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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good Morning all, anyone here?
    We have a weight to carry and a distance we must go. We have a weight to carry , a distination we can't know. We have a weight to carry and can put it down nowhere. We have a weight to carry from there to here to there.:catroll:


      Newbies Nest

      I am new here and haven't talked about my story yet. Thank you all for sharing yours. It helps
      We have a weight to carry and a distance we must go. We have a weight to carry , a distination we can't know. We have a weight to carry and can put it down nowhere. We have a weight to carry from there to here to there.:catroll:


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Toni,
        Welcome. I'm fairly new too. I like your tag line. So tell me (us) about you!


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks Mere,
          Not sure I want to talk yet, my story sounds the same as most. Is good to know I am not alone. Have you told your story?
          We have a weight to carry and a distance we must go. We have a weight to carry , a distination we can't know. We have a weight to carry and can put it down nowhere. We have a weight to carry from there to here to there.:catroll:


            Newbies Nest

            Is there a way to know who is in a paticular room?
            We have a weight to carry and a distance we must go. We have a weight to carry , a distination we can't know. We have a weight to carry and can put it down nowhere. We have a weight to carry from there to here to there.:catroll:


              Newbies Nest

              I've told most of my story but think I could be a bit more broad with it. I think I need to come to terms with "I'm not that bad." I know I can be. Like last week I drank during the day and I was working! That's happened three times to me in the last year - the stress of my job just builds and builds. But I've also had more AF (alcohol free) days in the last year too because I don't want to end up a statistic.
              No you can' really tell if any one is on the same thread/post unless they reply back to you fairly quickly.
              I must go though given I have an appointment at the gym for a workout - let's do this and get AF!


                Newbies Nest

                Thanks for responding, Yes lets do this, Have a good workout.
                We have a weight to carry and a distance we must go. We have a weight to carry , a distination we can't know. We have a weight to carry and can put it down nowhere. We have a weight to carry from there to here to there.:catroll:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi again..So long time didn't visit mwo..Many problems in my life - moving, searching for job etc. Was drinking again just to reduce anxiety every day..:upset:Now for 3 days i'm sober without any medication etc. why??? Fear!!! because of alchohol i lost friend, money etc. From october i have very nice job and i understood that if i'll loose it, it's total finish.. I don't have money for vitamins, treatments, doctors...i have only this fear and it's very effective..yes, i'm drinking a lot of water, eating a little walking and every morning having a prayer..than going to solve my problems - finding a place where to live, to start to live - literally and emotionally..:h
                  The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                  /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good for you Audrey14 - It sounds like you have some troubles ahead but
                    alcohol will only make all of it worse! Jump on the site and let's lick this crap once and for all! Jump on the October Challenge and there are plenty of people here to help you through!
                    Toni hope your evening is going well. I made it a Sober Sunday!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Howdy forum. Glad to hear from u mere. I had a slip myself on the weekend with two drinks. but am refusing 2 bash myself up about it. The medication is knocking me around something severe and its really frustrating because I burst into tears the other night because I couldn't remember a word like toothbrush or book or cup! It has been worth it though because those two drinks would have turned into two hundred easily. So the payoff is one I am willing to take. Even though it makes me feel a bit retarted sometimes. LOL! Never felt retarded when I was drunk but just looked like I was. Hehe. Went to doc today and all my liver testing is and body fucntions are good so I jumped up and did a happy dance in his office, first one he's seen he said, first one I've done in alone time too. Hi 2 Toni. I haven't told my full story yet either so maybe if u show yours i might show mine or something like that (that is a aussie joke not some wierd sex thing k). Its real scary to share. I hope that every1 makes u feel as welcome as they have 2 me. Metal
                      Peaceout forum!!!!eace:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Toni, Audrey and Metal! So glad to hear from you Metal - now I understand about the medication, you must be to topra. Good for you!
                        I drank Saturday night but didn't even enjoy it - hmm what's that say? But NO Alcohol Friday or Sunday and I am loving waking up without the groggy crap feeling.
                        Let's stick together to beat this thing. I know I (WE) can make it I have set so many other huge goals for myself in my life and have stuck to them. So there is my mantra.
                        I must go and check my quiche (yeah can you believe it made it before work!).
                        Audrey hope you are okay -please check in, you too Toni.

                        Have a great AF Monday! Glad you all are here.


                          Newbies Nest

                          O.k. I have to get on board this time. Day 1 for me.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi mere!!! Thanks for words of comfort!!! :thanks:Yes, very tough time for me...
                            Today Day 4 and still sober..Very stressed all day, here soon will be 7 p.m. ..I have only choise - to eat something or drink cheep alchohol..No budget for more...When i started to think about SUCH choise i immediately understood that i have enter this site..
                            Despite stressful days, cravings, anxiety, in nights i sleep quite well..When i drink i wake up as "normal drinker" at 3 a.m...
                            The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                            /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


                              Newbies Nest

                              Yeah for you Audrey! Welcome back Ishybit! I'm new to this as well but am feeling so good without the Alcohol! Toni & Metal are you still with us?
                              Read many posts and sites on this you'll pick up so much wisdom and insight and eventually it will resonate.
                              Today I got real stressed at work and thought "gawd a glass of wine" but then I stopped and said "no, that's a habit that only made it worse!"
                              Lately this thought has helped - I think of all the goals I've set for myself in my life and have achieved, like putting myself through 4 years of school as a single mother of a 4 year old. And there are many others - that helps me lately. Maybe it will give you pause to consider accomplishments/goals you've obtained through hard and mentally hard challenges.
                              Glad you all are here. Thanks for helping me.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Yep still here sorry to hear your day was crap. MY is going really well the drugs have finally settled in and things are going smoothy. Cravings have stopped atm and I would be happy if we could all do this journey together. I have three special needs kids so its sometomes find the time to post. Sorry for that. Still waiting on my book its been over a week and its been starting to piss me off BIG TIME. Hope things get better 4 u. Metal

