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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    day 4 hurdle

    This is where I caved last week. Have a bums, legs and tums class all signed up for to pass witching hours (7-8pm). Also have chocolate in cupboard and diet coke. Don't care if its a load of sugar and rubbish (my weight is slightly under anyway) - its a whole lot better for me than a bottle of wine! Wish me luck everyone looking forward to a sober friday then masssive hurdle: a sober weekend!!! Thanks for all the encouragement! The number one thing I've learnt thus far from a lot of reading around this site is - put the cravings off long enough and they go away! (for me anyway). If I can just do something or eat something different for long enough over the danger time period the urge leaves me! Want to do this without any heavy supplements am determined its possible! (Might nip to the health food shop at lunch and get some super dooper vitamins...) I'll introduce the healthy diet when i'm feeling a bit stronger. Suppose its all down to simply remembering what I used to do ten or so years ago before wine became an attractive 'vital' part of my life. I want to get to the stage when I see it like popcorn/christmas cake/pancakes etc - stuff like that - ok once in a while, when appropriate..... talking crap here, I'm off to study! take care everyone! xxx:h

    1st goal: 100 days
    2nd goal: 1 year
    ultimate goal: forever


      Newbies Nest

      Hi everyone, and well done! Well, day 4 AF and the world hasn't fallen in without it!

      Nelli, I can identify with the 'hump day' thing, usually after Mon/Tue I would be thinking I 'deserve' a drink...I had a wee flicker or two yesterday but took my mind off it with other things.

      Sleeping well so far (6-7 hours) feeling fresh, energetic and I am a positive whirlwind at work

      So day 4 dawns and I will not drink today, no matter what. The weekend is looming and that wil be challenging. I fare better when I have the routine of work to keep me busy, whereas the weekend is all about leisure and for so long my leisure time has been all about AL!

      Happy to have managed so far though and we can only see what tomorrow brings. ODAT seems to finally be sinking in with me, I hope I can be strong at the weekend. If I don't you can be sure I will be on here reading your posts, so choochie, mere, everyone keep posting, you all really are helping!


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Everyone,

        Just hoping that everyone gets through the weekend AF - sending you all peace and strength.



          Newbies Nest

          I like that FB " and the world hasn't fallen apart." Wow isn't that the truth. The things are brain or rather what AL does to our brain to think we can't get through the evening without it!
          I listened to the MWO CD last night on Clearing - pretty hypnotic stuff - LOL! No seriously I found it very relaxing.
          Isn't it amazing that 4 days ago (I'm onto 5 today) no really last week I was in the throes of stress over my job (that I created in my mind with the help of wine) drinking during the day, using the excuse of
          "so much stress" that today being sober my brain forgets all that? Truly bizarre how soon I forget that just last week I was a hungover, sad mess.
          I'm enjoying feeling tired even though I'm sleeping. It makes me realize how many bad nights of sleep I've had because I thought I needed wine to sleep or to get through the evening or to get through the weekend or to get through my loneliness "until I met someone." Ah the delusions of AL.
          Well onto day 5.
          Thanks Choochie, Nellie, FB and Nora C for your support and encouragement! Here's to AF Thursday.


            Newbies Nest

            Hi everyone I just wanted to say how well you are all doing on this thread, and the support you are all generating for each other is tremendous. Imagine how much better you will feel when you get through the weekend and can start November AF

            Hang in there and keep posting especially over the weekend if you are at risk of a slip.

            Dewdrop :h
            Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


              Newbies Nest

              roll on day five!

              well so far so good! aren't we all doing so so well!!!! exercise done, got my posh vitamins and l glut, done my exercise, had my pills, eaten a wholesome meal and so far i could ignore the chocolate all night! feeling slightly smug and looking forward to having 110% good quality, pure nights sleep with fresh sheets after a long soak in the bath. I CAN DO THIS IT FEELS GREAT!!! next stop: 100% sober weekend..... oooo scary...... x

              1st goal: 100 days
              2nd goal: 1 year
              ultimate goal: forever


                Newbies Nest

                Choochie;991505 wrote: Hi Everyone,

                Just hoping that everyone gets through the weekend AF - sending you all peace and strength.

                Amen to that choochie, and thank you!

                I'm enjoying feeling tired even though I'm sleeping. It makes me realize how many bad nights of sleep I've had because I thought I needed wine to sleep or to get through the evening or to get through the weekend or to get through my loneliness "until I met someone." Ah the delusions of AL.
                Well onto day 5.
                It is amazing mere, I really thought I wouldn't be able to sleep at all, but I do, and waking up in the morning without the hangover, the feeling of dread and actually REMEMBERING going to bed feels fantastic too! (and I see a big improvement in those awful dark circles under my eyes too!)

                Dewdrop;991741 wrote: Hi everyone I just wanted to say how well you are all doing on this thread, and the support you are all generating for each other is tremendous. Imagine how much better you will feel when you get through the weekend and can start November AF

                Hang in there and keep posting especially over the weekend if you are at risk of a slip.

                Dewdrop :h
                Thanks Dewdrop, really appreciate the words of encouragement and support.

                nellie78;991754 wrote:
                well so far so good! aren't we all doing so so well!!!! exercise done, got my posh vitamins and l glut, done my exercise, had my pills, eaten a wholesome meal and so far i could ignore the chocolate all night! feeling slightly smug and looking forward to having 110% good quality, pure nights sleep with fresh sheets after a long soak in the bath. I CAN DO THIS IT FEELS GREAT!!! next stop: 100% sober weekend..... oooo scary...... x
                Well done Nellie! :goodjob:

                So I logged in here on Monday, hungover as usual and made a bleary eyed promise to myself that I wouldn't drink till at least Friday. I hoped I could do it, but really didn't think I could. It might not seem much to some, but the way I have been going lately it seemed almost impossible that I could get through one day without AL, let alone four.

                I made it. Thanks to all of you for the help and support and encouragement, newbies and oldies.

                Now I am standing on the brink of something that is huge for me. THE WEEKEND. If I can get through a whole weekend without drinking that would be such a big thing for me. I am excited at the thought, but scared at the same time.

                These four AL free days have given me a new confidence, but I am not cocky and I know it is going to be hard, really hard.

                Choochie, mere, nellie and all of you, best of luck, I'm game if you all are! Wish me luck! :l:l


                  Newbies Nest

                  Is taking Xanax for anxiety and sleep considered an AL free day?


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning FB, Coochie, Nellie, NoraC, DD and now Trapped!
                    Wow had dreams I was drunk and hungover. When I woke up this morning I had to think "am I hungover?" NO! And I've made myself coffee this morning the first time in a year (usually makes me too shaky)." But had intense dreams about my mother really being alive (she died in a car accident when I was 10- she was out partying until the wee hours and she and her friend were broadsided by a guy who ran a red light, nonetheless it was like 7 in the morning and she'd been out all night with 4 kids at home...hmm) and there was my girlfriend too (she committed suicide when I was 22 and she was a major drinker and took lots of recreational drugs that did not help her depression). So interesting what comes up without the vino clouding it or blocking my subconscious.
                    But here I am on day 6 and not hungover - I'm starting to feel like my real self again and it feels fine (something I've heard over and over again from mollyk and doggygirl).
                    Hang in there FB and fight back - I know work is a diversion for you but just think about the things you've put off on weekends cause your drinking. Boy do I have a list!
                    Anyway must go get dressed for the office halloween day. Oh and TrappedDad if others are taking topamax and baclofen, etc instead of AL and you need the Xanax for the anxiety I'd say it's an AF day.
                    You all rock thanks for hanging in there with me!


                      Newbies Nest

                      FB - First, big congrats on making it your first chunk of time. It is truly a feat even though it doesn't seem so right now. Just keep building on it and reminding yourself how you don't want to go back to the misery of alcohol. The benefits of AL are really false and feeling good, healthy, alive, rested are all things you want to fight to keep. You don't really want to start the craving over and over again. If you can stick to being AF, you will in time get over your cravings and being sober will become totally natural to you. I'm saying this based on what I've seen others write - I'm not quite there yet but am getting better. I'm getting very protective of my sobriety.

                      So, this weekend, try to stay really busy and change your routine. Sending you strength!! Be sure to come here to the website a lot too!!

                      Trapped, I think AF is AF - I don't think taking a Xanax keeps you from being able to say you're AF! Eventually you can wean yourself off those too hopefully.

                      Mere, it sounds like your subconscious is working things out that have been buried for a long time. Seems like that would be a good thing in the long run even though it seems strange right now. So glad you're starting to feel good. It is amazing, isn't it! I'm right there with you - Day 25 AF for me (yea)

                      Nellie so glad you're still hanging with us!!

                      Big hug to all and have a wonderful AF day!!


                        Newbies Nest

                        well guys, I made it through Friday, my first hangover free Saturday morning in ages! Hope you are all hanging in there! :l


                          Newbies Nest

                          FB - well done. Isn't it amazing - just gets better if you can hold on!:l


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello Guys,

                            Just reading your posts and it's making me feel positive today already! Had a really nice evening last night by myself. My husband had to go down to help his parents out over the weekend, so I'm on my own. In the old days that would be a "weekend pass" to drink, but I've had no desire. I feel nauseated at the thought of drinking and I hope it stays with me for a long time!

                            Mere, I've been having really strange dreams as well. None about drinking, but about pretty much everything else that could be upsetting in my life! It's probably my subconcious trying to catch up for years of lost dreaming! Who knows. I just know I feel great when I wake up knowing I didn't drink wine until I passed out the night before!

                            I'm going to run errands and hopefully make it to the gym today.

                            Have a great Saturday everyone!
                            Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h


                              Newbies Nest

                              hello everyone!!!

                              had a v v busy weekend with family up visiting and so havent been online. i am very glad to report a completely af friday, not even one glass of rose on sat (can you believe i left about a third of a glass as i fancied a cuppa instead!!!) and nothing tonight! have played with the kids all weekend, you name it we did it - halloween stuff - also went for a five mile run at 6am yesterday and 5am today!!! the l glut is helping so much with the sugar cravings so much so that i havent had any! i feel like a completely different woman! so roll on the week - my aim is no alcohol in the week at all. bring it on!!!! thank you so so much to all of you. i was getting worried about myself and i think i just need to have more faith in my own strength of mind. it aint a walk in the park but so far, so good!!! xxxx

                              1st goal: 100 days
                              2nd goal: 1 year
                              ultimate goal: forever


                                Newbies Nest

                                Well done to everyone! My internet has been down so haven't been able to post till now. Managed to stay clean for the weekend, amazing! I can hardly believe that tomorrow will be day 7 after how I was feeling this time last week!

                                ODAT just seems to be working for me right now...that and the support and encouragement on here. One whole week AL free which is a big BIG thing for me. Thank you all so very much, choochie, mere, nellie, I candothis....all of you guys (and also the long timers who drop in with encouraging words) have helped to keep me accountable so far. Here's to day 8! *raises my cup of earl grey to y'all* :l

