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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hey Molls-here's my take on the Newbie's Nest: It's a safe place for newcomers to come and ask the questions they're afraid to ask anywhere else; to settle in and relax and also to have fun. I remember when I joined there were lots of days when the conversation got silly-it's what I loved most about this thread because I was so scared and taking everything so seriously. If it wasn't for Lav and DG and Suni, I never would have gotten my questions answered and I certainly wouldn't have kept going. This nest NEEDS people with AF time under their belt so the newbies can see it can be done. Along with the silliness, its a place to post what is happening in everyday life because now that we're AF or trying to be, everyday life is looked at and dealt with a lot differently. I may not post everyday but I feel I have something to offer those new to the AF life and those still struggling to figure out where they belong in terms of AL. I'm not a senior member by any means but 4 months is a significant amount of time and I've learned a lot.
    I hope you will continue to post and visit. The Newbies Nest will always be home to me.
    Mere-there are other threads on here with a more serious tone if that is what you want but you will always be welcome in the nest. There is nothing wrong with being a regular visitor/contributor to more than one thread and there is nothing wrong with deciding that a particular thread is not for you. Good luck in your journey and know that we will always be here for you.
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      Newbies Nest

      Papmom, I am with you on all of that - the nest works when it is a mix of all different people coming at this from different perspectives - some with a lot of AF time, some without, but eveyone with the same goal - to have a nice, safe place where they feel welcome, where they get support and can talk about what's going on in their lives, and where they can have a laugh

      Hope everyone is having a good day out there - hump day, apparently? although we never use that word in Ireland in relation to Wednesdays, I think it has a different meaning altogether :H
      AF since 13th July 2010
      NF since 5th July 2010


        Newbies Nest

        Thanks for all your feedback regarding my post. I accept that it's probably me not wanting to jump in when the mood is so ligh - kind of like being the party pooper!
        But I think I'll give some other threads a look. Just need to try on different ones for where I'm at.
        Thanks to all!


          Newbies Nest

          I have to say that sometimes life is so fustrating fighting the demons of AL I couldn't be happier to have a good laugh. But also have found it a wealth of info. And even when we are begining "silly" we are always ready to settle down for a question. I am fairly new and someone answered every fear I had. Everyone is here for same reason and think we all get it , part of dealing with it, is realizing all the things we did during our badtimes and how we have to change some habits to move on. Iam sure not everyone feels the things I was doing to get my booze and hide it is funny, but now that I know many others did the same things, It makes me see how foolish I was when I thought I was getting away with it. Sorry if I offended anyone, but everything about this site has helped. And I can only Thank all the goofballs for helping me.:confusedmonkey:


            Newbies Nest

            mere;959831 wrote: Thanks for all your feedback regarding my post. I accept that it's probably me not wanting to jump in when the mood is so ligh - kind of like being the party pooper!
            Ahhhh I understand you but I'm like that with most threads to be honest, but I find this thread different somehow I don't know why but it's easier for me to post in here, I guess we're all different:l

            I'm disenchanted, happy, sad and kind of proud at the same time.... The last few days have been harder like I said I feel disenchanted the last few days so I've found myself wanting to drink not an actual craving but just fed up and it's what I've always done, but I haven't...

            Today Mr D and myself went out for lunch, I'd been stressing a little about it, about not having wine and would I want one he always has wine with lunch whether hone or out anyway I ordered the refill pepsi and he actually followed my lead and ordered the same... so the first AF lunch I've had out on years... not sure I should have drunk so many of the soft drinks though:H:H

            Oh and my friend I talk to for online said to me "You should try this drink... blah blah..blah.. then said oh of course you don't drink do you?" and my reply was "No I don't anymore":l

            Anyway I witter on too much, hope you are all feeling good today....
            AF since 31/08/2010... every day the AF total gets bigger...

            So do you drink Lee? .... Actually no I don't Jeff........


              Newbies Nest

              I am on my own without AL. I have the nest and thats it. I have gone most of the time with no drinks, but after doing that awhile have seem to get a bit of control back, I also leave early so I don't drink more then two. I know who most of the town is but only have one friend to share with. It is so good to have someone see how hard you are working and go with it!!!!! I didn't think I would get here and now that Iam couldn't be happier! GOOD THURS> TO ALL!


                Newbies Nest

                renewal;520252 wrote: Welcome one and all...we are pleased to have you here as one of our family. We offer a home where you can 'nestle in' and feel safe as we help support one another in our journey together. I encourage you to visit each and every day and stay 'plugged in' to us throughout. We are in this together and benefit most by helping one another and ourselves by sharing our experiences. There's plenty of room here in the nest, so feel free to bring a friend. Should it become crowded, I'll go out and get more twigs.
                This is what the nest is about. So, please all newbies feel free to join in here. I will be moving along as Molly has. But, I will occasional keep watch over the nest. It has been my lifeline and I am forever grateful to Renewal for creating this nest for me to feel safe in.
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Newbies Nest

                  That's great hardroad, I'm doing this on my own too, my closest friends who I have admitted the whole truth to are very supportive but unfortunately two of then don't live in this country anymore and the other I can't meet with for personal reasons..

                  Up and down again today mood wise but I'm feeling positive on the alcohol front and making plans for Mr D's Birthday next weekend to be AF free for me I can't believe the amount of energy I have had the last few days

                  Anyway hope we're all having a good day:l:l
                  AF since 31/08/2010... every day the AF total gets bigger...

                  So do you drink Lee? .... Actually no I don't Jeff........


                    Newbies Nest

                    I am so sad about losing our menters, but will not give up, we need or I need some laugh's to get me through this!!! I understand people need to B serious but the laughs help too. I feel like drinking just because of all this miss understanding. Maybe one doesn't get us but the rest need this kind of thread.
                    I already want to quit , because I feel I egged it on. All out of fun not meaning to turn anyone off.


                      Newbies Nest

                      hardroad;960936 wrote: I am so sad about losing our menters, but will not give up, we need or I need some laugh's to get me through this!!! I understand people need to B serious but the laughs help too. I feel like drinking just because of all this miss understanding. Maybe one doesn't get us but the rest need this kind of thread.
                      I already want to quit , because I feel I egged it on. All out of fun not meaning to turn anyone off.
                      Hey ----We're not leaving!!!! Now Come on Hardroad.......we are turning the Nest over to the next batch. That is all we are doing. We are still here watching. We want to make sure that the Newbies are well taken care of.................
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey Nesties,
                        Day 5 AF for from my long time foe and on going battle. I am taking Tope for the first time....feeling OK, a bit ditzy but not too different from normal I work overnights and 6 on 3 off so my weekend will be Sun-Tue...I am starting to feel nervous about how I will handle it. I want to stay conscience. I want to remember. I want to love my son as much as he deserves. I want to be productive. I want to feel good. I want to stay sober.

                        Today I will fight and choose to stay sober.

                        A big hug from MN to all around the world!

                        ?KNOWING YOURSELF means being able to separate the true from the false in yourself - love from emotion, joy from sentiment, Will from desire.? ~Barry Long quotes


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hardroad, like Nora says we are still around - just moving on a little bit. It is time for people who are serious about being sober but fun to be around take charge of this thread, you will find new people coming along and listening to what you have to say and that 'responsibility' will help you with your own sobriety. I would love to dip in from time to time to say hello (and maybe have a little fun?? That allowed?)
                          I miss this thread already, as I have said on numerous occasions, it has saved my life - make sure it does the same for you.
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Everyone-must chime in here. HR-I don't buy any of your excuses for drinking again!! Now pull on your big person pants and understand that sometimes feelings are going to be hurt, on this thread and in life. We all have to learn how to deal with the not so great things in life without diving into the bottle. No one is leaving-believe me, you can't get rid of us that easily :H!! Our mentors turned over the nest to me, Molly, Nora, Fennel etc after I'd been here only a couple of months but they still pop in every once in a while. It's usually more subtle than what happened this week but it happens none the less. I followed them to a couple of different threads and finally found one I will stay with for a long time but I also came here quite regularly. Now there is another core group-you, Neart, DFL ( probably a few others who's names escape me right now-sorry!!) who the newbies will look up to and you know there are new people every day who come into the nest shaking and unsure. this is your chance to guide them and show them what is working for you. If you are not up for the leadership role that is totally OK-you just strap yourself in and hang on and keep learning.
                            OK, off my soapbox now-it's the weekend and it's going to be a glorious one in New England at least!! Think of how wonderful it is going to be to get things done (do you all have a list as long as your arm like I do?) and enjoy waking up each morning unhung and proud of your accomplishments!!
                            I'm going out to dinner tonite-only my 2nd time since being AF and I'm already looking forward to a fabulous seafood meal at a new restaurant and a sparkling cranberry, seltzer and lime. Doesn't that sound divine?? then it's off to beautiful New Hampshire for a weekend of outdoor agility which I could never do hungover (it's an hour and a half drive both ways).
                            I'll be back in the Nest on Monday to hear about everyone's sober activities!!
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning all! I was going to say that I have my big person pants on, as Papmom suggested, but that just sounds oh-so-wrong!!

                              It's a beautiful sunny day here in Ireland, although we are having torrential downpours every now and again. I have more soccer training tonight - think this is the last of it. I've actually enjoyed it, and no longer quake at the sight of a football approaching me No definite plans for tomorrow or sunday. Think I should make some. My Dad wants us to paint the sitting room, which I am not enthralled about, but what can ya do!

                              Hardroad, I know it's been a bit funny around here recently, but maybe think about it as a practice run for how we handle life "outside" mwo AF - it certainly shows me how important to have a plan for what to do when I get a bit of an upset - when I might feel tempted by AL cause I'm stressed. Chocolate is what I usually reach for when I'm stressed now, although I know that's not a perfect reaction either! Perhaps I need to say to myself "okay I don't like what's happening right now, but i'll keep putting one foot in front of the other until I'm through to the other side".

                              DFL, really glad you're feeling good Any thoughts on what to do for Mr. D's birthday? I like the sound of Papmoms sparkling cranberry, selzer and lime - yum!

                              Papmom, have a great weekend - sounds fantastic! Let us know how it goes x

                              Hi taytay :welcome: Congrats on 5 days! And a big hug right back from Ireland :l
                              AF since 13th July 2010
                              NF since 5th July 2010


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning Nesters!!!!!! Just dropping by to tell everyone to have a wonderful weekend.
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

