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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi all- I just can't seem to get 30 days down- why do I decide to drink-when I know I don't want to? Yes- I had 4 g&t's last night- what the hell is wrong with me? I know it's wrong but I just go ahead and do it-damn. Okay -starting again...
    Hi Nora, Hippy, Soul, Dewdrop,metal, and design-and anyone else that comes in here...
    Hope you all have a super and sober Monday-
    It's always YOUR choice!


      Newbies Nest

      Leave the nest for short time and miss the :wecome: to all newbies! And those trying again. Fluffy I am with you I wish I wouldn't have even 1 if I go out brecause than I don't have anymore. But once I have one it seems like oohkay one more!. And talk about drinking taking a toll on body, have the time I think I am dying but neaver go to Dr. for AL and get into it because I know what test I will have and not up for that right now. I Know somany other drinkers that don't seem to have bodliy effects, mmine don't actually show outward , so guess why should theirs. Iam sure I am helping no one right now, feel like I am just talking to myself and you all get to read it, SORRY. Have to leave for hospital anyways to care for my client he isn't doin good was suppose to b home Sat. But than wouldn't release him, Take care everyone be back later with better advise.


        Newbies Nest


        Thankyou for the reply. I ahve ordered the book and am waiting on delivery, I am also taking the recommended supplements. I was curious if I should invest in the cds and if anybody has noticed a big affect from using them.


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Metalmel,

          I'm fairly new here myself only 35 AF days under my belt but have found the supplements really helpful, I read and read loads on this site and downloaded lots of interesting stuff and keep it in a folder to read when offline. I also joined the Sober September Challenge which has been a great place to hang around, full of information and advice. We are going to keep going and start a Sober October thread so why not come along and join us?

          As for the cd's I know that lots of people here like them but I found them a bit irritating and didn't like them much at first. I think it's a personal thing. However, the last few days I thought that since I had paid for them (Scottish heritage!) I should try and get some use out of them as they are not cheap, so I have been listening again. I've decided to give them a couple of weeks to see if they grow on me, I'll let you know. I'm determined to do whatever I need to to keep AF.

          Good luck,

          Dewdrop :h
          Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


            Newbies Nest

            I feel so good, my eldest Daughter is studying the effects of drinking at school and she has to ask 5 adults how many units of alcohol they usually drink in a week... my answer was none, I feel so good for being able to answer her honestly this time and for her to know I'm telling the truth:l

            Okay confession time now... It was h/bs bday on Sunday and I had two glasses of wine at dinner, I'm glad I did though as it just reinforced the knowing that if I start to mod again it's all going to creep back. Didn't intend on having them, at the moment wine turns my stomach now but this one was okay,

            First glass was nice, I began to struggle with the second, thought about leaving it and coming back to it when that voice began telling me "Yes do that, then you can persuede him to open the vodka you bought him and some of the wine his Brothers brought him"

            Glad to say I didn't, just finished the glass and left the table and I can honestly say I haven't even thought about drinking again... I think I just needed that little shock of how easily I could go back to how I was a month ago...

            Hope everyone is well
            AF since 31/08/2010... every day the AF total gets bigger...

            So do you drink Lee? .... Actually no I don't Jeff........


              Newbies Nest

              I agree, with that I always think I can do it now, but one leads me on. When I first tried to stop I did great not having anything and think I got a little "big headed" about it as time went by . First time out one glass than next time two ect.... I Have to go back to complete AF, but feel good cause I am catching it before the real out of control thing.GOOD WED. TO ALL


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Forum. I am on my fifth day alcohol free and am really struggling. I am agitated shakeing and headacheeeee!! I am also experiecincing sleep interuptions and have put on weight from constant eating of choclate and chips. I am feeling really ABNORNMAL! My whole life I have been a drinker and to not drink is such a wierd concept. Is what I am going through ok?


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Metalmel,
                  It all sounds perfectly normal to me. I had a week of nothing when I stopped drinking, didn't feel any different, then I had a week of headaches which I was sure a couple of rums would fix but I didn't drink. Next week I felt really down, really depressed and the same cure of 2 rums came to mind but I didn't drink. I still go through a day or two of feeling hungover even though I can't be but it is all normal. Everyone has different and similar responses to the lack of alcohol. I seems to take about 21 days to a month to work it out of the system. So hang on and keep telling yourself that this is going to get better soon and you will feel so good and so pleased with how strong you have been. And keep reading here and telling us more about how you're going or just what you're up to.
                  AF since 12 April 2010


                    Newbies Nest


                    metalmel10;970223 wrote: Hi Forum. I am on my fifth day alcohol free and am really struggling. I am agitated shakeing and headacheeeee!! I am also experiecincing sleep interuptions and have put on weight from constant eating of choclate and chips. I am feeling really ABNORNMAL! My whole life I have been a drinker and to not drink is such a wierd concept. Is what I am going through ok?
                    I was up to dinking about a 1/2 big vodka a day, my stomach, brain, tiredness, aches and pains wanted me to give up, please try hard find somthing to drink, not sure why but diet rootbeer did the trick for me. Headaches ect. normal would take a ice pack on my head to fall asleep, had meds to help sleep seemed to do opposite for me, stay awake till almost time to get up. I am so glad now, but Really had to work through it. I really know half my town but have no one to trust, but now see not alone. So many going through same thing. You feel leftout but you will find out who will help. Don't give up will get better!! God
                    Bless and give you strenghten!!!!!!!!
                    Ps, worse speller, you will have to guess what I mean(dyslexia)


                      Newbies Nest

                      My computer(or maybe me) lost Fennel , contac me back with breakfest truck info!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Metamel,
                        I am on day 5 also. My headaches stopped today, hopefully yours will stop soon. They are rough. Hang in there!
                        ?A year from now you will wish you had started today.? Karen Lamb


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Metamel and Margaret, first of all well done for 5 days al free. You are on your way to ridding your body of toxins caused by al and the withdrawal symptoms can be brutal. Sugar cravings are common in the early days as the body adjusts to doing without the sugar that al puts in. Try to eat some high complex carbohydates i.e. wholegrain bread and cereal and loads of vegetables and lean meat. Keep water intake up to around 2 -3 litres a day preferably without sugar added to it. Lemon juice in the water helps the liver detoxify. YOur body is going through a massive metabolic change and it is normal to feel shaky and have anxiety. If you start to experience hallucinations and your skakes dont calm down, it is wise to seek medical advise. Your sleep will be interrupted for some time (everyone is different) but should eventually get back to normal. VItamin supplements will help also, Vitamin B complex, VItamin C and E all help with the detox. Hang in there, it will get better and it is so worth it. I will be thinking of you and sending you strength
                          I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Newbies and welcome Margaret.

                            Headaches and generally feeling like crap is common in the first few weeks of withdrawal. Sugar cravings for me was huge. I replaced drinking with eating anything with sugar in it. I justified to myself that because I cant have AL I might as well treat myself with something that makes me feel good. That is probably why I gained four kilos in 9 months after stopping drinking. When I was drinking, I used to limit my food intake to allow the extra calories of wine/champers. How sick is that?!
                            But now I have managed to get hold of my sugar intake and have lost those few kilos. I am trying to treat myself with healthier things now.
                            I used the CD's when I first stopped and really enjoyed the relaxed feeling I got with them. I used to drift off to sleep while listening and feel so refreshed and alive when I woke. I havent used them for a while now but would recommend them to others wondering about them. If I was having trouble sleeping (which I did for a long time because I didnt have my nightly sedative!) I would put on the white noise one and would fall asleep quickly after that (comes in handy when my husband snores after too many beers!!).
                            Hope everyone is still hanging in there. We are starting a thread called Sober October for those who are determined to stay alcohol free for the next month. Sober September was such a great success we have decided to continue on. It may give you added incentive to stay af if your determination is wilting.
                            Take care - one more day til the weekend!
                            I finally got it!
                            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi All,
                              I've posted on a couple of other threads. Really love it here, feel so supported. going into first weekend AF, but feel strong! The thread of the things I hate about alcohol is great! Will keep on rereading that this weekend! I'm still trying to get over the embaressment of bumping into cousins last Saturday who dont drink and trying to remember what I said!! I juts want to crawl under a rock...if you really notice, most people don't really drink!! Or at least dont' seem to drink to get drunk like I do! No deep issues, just lack of self esteem that keeps getting worse with every buzz!!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Keep reading and posting-Sobergirl-you have a lot of support here! I can't tell you how many times I couldn't remember a conversation I've had...Unfortunately, I do know a lot of people that get as drunk and even worse than me-you are not alone in fighting this!
                                It's always YOUR choice!

