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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Ok, Lil, I'm up and at it. Back is sore from shoveling. I was a lazy arse wench yesterday, so lots to do today. Thank you for the interview wishes. They are captured for Wednesday and Thursday, as I have interviews on both days.
    I understand the fear of having Alcoholism on your medical record, but it has been on mine since 1989 and has never caused me any problems. Better to use your Health Insurance than you Life insurance, right? This disease will kill you.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      Newbies Nest

      Beginning Day 7. Day 3 was the worst with the cravings. As the days have passed, and I've journalized constantly, I've watched symptoms and angsts, reading posts here to keep focus. I had gone a week before, when occupied with a yoga retreat or such, but on my own, its been since 1993 that I had a daily drinking habit. Or almost daily. After splitting with my spouse last May, I binged to the point of insanity, passing out every night. Then.. the nightly wine.. 3 glasses usually. I didn't have to finish the bottle, only drink until I got sleepy enough to shut down. My 22 year old step-daughter (and great friend) told me she had quit drinking because she had an alcohol dependency problem, I had to own my own problem as well. So.. I quit for Lent... (bargaining with myself).
      What I am finding is that strength is coming from the vision of my life without alcohol. A fulfilling life of working, yoga practice and preparing for teaching, and even last night, recalled the PHD work I've ignored for over a year. I am convinced that I have to live the visual of a healthy life, even if it doesn't 'fit' yet, in order to manifest.
      This board helps so much too. Last night I read how my skin tone and hair will improve without the alcohol, and a commitment for Lent is giving way to a commitment for life. The Lent start was good in that I kept thinking, ahh heck.. its only for a bit, and sacrifice of the mundane is good for manifestation of the soul. It was a promise to God/Spirit/Life... and my ego couldn't bargain around it.
      A few thoughts that I hope may inspire... others as well as myself.
      Also.. the Kutsu works, as does drinking water, taking Valerian root and Melatonin to sleep. Talking as well.
      Thanks for listening! Namaste' to you all!


        Newbies Nest

        Hey, everyone

        I am back and will explain all..


          Newbies Nest

          I cheated to be #1000

          Had a great vacation, messed up after two weeks, sick as a dog, but now back on track. I guess I missed a lot while I was gone, some of it not so nice. That is too bad.

          We all need love and support--we hurt enough.

          I called in late to work today as I am feeling cruddy but have to go in a bit--geez, they can't live without me :H

          I see you all are doing well and if not are back in the nest being supported by all our other birdies. Later, gators.


            Newbies Nest

            You DID cheat!!!! LOL

            Good morning Nestlings (well, barely morning anymore)!

            It's good to see so many new comers... Welcome to all of you!

            Things are settling down a little here; still lots to do and catch up on but I'm not quite as panic stricken as last week. And... I want to share this (especially with all of the new birdies, just starting out on their flight to freedom) and please know that I am 100% honest here: Throughout all of this ordeal, DRINKING WAS NEVER AN OPTION! 3 months ago, this would have been unthinkable. I couldn't make it through the day... ANY day... even the best day without a bottle of wine or so. Now, the thought of AL isn't even on the table. Honest.

            I wish to meet you HERE.. in THIS place (frame of mind) very soon. If this is possible for me, a fall-down, pass-out, black-out drunk... it is very possible for you as well.

            Have a wonderful day all.... so sorry, I'm not addressing previous posts (but I love you all) - just no damn time! LOL

            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              Newbies Nest


              As commissioner of the nest, I received numerous phone calls, questioning the validity of the 1,000 poster.....this being a serious issue, I went to the replay booth. "after reviewing the previous posts.......we have a reversal......the poster was found to intentionally duplicate posts, clearly an infraction from our bylaws.....therefore, the official 1,000 poster, AND owner of the Golden Twig, will be Sunshine'.........Upnorth, may I see you on the TOT (Time out Twig)..............


                Newbies Nest

                I am grateful for your responses.
                Aprilmoon..I am going to start by having the bloodwork done,thank you.
                Dill..your reply lifted my spirits.(woops excuse the pun):0)
                My addiction has cost my family dearly over the years both emotionally and financially.
                I suppose I am trying to fix myself quietly and secretly without a fuss..denial again??
                Thank you all I am going to phone the doc for a check up.
                Blessings to you all xx


                  Newbies Nest

                  ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.............ung had to go to the time out tttttiiiiiiigggggggg.......ahhhhhhh vvvvvveeeeerrrrrrrrrr
                  I so work with kids all day!!!!!
                  That's seriously the FIRST thing that came to my head!! The reaction of what a 6 year old would say...more dork-ism!!!
                  Well it's another busy day here....get's kina stressfull...teachers get crazy with "testing" on the brain...and really want the kids to BEHAVE!!!! And when they don''s Ms. Z.....'Come remove_______from my class, he threw his desk at me....blah blah blah....I'M KIDDING!!!! :H Everyone HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!! Remember to SMILE!!!!
                  "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                    Newbies Nest

                    Heheheehhe Thank you Papa Renewal!

                    And.. UNG.. :moon: Nananananaaanaaaaaaaa! :H See, SD? I can do that, too! :H

                    So, feathered urchins, how are ya tonight? I read a lot of determination here, what a wonderful thing! I'm so proud of all of you. And, for all you new birdies... please remember that Rome wasn't built in a day. It took years for us to hone this habit and reinforce this addiction - it may take more than one try to kick AL to the curb. The most important thing is to GET UP and go at it again, should you stumble and fall.

                    Ok, time to make dinner... gotta run. Have a great evening, all!

                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      Newbies Nest


                      Sheeeesh, it's like Romper Room in the nest today....SD, I worked with kids for 20 years...I know of what you speak.................Upnorth, can get up now.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Well, children, don't you realize we are a team! This big "1000" accomplishment is shared by all. We couldn't have made it to 1000 without all the little birdies and their contributions! We especially couldn't have made it without Captain PR.

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          Newbies Nest


                          It takes a village!!
                          Just playing UNG!!!
                          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                            Newbies Nest

                            Three days AF. No urges to speak of. Tomorrow or the next day they will kick in and start trying to convince me why it will be such a great idea to drink. I either have them or I don't--I was in a liquor store yesterday with a friend who wanted to pick up some white wine, and I didn't blink an eye. But tomorrow or the next day the devil will be sitting on my shoulder saying, "Oh, you can get away with it one last time..." And, frankly, I can't. I lost a job over this, and can't afford to lose another.
                            I can't drink and pretend to be sane. I can't drink and pretend to be moral. I can't drink and continue to live.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hey I'm in the same boat you are AF since 3/1/09. PM me if you need any help. We can freak together.
                              Starting over again


                                Newbies Nest

                                Well it's time to find that perfect twig for the night and wait. I'll try to stay awake for the nightly tuck in, but I am one tired bird! Goodnight.

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

