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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Does this date on tope mean no one has posted here since Jan of 2009?
    We have a weight to carry and a distance we must go. We have a weight to carry , a distination we can't know. We have a weight to carry and can put it down nowhere. We have a weight to carry from there to here to there.:catroll:


      Newbies Nest

      I guess not, just posting that I went to todays post. I heard it was hard to figure your way around at first. I will keep working on it. I wish everyone here well.
      We have a weight to carry and a distance we must go. We have a weight to carry , a distination we can't know. We have a weight to carry and can put it down nowhere. We have a weight to carry from there to here to there.:catroll:


        Newbies Nest

        Hey Toni don't worry you'll soon get to know your way around the site

        Hi Sobergirl, god how many times have I been there, not being able to remember the conversations I'd had whilst drunk, switching on my laptop the following morning and finding complete online conversations I had no recollection of and the last time... finding in my mobiles call log almost an hours conversation with a friend who I have a thing for with no idea what I said to him, all I can remember about that day was an earlier conversation with him telling me he was going away for 4 weeks and I was so sad.. still have no idea what I said to him, but I recieved a text straight after the call telling me I was f........ amazing

        Keep busy over the weekend it's always daunting the first one, but you'll get through it, Monday waking Sober is so much better than waking hungover with no recollection of what has happened I promise you..

        Hope we've all had a good day today
        AF since 31/08/2010... every day the AF total gets bigger...

        So do you drink Lee? .... Actually no I don't Jeff........


          Newbies Nest

          Well so glad I'm not alone! Ecspecially in the amnesia area! LOL! I just keep reading about all of you who keep saying it gets easier...that will give me the push I need to master this weekend AF!! Like you said, DL, waking up Monday morning sober is so much better, that will be my present for being good! Have a great weekend all and enjoy AF! I will be visiting here throughout the weekend for my dose of support...


            Newbies Nest

            Yes it does get easier, you get bad days still but you find ways to cope and work through things as you get stronger:l

            Amnesia, I still have that even sober :H but it's great knowing that it's not drink related..
            AF since 31/08/2010... every day the AF total gets bigger...

            So do you drink Lee? .... Actually no I don't Jeff........


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Newbies.

              Welcome Toni and Sobergirl. I have had more than my fair share of drunken amnesia! Years and years of doing and saying things I have no recollection of. I have woken up with bruises all over me and not known how I got them (apparently I was dancing on the bar and fell off!! - I dont dance when I am sober so must have lost alot of inhibitions that night). I have hidden things from my kids as punishment for something I thought was important and not been able to find where I had hidden their things. I have woken in the middle of the night not knowing how I got home. I have woken next to people I dont know (one of my very shameful memories that I cant quite get rid of).... the list goes on.

              I am not trying to say my drunkeness was worse than your, please dont think that. I am just saying that i/we know what you have been thru and there is no need for shame and embarrassment. Please ask any questions you have, someone will always have an answer.

              Hi to everyone else who pops in. Stay strong, the weekends can be hard, but we have the choice to get to the end sober.

              I finally got it!
              "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Hippy, DL and Sober- and all...
                I cannot tell you how many times I've woken up with bruises and aches wondering " What the hell did I do last night?" We are totally different people when we black out-
                It's Friday-and I am looking forward to it being SOBER- hope you are, too!
                It's always YOUR choice!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks so much for sharing! Glad I'm not alone in the embarrassment of not remembering!! Looking really forward to my first sober weekend! I wrote up my plan and will stick with that! I can see the little things getting better. My son wanted to go get a sub and candy for today's field trip. Asked me last nite around 6p. Normally, no way! I would be in my own world of chardonnay. Would get ticked at him and not want to have to drive him, would probably drive anyway, after at least 4 glasses of wine and would thne make the poor kid go in and do it himself because I wouldn't want anyone to see me! ARGH!! LAst nite was great, took him, had a nice time and went in and helped him pick out what he wants. If they doesn't make the heart flutter! Knowing you are "in the moment" with your kids feels great! thanks for all your support!!!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Hippy, DL, Sober, Fluff and all others! I can relate to the amnesia and the too much wine! I really went overboard the last couple of days - live alone, work is very stressful and I caved. Back to day one for me after doing so well! Weekend will be tough but will check in a lot. Thanks for being here and understanding - I feel pretty disappointed in myself.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Don't beat yourself up are here and that's what's important! I will be here throughout the weekend too, take the advice of the others here and do some self pampering, we will feel so good come Monday morning and no regrets, guilt or headaches! Keep an eye on the thread of what I hate about drinking, what a great reminder that is when the temptation strikes! We can do this!!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning all.

                        Hope you got thru Friday night with your goal intact. Fridays are the hardest days for me as I feel like i deserve a "reward" for getting thru the whole week. And of course the reward couldnt be something healthy or pleasureable.... it had to be wine!! And lots of it. But my life has changed since I started in January and my Fridays are different now. Not easy but do-able!

                        Sometimes it is necessary to take each day as it comes, each hour, each minute.... whatever gets you thru. Stay close to MWO, we'll get your thru!

                        I finally got it!
                        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                          Newbies Nest

                          thanyou 4 caring.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi HippyChick and Metal,
                            Made it through Friday evening with no problem - too tired from the 3 nights before! I took a bit of Melatonin and slept so well! Woke up without a hangover. I've been here before many times and I want to keep this going!
                            My problem is thinking I can moderate - I say oh this isn't too hard to stop for so many days and then bam!
                            Metal notw sure what 9e neans, can you elaborate?
                            Working on day 2 and hope all of you meet your goal as well.


                              Newbies Nest

                              cant find the post u want me to elaborate now, but am fully willing 2. really new 2 this stuff and am medicated up to my semi eye balls. LOL! Also grew up in up in in kakadu national park so not much chanch for therapy there (interesting story). pm if u wish. metalmel! peaceout!


                                Newbies Nest

                                You had initially posted 9e and then edited it. Just had wondered what that meant. Sounds like you are a bit medicated.
                                Slipped last night but not hungover - had done so well until I went to pick up some food for dinner - was hungry lonely and there it was. Drank wine but did n ot over do it but pissed that I did. My count is 0 and 1 and want it to be AF 30 AL 1 for the rest of the month.
                                I want to get there! My plan of the day - check out MWO and post, read paper, go to work out, volunteer. Home and make dinner, watch some TV go to bed.
                                Hope today is good and you keep to your goas!

