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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Newbies.

    Sounds like you are all doing well. It does take a while for things to settle down, but you will get there. It's not easy, but it can be done.

    Audrey, isnt it sad when us alcoholics have to make the decision between buying food or alcohol because we cant afford both. I can also relate to the 3am waking after drinking. I did it for years. Usually not remembering how I got to bed or even if the kids were in bed or fed! It took me quite a while too to get out of that habit when I stopped drinking. The Calms Forte suggested here helped me alot and also exercise. Now when I cant sleep I just get up and put the TV on - and I am guaranteed to fall asleep straight away.

    Glad the drugs are settling you down Metal. If I have learned anything on this journey, it is patience!

    Hi Ishy glad to see you back. Toni, Mere, hang in there.

    Take care and stay strong.

    I finally got it!
    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


      Newbies Nest

      Hi everyone,

      Glad to hear you are all rolling along okay, Audrey hang in there the more Af days you can get under your belt the better you will feel.

      I have 6 weeks AF today and I just feel great to get this far but I know that I am only one drink away from slipping so it's ODAT all the way.

      Dewdrop :h
      Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning everyone! wow Metal 3 children with special needs - way to go to be AF - I bet you'll find it all easier in the long run without the booze!
        Hippy I posted to you in the October challenge but glad you checked in with us. DewDrop again what an inspiration you are - I look forward to that 30 day and beyond@
        Must run and get off to work= here's to a AF Tuesday.


          Newbies Nest

          The special needs thing is really hard and I used the booze to numb the mind numbing hardness of everyday life. I was never a morning or day drinker just when I got them into bed. Then it was ON and I mean ON!!!! I also was binge drinking when they where respite instead of giving myself respite. So its really about my mental health u know? I want to say thanks to u all 4 being so supportive of me it has been great to be able to share and hopefully more of my story will come out over time with trust. Couldnt keep keeping on without youse. Thanks guys. Metal.


            Newbies Nest

            Evening Metal - this sight is kine of quiet. Good for you to recognize why you were boozing although I can't imagine waking up hungover with 3 children especially with special needs. Are you feeling better about waking up in the morning?
            At work today when I thought about drinking when certain things came up I reminded myself that the majority of people don't pick up a drink to deal with a problem - I think it was Molly who talked about her husband saying he can have a beer but would never think of solving a problem by drinking. Makes a lot of sense to me.
            Anyway AF for me but dog tired and getting ready for a trip away for 7 days without a computer! Yikes send me good strengthening thoughts - I'll try and steal away on someones computer.

            Will post in Am


              Newbies Nest

              NEver was a big a big hangover person just a head thing. If u know what I mean? I'll miss u when your'e gone. I can't understand anyone who didn't use al to solve problems. What r they normal or something? Haha. Seriously but most people use some form of something to numb emotions whether it be eating gaming gambling gossiping or even excessive eye blinking. Hehe. We just need to focuse on being the lucky ones who realize that we have a problem and are trying to help ourselfs and each other. I will be sending positive thoughts your way where ever you are in the world. Stay safe.


                Newbies Nest

                Anyone mind if I hop in? I was here at the beginning of the year (under a different name) and did quite well but it all went downhill when I went on holiday in July. I want to start again and managed day 1 yesterday. And the world did not end.

                One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello .. I , too , was here a few months ago. I lied to myself full well knowing that i cannot handle one or two drinks. I drink until i dont remember things.
                  I am embarassed, ashamed, falling apart, but i will do it again first chance i get. I feel like giving up on myself. There is no help for me cuz i dont have the money to enter any programs and i dont guess i am strong enuf to do it on my own.
                  I am missing out on life. Sitting here right now with a bad headache and wanting to have a bottle of wine or a margarita to make it go away. Knowing full well it will lead to drinking myself into a stupor.
                  I cannot make it through an entire week without drinking. I have been drinking heavily for two years now.
                  How do i start getting sober and getting my life back? I am at a loss.....
                  today is the first day that i havent drank in the past week :-(


                    Newbies Nest

                    Welcome (back) Charolettes Web and Bratty!
                    First of all, know that you are definitely not alone! Most of us here can identify with your feelings, otherwise we wouldn't be here either! I can completely identify with how easy it is to let ourselves slip back into our old drinking ways. Do either of you have a plan for quitting this time? It might be helpful to check out the toolbox:

                    Please keep us posted on your progress!
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Newbies Nest

                      I dont really have a plan. I just am scared to death of what i am doing to myself and family. I know things are just going to get worse if i dont stop.
                      YOU CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY


                        Newbies Nest

                        day two of being sober...feelin a bit better. But head still feels like it is going to explode. No relief from advil...nothing ever works
                        YOU CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY


                          Newbies Nest

                          Welcome to this wonderful NEST!!! This is where you can come to cry & to moan & to tell everyone everything. Because WE DO UNDERSTAND!!! Believe me - we have all been there and some of us are still going thru it. So find yourself a twig - settle in and make yourself at home.
                          This nest is what gave me the courage to try to find my way out. I hope that this nest will do the same for you. :h
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks Nora.. I have already found enuf encouragement here to make it to day four!!! Doesnt seem like much, but it is to me
                            YOU CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY


                              Newbies Nest

                              Brand new

                              I've never done anything like this before, so I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. But I'm coming to the realization that I have to do something, I drink heavily and everytime I say I'll stop, I never do. Never, and I've promised myself I would a 1000 times. I have to do something, reach for something. I can't do it alone, quietly, as I would like. I'm not sure where to turn, but coming across this site, I thought I might as well try talking with others openly who may share my demons. I'm promising today to stop, again. But the weekend always comes up and I forget why I wanted to quit. I'll start Thursday and drink continuously until Sunday. Then I'll wallow in depression for the 3 days, and start all over. That's my cycle that I can't seem to ever quit, no matter how much I want to. I'm not sure what I'm suppose to say here, I guess I just want to... do something, make a start.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Simon :welcome:

                                You have found a wonderful place where no one will judge - only listen and maybe offer advice of their own. I know that out of control feeling where you just can't stop. The anxiety you feel when you wake up in the morning and realize you've done it again. We all come here because we realize we have a problem and we just want to stop. There are many people here who will offer suggestions and advice - listen to all and then decide what is best for you.

                                You will find some here who seem to have the same exact story as you - that's what made it real for me - knowing that I am not alone.

                                I am day 2 AF - been coming to this site off and on since last year. This is my third attempt to quit for good - moderating is not an option for me - just won't work.

                                Stay here and read and post - you will find a lot of caring support!
                                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

