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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Yes Fennel, can't believe everyone doesn't know what specsavers is! It is a big world after all!
    Yep Neart, am going back to her in 2 weeks, I am absolutely exhausted tonight - must be from that? Best of luck with the interview - great that you will know so soon one way or the other. My son was supposed to have an interview today which had to be posponed til next week, I feel sorry for him having to think about it all weekend. It's within the same company that he works in at the moment so I suppose it's not as big as a first time interview.
    Hey Coco - how you doing - is the melatonin working at night?
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Newbies Nest

      Good Morning / afternoon/ evening:l

      I wore some perfume today which I hadn't worn for a while because it smelt as though it was going off, it smelt fine now, all I can think is it had reacted with the alcohol in my body somehow over the last few months... such a surprise, has anyone else noticed things like that?

      Day ten done with almost:l hang on no day 11... wow..., been thinking about my h/b birthday in a couple of weeks time so I've decided to get a plan together, I've chosen an indian restaurant with no drinks licence, I'm going to buy the supplies tomorrow whilst I'm feeling good, 2mini bottles of wine for Mr D and a bottle of fizzy grape juice for myself and I'll take along my best friend diet coke to back me up... I feel a little better now I've got something worked out.

      Hope we're all having a good day:l:l

      @ Molly wow that many euro's are you sure you didn't actually buy specsavers?

      Oh and the shame and guilt of the times I went to pick the kids up from school, hoping to God no one would quite realise I'd had one or two that morning ( I used to drink between 9 and 10am so I would have a few hours to try and be somewhat sober by picking up time)....
      AF since 31/08/2010... every day the AF total gets bigger...

      So do you drink Lee? .... Actually no I don't Jeff........


        Newbies Nest

        Informtion on when you stop drinking, this my 4th day of not drinking. Prior I was drinking a qurt of Vodka a day. I lost my job which promoted my drinking.

        Question is, my systoms; tired, sleep a lot, lost of appetite, bed sweat, are these normal systoms? Being to think if I am good to feel this way, might as well drink.



          Newbies Nest

          Yes they're perfectly normal honey:l I was exhuasted the first few days no matter how much I slept, hot sweats, mood swings for a few days, but they will pass in the next few days.

          When you get to day 4 ish the last of the alcohol has gotten out of your system and your body needs to adjust.... and yes right now you'll think, a drink will make me feel better, these feelings will pass, just hang on in there, stay close to this site and take all the support you can from here and drink as much water as you need:l:l Just take the time to concentrate on yourself....

          I found writing down how much I hated feeling when drank helped a lot too.
          AF since 31/08/2010... every day the AF total gets bigger...

          So do you drink Lee? .... Actually no I don't Jeff........


            Newbies Nest

            Heya everyone.
            Hadn't forgotten bout being here, just been reading all the posts since last week. Feel like I'm cracking up!! As I said last week, had a good gig, one drink before i started and that was it. Then the next day, had an afternoon gig, (where normaly I would be drinking away for the gig, then get more to take away with me.) But this time, I brought my husband with me, and told him HE could have the few if he wanted for a change. he isn't a drinker by any standards. This way I couldn't drink as I had to drive. So obviously, after these two days, was feling great about myself. Then came Monday............................... The part I didn't mention last week is that if I'm not gigging, I can find ANY excuse to pop down to Aldi, and get a 12 pack of larger. SOOOO cheap!! Now,,,, genuinely I'd have bout 4-6 of them, but I'd finish the rest off the next night. I also love my wine!! I have no problem polishing off a bottle, maybe 4 a week, sometimes plus the beers. Thing is, it's only the beers that anyone knows about. I started drinking when I started giging, bout 13/14 years ago. I started off with 2 pints of Bulmers (magners cider) a night. But this VERY quickly grew to bout 9/10 a night, drank in the space of a 4 hour night. Then another couple freebies to take home with me.Thank God I've never been one for spirits, Don't mind the rare bacardi and coke at Christmas, but couldn't drink it all the time. Strangely enough, I know it would affect me too much, so just stay clear.....go figure!!

            I feel, I should also mention that I lost my Dad to alcoholism at the age of 16, he was only 41. 4 years off where I am now. Didn't know him all that well as he "worked away from home" alot. (Yeah, they were separated, just never told me) So never saw first hand the effects.
            Being in Ireland and the whole "drink culture" that goes with it, I honestly never realised I was drinking to excess. What makes it worse for me is that I NEVER get a hangover!!!!! I usually have the wherewithall to drink bout a pint of water before sleep, and this works for me, so I convinced myself that I was fine.

            On average, I would say I drink bout 3/4 bottles of wine a week, Bout avg, 4/6 lagers a night. Never during the day, unless an afternoon gig as i said. Last weekend was a rare thing. Needless to say, as you can probably guess, this week, since Monday, hasn't been any different. Thing is,,,,,,, Gigs????? yeah I can picture myself doing without drink. It's the home part........ I have two beautiful girls, one nearly 4, and the other 15 months. I also have THE most wonderful husband. He knows i drink too much, but loves me all the same. Can't hide much from him as up till this year, he was the man i was gigging with. LOVE HIM!!! ( just celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary).........Anywho, getting back to the point, I wake up, full of beans, and throughout the day, convince myself, no more.... but then, bout 6pm, I REALLY fancy a beer, or glass of wine. and usually give in, hop in the car and off to Aldi I go!!!

            I have lots of relations coming over to visit in 6 weeks, who know nothing.... my sister is one, coming home from Oz, ON HER OWN for the first time, and looking for a party!!! The thing that amazes me is that 8 years ago, I gave up smoking pretty why can't I even cut down on drink?????

            Quite genuinely, Thank you..... Iv'e NEVER told ANYONE the truth before. XXX


              Newbies Nest

              Me again,

              Just wanted to add one PROUD day......... My wedding day...... Within the gigs, have seen sooooo many Brides and Grooms, plastered out of they're tree. I was determined that I was not going to do the same...... I fought long and hard for my hubby, and i didn't want to forget a thing.... I had a totally sober FANTASTIC wedding, AND, what not alot of people can say......... I would NOT change a thing. I'M so glad i remember every detail. Wouldn't if I were drinking!!


                Newbies Nest

                I remember my wedding too, but not as good of an ending, did have about 15 out of 20 good years. The nest seems quiet tonight. Is everyone out and about?
                About feeling all the horrid side affects, it does go away, some linger longer than others .I think I had headaches the longest! Stay strong well worth it! :wave:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Cooper, welcome back Fair play to you for getting it all out there, it's a great start. There is a lot of advice here on what to do, I don't think I'm the best to give it as my situation is different, but you have taken the first steps, you have thought about it and begun reflecting and you will get there! Keep coming back :l
                  Hi ref :welcome:
                  Hi Hardroad and everyone else who comes along today!

                  Soccer was actually good fun last night! I enjoyed myself despite myself :H

                  But, oh my God, I am soooooooooooooooooo nervous now about my interview - much worse than I was for my finals. Butterflies are swarming in my tummy!!! Going to have brekkie, get ready now and head off, I will report back later Eeeek!!!!
                  AF since 13th July 2010
                  NF since 5th July 2010


                    Newbies Nest

                    Nert, your gonna have to tell us what job you went for with having a pre soccer game. In the Us we don't have any before you interview games. Maybe tryouts for those Dallas cheerleaders{but that gets turned into tv show} so your one game is throwing me off!!
                    Early Sat. here, just took my bp meds which put me back to sleep, so waiting for that to kick in, wish I could take before bed but the make you pee, so I would be going to bathroom all night or wet the bed. Don't I sound fun now??? :banana: When I get up, Fen, maybe some coffee, and todays special {not the ones for penquins} or {squrirels} so if that hurt any feelings, just not into morning fish and already pretty nutty! Good AF day everyone


                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning Hardroad and everyone else! It was a teaching job, so I was doing soccer training (how to coach) to brush up on my skills. Interview went ok, although my brain hurts now from all that thinking Won't know for about a week probably so am officially at a loose end! gonna chill out today anyway. Fen, I'd love a cappucino too please

                      Oh hardroad, those meds sound poor thing x
                      AF since 13th July 2010
                      NF since 5th July 2010


                        Newbies Nest



                          Newbies Nest

                          My heart went out to all Americans today - specially Techie who was closely involved and lost a good friend, and yes Hardroad, from living in Ireland that appalling racial religious hatred that existed just up the road from us here was very hard to live with. Thankfully things are so much better here now.
                          Neart, glad the interview went well, nasty week now waiting for answers?
                          Cooper, glad you came back - you seem to be getting your head around all this - it's important that you 'divorce' your job from alcohol. A lot of it is habit and learnt experience, the more sober gigs you do the more you won't associate it with having a drink - that REALLY does work.
                          Ref. All those side effects are completely normal and the good news is that you should start feeling much better now after 4 days.
                          DFL, if I was still drinkin I'd think they'd fleeced me for the specs:H They are nice ones tho
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Newbies Nest

                            mollyka;957264 wrote: My heart went out to all Americans today - specially Techie who was closely involved and lost a good friend, and yes Hardroad, from living in Ireland that appalling racial religious hatred that existed just up the road from us here was very hard to live with. Thankfully things are so much better here now.
                            Molly, I went to Ireland shortly after 911. One thing that really touched me was that every Irish person, down to the last man, woman and child, had a kind and consoling word to visiting Americans. I listened to some kind women who owned a pub in Newmarket-On-Fergus in CO. Clare, who relayed to us that they observed the destruction of the Twin Towers in horror. The kindness from each person we met was unexpected and so appreciated! :h

                            And I hear you about the religious hatred. Although the religious hatred my grandparents knew was against Catholics...not sure what you're describing.


                              Newbies Nest

                              The bigotry here was between Catholics and Protestants - each as bad as the other!
                              I remember well where I was when I saw the horror of the Twin Towers on tele - I was bringing my youngest son for his booster immunization injections and the nurse and I sat in horror looking at it unfold. My work colleagues were telling me yesterday that they closed off all the computers so any Americans who happened to be in Ireland could use them to check up with their relations and friends at home. Apparently we were getting Thank you letters for about a year afterwards just for that small little gesture.
                              Anyway how are you young Fennel, I was goin to say you are up very early (6.15AM) here! - but of course you're just goin to bed!!
                              Good morning everyone in advance looking forward to chatting later
                              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                                Newbies Nest

                                Mere here...drank a bit but not too much. So I don't feel really bad but I've missed everyone and their journey. Did have a wonderful day with no AL - sat on my deck in the sun with my Cheweenie and read Vanity Fair, worked in my garden and then went and had my hair done. Hungry and went to the best Mexican restaurant....Back to reality....

