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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    NoraC;959409 wrote: You think that is going to drown out my screaming????????
    Now,'re getting all worked up over nothing. Look at what a swell job Coco did welding herself to that telephone pole...clearly, she knows what she's doing! Plus, as I said, I have lidocaine if she slips up. :H


      Newbies Nest

      NoraC;959409 wrote: You think that is going to drown out my screaming????????
      Nora, think of all the great operas - would they have been as good, or as moving, without a bit of blood? I don't think so. So, as Molly and I duet on the piano, Fennel can serenade as Coco gets the welder ready. See? Nothing to be scared of. A walk in the park, if you will.

      And I'm sure Fen will fix you up with a nice drink for after - we'll even give you a straw
      AF since 13th July 2010
      NF since 5th July 2010


        Newbies Nest

        Ok - I give in. I'll take one for the team. Neart - I sort of wanted to keep my hair nfire: ........but........ don't forget youtube :television: Coco here is the equipment. :radioactive: :bomb:
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Newbies Nest

          neart;959435 wrote: Nora, think of all the great operas - would they have been as good, or as moving, without a bit of blood? I don't think so. So, as Molly and I duet on the piano, Fennel can serenade as Coco gets the welder ready. See? Nothing to be scared of. A walk in the park, if you will.

          And I'm sure Fen will fix you up with a nice drink for after - we'll even give you a straw
          Neart, you're so...sick. And twisted. Could we be twins? :H


            Newbies Nest

            NoraC;959444 wrote: [SIZE=5][COLOR=Sienna]Ok - I give in. I'll take one for the team. Neart - I sort of wanted to keep my hair nfire: ........but........ don't forget youtube :television:
            That's the spirit! They can do amazing things with hair weaves nowadays...

            When we're finished, I have some chocolate, bandaids and a nice 'cuppa for you!


              Newbies Nest

              Of course, we're missing one crucial ingredient...enguin:

              We might have to put off this project until morning, unless Coco makes an unusual evening appearance.


                Newbies Nest

                It is just like building a nest everyone coming together, I had a friend who had a little hair burning , and now she has a whole new look, just a bit shorter. So we'll get this taken care of first thing in the morning. And than have some coffee.


                  Newbies Nest

                  hardroad;959471 wrote: It is just like building a nest everyone coming together, I had a friend who had a little hair burning , and now she has a whole new look, just a bit shorter. So we'll get this taken care of first thing in the morning. And than have some coffee.
                  Nora has won a reprieve for the evening...such a good sport she's being! Alas, I will be headed off on business with Mrs. Fennel in the early hours of the morning, and I shan't return until late on Friday. I fear that you lot will have to carry on without me. And I was so looking forward to singing show tunes!


                    Newbies Nest

                    I'm sorry if I offend anyone but this Newbie sight seems to be all about anything seems much more social about cars, lattes, chia etc. No offense but it seems like it might be a good idea to start a "social thread" versus a "newbie thread." Everyone is so upbeat about needing soy drinks in the morning, welding, hair extensions etc. Might be as it has been for me a turn off to post.


                      Newbies Nest

                      mere;959482 wrote: I'm sorry if I offend anyone but this Newbie sight seems to be all about anything seems much more social about cars, lattes, chia etc. No offense but it seems like it might be a good idea to start a "social thread" versus a "newbie thread." Everyone is so upbeat about needing soy drinks in the morning, welding, hair extensions etc. Might be as it has been for me a turn off to post.
                      Mere - No offense taken at all. You are right about it being a social thread. But, the truth is that sometimes this thread starts dying out with no posting and we get silly sometimes. I think if you look back you will see that it has happened before and we go back to serious again. I am sorry that you felt like it alienated people. Sometimes this 'Newbie Thread' can't only talk about alcohol so we talk about life. For example my car saga. Yes - we have been completely ridiculous all day regarding the other stuff. I am sorry because the truth is as soon as anyone posts a serious post we all immediately stop the silliness and gather round our friends. But, you are 100% correct in the fact that a newbie would not know that. Thank you for your post.
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        Newbies Nest

                        Mere - I have always wondered about Hypnotherapy........Have you done it before or is this your first time? Please fill us in. :thanks:
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good Evening/Morning, Nesters - (I love that we have folks from all around the world on here! )

                          I'm on day 17 AF (whoo hoo!) and I'm really happy/lucky that it's going very well for me - no serious wobbles, cravings, etc. but over the past few days I've noticed that I'm starting to get really tired and feel utterly exhausted by early afternoon. I'm sleeping soundly and eating healthily and it's wonderful to be free of the dreaded "morning after the night before" feeling and so I thought I'd be getting more energized, not less. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Any thoughts?
                          :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Morning all! Nora, seems you are safe for a while

                            Enja, yep I found I was wrecked and lacking in energy too - I think it takes a while for all the elements to come together, and for energy levels to pick up. Lots of water, sleep and a supplement someone suggested to me (Rhodiola) have all helped - just give it time, and try to get as much rest as you can xx

                            Mere, you are right - this is a bit of a social thread. I remember, when I first joined the nest, I couldn't understand why people were talking about "building" the nest etc and making it comfy - it didn't make sense to me! I think Nora explained it perfectly - everyone is here to support one another, but now and again we mess about something, for a bit of fun. It livens things up! And, as I see it, if I were to meet a good friend and chat with them about AL, I would also end up talking about light and fluffy things like hair and clothes etc, and we would probably have a few cups of tea - so I think we are recreating this here! If you look at other threads, some do the same - I think it'd be too heavy to talk about AL constantly, you know?
                            AF since 13th July 2010
                            NF since 5th July 2010


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning folks, just reading back here and I've taken onboard Meres' comments and I think she is probably right - I reckon I will leave the 'newbies' nest now, it has been a wonderful help for me and I will still read over and hope the fun does continue on and off, but I reckon it probably is a thread for new people and like Lav did when I was new, I think it is my time to move on. Hope to meet you all on the other threads, and to all newbies I truly hope that nothing I have ever expressed here on this thread would ever have put them off as after all as Mere says, this is about sobriety.
                              Thanks for all the help here folks
                              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                                Newbies Nest


                                I do understand where you are coming from though, Molly, and am delighted for ya that you are at this point. You were a welcoming and kind voice when I first joined along with many other people. Much love and see ya on some other threads xxx
                                AF since 13th July 2010
                                NF since 5th July 2010

