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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning everyone

    My, Molly - you are up early! Mere, your day sounded lovely - sitting in the sun reading magazines It's a beautiful day here, am heading off soon for my soccer course. Hope I can do lots of observing!! Went into town last night with my brother - I hadn't really wanted to go, and I can't remember the last time I was out on a Saturday. There was a free concert outdoors in town as part of a festival that is on. I actually enjoyed it, and we didn't stay out too late. I brought a bottle of water with me, and honestly I really didn't want a drink. I was glad that we didn't go into a pub afterwards though. But I did realise that I have no social life to speak of, so I"m going to have to work on that. Just got to find AF things to do on a Saturday night in Ireland...hmmm

    Hope everyone has a lovely day x
    AF since 13th July 2010
    NF since 5th July 2010


      Newbies Nest

      Went back to sleep Neart, didn't surface for a couple of hours! The social life is a problem - even for oul ones like me! I can't expect hubs to stay a hermit for ever - he loves going out and having a couple of pints and a bite to eat - I just get so bored bored bored. I know you've been studying and stuff so you mightn't feel like it but I remember when I was younger (and actually even then being aware that I didn't want to drink every night I went out) doing some night courses - doesn't have to be educational - I did a carpentry course once and really enjoyed it, and there was definitely a bit of flirtation and all going on, great craic.
      Yes Mere, your day sounds lovely. Don't feel you have to stay away if you've had a drink - that's when you need the support here, my only issue is with people who come on posting drunk, I think it is unfair to folks struggling here. Actually that's probably too harsh, it's just the way I feel.
      Right back to my book - oh I'm cooking a homemade 'chinese banquet' tonight (thats what my son calls it when there is more than one dish!), duck and pancakes, chicken stirfry and lamb chinese curry. Just reading on another thread all the things we're not supposed to eat as recovering alkies and I reckon a chinese banquet is one of them:upset: Oh well, tomorrow is another day!
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Everyone!
        Molly I agree with posting being soused. Friday evening are hard for me - my routine for how many years? But I didn't go over board but still feel so much better when I don't drink at all!
        I wonke up realizing is all wine does is make me really tired so it must be an addictive substance if I drink it even though it doesn't make me feel good(?).
        I really loved me the 7 days of AF. It was like the old me was back - could laugh, feel, be confident and open to possibilities.


          Newbies Nest

          It really does prove the addiction alright Mere. I used to know how tired and yuch I would feel the next day - even if I didn't go on a mad one, still never stopped me drinking - mad isn't it! I was reading somewhere, someone posted - I think it may have been Sheri or Chill, that some neurochemicals(?) click in after 6 months and the booze longings sort of go. I haven't completed 6 months yet - have done 3 month and 4 month spells, this one is my longest, so am hoping now when I hit the 6 months some great transformation will happen??? Sounds cocky but I just couldn't imagine drinking again, it really caused chaos and unhappiness in my life for the last year of boozing. Anyway enough about me - hope everyone had a good weekend, see you tomorrow
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Newbies Nest

            Weekend over, I have so much to do when I get back to work. Not real happy. Maybe the weekend was too fun. Wisconsin people (well most) really enjoy watching our Packers play on Sundays. You don't even have to like the game it's just what we do. The hard thing is it is tied in withAL. But This new place I go, the owners are so nice and will do fundraisers to help anyone. Anywho kept myself preety much sobber by helping with stuff around the place and didn't even ask it seemed like she knew I needed to get out of shots for touchdowns ect.The Packers won and I stayed AF, to be honest I had one beer but neaver finished and about 6 or more waters. I just felt so good I know I can do it again. Check in Mon.


              Newbies Nest

              Morning everyone!

              Hardroad - fair play to you - you did great :goodjob: It's tough on these big occasions, but you sound like you found ways to get through it - you should be proud of yourself x I think maybe it can be such an effort to do anything for the first time sober that it is exhausting rather than exhilarating, and you probably feel a bit wrecked from the mental and emotional effort? I would anyway. So be nice to yourself now :l

              Mere, I remember the last few months or year of drinking, I would be drinking white wine, and actually feel like I was being pickled - even good wine tasted vinegary and like it was literally pickling my insides - and I would always have a headache, and feel groggy the next day even if I didn't drink that much. Not missing it!

              Molly, that's a great idea I actually enjoyed the soccer training, despite myself! 30 guys and 2 girls - it made a nice change from teaching, where I'm usually surrounded by women constantly! Don't get me wrong, most of my best friends are women, but I do like a balance for the craic. I'm going to do more of these training courses, cause they're short and good for work and they get me out of the house meeting people.

              Hope everyone has a lovely day - I am dosed up with a cold, but am TRYING not to moan...
              AF since 13th July 2010
              NF since 5th July 2010


                Newbies Nest

                D'ya actually play the soccer or just learn to teach it? One way or the other it actually sounds quite fun to me. My boys all played soccer and the youngest in particular was very very good - has now discovered women and cigs:upset: so has given up ('don't like the trainer' yeah right!). He still plays in school tho.
                Hardroad you did good - well done. I have to say tho if I even had a taste of a drink I think I'd be off again, I'd be afraid to chance it but then I suppose we're all different. Yeah back to work Monday can be a pain in the neck. I was working Sat tho and was in real mad working mood so luckily not going in today to face a backlog.
                Hope everyone is doing ok today and got over the weekend ok. Looking for Nora, Paps, Hips, Coco, Fennel , well I'd let you off you were round yesterday!, Sunni (where are you?) and everyone else MIA?
                I still have these stinking headaches, reckon I'm going to have to talk to someone - just afraid it's going to open up another shagging can of worms!
                Anyway, should check in tonight, working late, have a nice day all
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Newbies Nest

                  mollyka;957875 wrote: that some neurochemicals(?) click in after 6 months and the booze longings sort of go.
                  FWIW - I'm on Day 21 and have no cravings whatsoever. (And haven't for about a week.) I'm really hoping they don't come back!!!


                    Newbies Nest

                    that is freakin AWESOME coco...hubs still drinkin?
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Newbies Nest


                      renewal;520252 wrote: Welcome one and all...we are pleased to have you here as one of our family. We offer a home where you can 'nestle in' and feel safe as we help support one another in our journey together. I encourage you to visit each and every day and stay 'plugged in' to us throughout. We are in this together and benefit most by helping one another and ourselves by sharing our experiences. There's plenty of room here in the nest, so feel free to bring a friend. Should it become crowded, I'll go out and get more twigs.
                      just thought i would say hi to everyone


                        Newbies Nest

                        mama bear;958263 wrote: that is freakin AWESOME coco...hubs still drinkin?
                        Yes, but not as much...


                          Newbies Nest

                 and strength
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            Newbies Nest

                            Why are so many people missing? Maybe I am driving them away, I have to keep posting just to fill the space. About headaches I am a stress, griter and grinder of my teeth and have heaches almost everyday. Tues. I will find out how I will get my jaw lined back up. Another reason I drank to relax, maybe that is one more excuse for me?? Oh well see don't need councling just talk to myself here and wait for help with my problems, counclers never have ideas and here you can get a few ideas and pick the one you like best!! Thanks all


                              Newbies Nest

                              Ok - I'm here. I'll take my Diet Coke please. Fennel - also, I would like a nice bagel please.

                              I grind my teeth too. My jaws ache! I need to find another outlet for this stress obviously. I do want to keep my teeth. :H

                              Disgruntled - Welcome!!! :welcome:

                              Coco - Way to go!!! So happy for you. Will you please come over here & rub some of your penguin magic on me??? That would make me very happy. :thanks:

                              Ok - folks......truth is that today is Monday and I am going to be clinging to this nest all day and night. I WILL NOT FORGET TO TAKE MY TOPAMAX!!! And I'm glad that you all here. :l
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                Newbies Nest

                                hi Disgruntled :welcome: Hope you are having a good day, you are very welcome here - we have all been new here at some stage

                                Hardroad, I grind my teeth too, and the dentist told me my right jaw is in a bit of a state, all worn down so I'm not supposed to eat really chewy stuff - apparently that includes nice things like steak and crusty french bread - so I chose to ignore her Although I do have one of those oh-so-delightful gum guards for night time - tis no wonder I'm single...

                                Molly - have the headaches been going on long? Are they tension or lack of hydration or blood pressure related? You poor thing. I hope you get to the bottom of it soon x

                                Yeah, soccer was about teaching us how to coach kids, but they got us to take part in games and drills so that we'd know what to do. Twas good fun alright! I do wish I'd been more involved in sports when i was a kid growing up, but sure there's no point thinking like that. Onwards and upwards!

                                Coco, that's great that you're not getting any cravings - really happy for you

                                Hi Mama, and everyone else who pops into the nest :l
                                AF since 13th July 2010
                                NF since 5th July 2010

