but very good and will stick with her. Bought myself some 'jeggings' in M &S and coupl'a tops and lovely fancy breads in the outdoor market and home sweet home, hubs is home early and we are just having a lazy doin nothin afternoon. How's everyone doing? When's the interview Neart? Oh yes Coco the looking back and situations I drank in terrify me. I know the last time I had my eyes tested I had had a drink before hand (or 3) and today your man was crawling all over my face - I know if I had had a drink he would have HAD to smell it yuch!
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Newbies Nest

                          Mere and Hardroad, missed your posts there - it took me about an hour to send mine cos hubs arrived in the middle of it, so you had snuck yours in in the meantime! I do quite like this woman, but I quite like her job as well - just dole out tissues and take money - I could do that!!!
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Newbies Nest

                            Chai latte coming right up, neart...also, I have krill, krill morning buns, kippers, minnows (there's a bait shop on the way to the nest), and bass shakes for the discerning palate. Today's special is banana-nut muffins, along with the usual assortment of pastries. Coffee, both regular and decaf, with vanilla or choco milk, plus diet coke, water, and all sorts of teas.

                            Nice to see so many folks in the nest this morning! Molly, is "specsavers" an eye glasses store? Holy cats, I'd need counseling after that, myself! Mine are getting more expensive the older I get.


                              Newbies Nest

                              wowsers - 450 yoyo's eh, Molly?! That'd make ya cry alright!! Glad you liked the counsellor - have you an appointment to go back?

                              Fen, thanks for the Chai - I've been drinking Camomile all day in the hopes that I'll sleep better tonight - haven't been getting to sleep at all the last while. Interview is tomorrow morning, half 11. Have butterflies! Often, the thought of these things is much worse than the actual event. So, this time tomorrow I'll know if I got the job or not, so I'll either be feeling pretty low or I'll be so excited...either way, I'm not going to drink. Kinda weird - it's usually a case of "I'll either be drowning my sorrows or celebrating" - must think of a new way to mark these occasions - all suggestions would be welcome

                              I need lots of pity now, as I have to go do soccer training IN THE RAIN for 3 HOURS and I don't even like soccer...the things ya got to do to try and get a job I would love to get in to bed and watch a film, but who knows, me and my two left feet might enjoy it. There's always a chance. A slim one.
                              AF since 13th July 2010
                              NF since 5th July 2010


                                Newbies Nest

                                neart;956188 wrote: wowsers - 450 yoyo's eh, Molly?! That'd make ya cry alright!! Glad you liked the counsellor - have you an appointment to go back?

                                I need lots of pity now, as I have to go do soccer training IN THE RAIN for 3 HOURS and I don't even like soccer...the things ya got to do to try and get a job I would love to get in to bed and watch a film, but who knows, me and my two left feet might enjoy it. There's always a chance. A slim one.
                                I don't know what type of job you are going for - that would make a part of the interview process a sloppy soccer session - but whatever it is GOOD LUCK! And think how nice it will be giving an interview all sober and clear-headed.

                                Fingers crossed!

                                :h Coco

