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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hey everyone!
    Way to go FB, ICDT! I had some wine on Friday eve and Saturday but didn't go over board, didn't hide out and stay drunk but had a really good weekend! Back in the saddle today - no AL for the week for me. What a great day I've had with not AL! I got so much done around the house - even made myself a homemade pizza (that is so bizarre given my past 2 1/2 years). Just skyped with my kids, grandchildren and son-in-law it was great!
    Glad everyone is doing so well. Thanks for the encouragement Coochie!


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Everyone - just made it through another day af but had kind of a blah day. They definitely aren't all uppers. Went out to dinner and had water - just kind of made me feel funny because I always drank when we ate out. Part of the problem was they didn't have hot tea, which for some reason really feels like a treat for me. When I've eaten out before that tea was a nice replacement for al. Anyway, just kind of a ho hum day but I'll be happy in the morning that I didn't crater.

      My best to everyone,


        Newbies Nest

        Choochie;993844 wrote: Hi Everyone - just made it through another day af but had kind of a blah day. They definitely aren't all uppers. Went out to dinner and had water - just kind of made me feel funny because I always drank when we ate out. Part of the problem was they didn't have hot tea, which for some reason really feels like a treat for me. When I've eaten out before that tea was a nice replacement for al. Anyway, just kind of a ho hum day but I'll be happy in the morning that I didn't crater.

        My best to everyone,
        Well done choochie! I had a similar day on Saturday, definitely the most difficult day for me. I didn't mind that everyone else was drinking wine with lunch ( said I was on antibiotics!) but I really wanted it when I got home! Instead, I went for a long walk with my rather bewildered OH, and then had an early night!)

        It isn't easy, but the rewards are so worth it! Day 7 now, and that's the longest I have been AL free that I can remember.

        Here's to a new week everyone, well done so far and good luck to all! xxx


          Newbies Nest

          Good job Coochie - didn't you feel better when you awoke? And way to go FB - 7 days is awesome!
          Here I'm am on a Monday morning not hungover and again loving sleep! Ah it makes it so worth it.
          Good luck to all today remember ODAT!


            Newbies Nest

            I am looking forward to waking up without the slight-to-severe hangover I have become so accustomed to lately. I am so happy to be back here.
            February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

            When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


              Newbies Nest

              Welcome Wagoneer!
              Yes I am so happy to be alive today even on a Monday where work is crazy! Because I am not hungover and because I am AF today!


                Newbies Nest

                Welcome Wagoneer! You will thank yourself tomorrow and every day after that you don't drink. Mere and FB, yes I was so glad I didn't drink. I just always have to remind myself that the blah feeling will pass. I had such an amazing night's sleep - that's what really keeps me grounded!

                Busy with work but just checking in to say hi to everyone.

                Have a wonderful AF day and evening - it is so worth it!!


                  Newbies Nest

                  ok so I'm gonna give this a shot, my down fall in the past is the sleep issues. I never had trouble sleeping before i started drinking but now if I don't drink I have a very hard time falling asleep. Is there anything, other than time, that will make the sleep issues easier?
                  You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                  Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Jenny - this is my soapbox. My sleep has gone from horrible to wonderful within days of stopping AL. I don't know if it would be the same for you, but that single issue alone is keeping me sober. I've read many, many posts by others saying the same thing about how dramatically their sleep improved.

                    Give it a try. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. What could be better than feeling rested, healthy and functional every day!!??


                      Newbies Nest

                      mere;994188 wrote: Good job Coochie - didn't you feel better when you awoke? And way to go FB - 7 days is awesome!
                      Here I'm am on a Monday morning not hungover and again loving sleep! Ah it makes it so worth it.
                      Good luck to all today remember ODAT!
                      Thanks mere, Mondays are so much better without hangovers aren't they?

                      Welcome Wagoneer, just take it one day at a time, (ODAT as they like to say here!) and read and post here as much as you can, lots of support and encouragement here :welcome:

                      Choochie, my sleep has gotten so much better and people are telling me I look better (I know the dark circles under my eyes are almost gone!)

                      Jenni, welcome! I thought I would have had a much harder time getting to sleep without passing out than I actually did. You don't really know till you try, and even NOT sleeping well but being hangover free is better than waking up and trying to remember going to bed the night before!

                      So glad to say I made it through day 7, thank you all so much for helping me. :l


                        Newbies Nest

                        jennyneric;994432 wrote: ok so I'm gonna give this a shot, my down fall in the past is the sleep issues. I never had trouble sleeping before i started drinking but now if I don't drink I have a very hard time falling asleep. Is there anything, other than time, that will make the sleep issues easier?
                        Hi - I had that problem at first too. My Doctor gave me something that helped. But, I have also heard that Melatonin works.
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Newbies Nest

                          NoraC;994480 wrote: Hi - I had that problem at first too. My Doctor gave me something that helped. But, I have also heard that Melatonin works.
                          I used a herbal sleep aid called 'Nutrasleep' for the first couple of nights, I don't know whether it really did take the edge off or if it was a placebo. I slept like a baby, and as my energy levels came back up I found I didn't need it as I was going to bed tired (in a good way!)


                            Newbies Nest

                            Melatonin is over the counter and has worked great for me! At first I took the 3 mg tablet but now after a week I'm down to 1/2 and don't even know if I'll need that soon.
                            Wow I swear just thinking about how much better I sleep and feel in the morning keeps me away from the vino -
                            I agree though with NoraC, FB - at first I didn't care how little sleep I got it was better than that dragged out/tired feeling the next day after drinking too much wine!
                            Way to go all for either jumping on with us or all of you that made it through a Monday AF!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Feel down alittle, I did not make it through monday AF but today is Tuesday and it's never to late. I always start out in the morning very determined but by 5 or 6 the determination has waned and we all know the ending of that story but, it's morning and here we go again. I hope today is the day. I can get there I know it.:sigh:
                              You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                              Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                                Newbies Nest

                                hi everyone

                                hope all of you are ok. im feeling a bit crap today but have even managed to find a positive in that i know its not because of the booze - have a poorly tummy. so on very plain food for a few days i think. hubby is away til fri and i am working/looking after children so busy busy. have absolutely no desire to drink. on the herbal tea big style and keeping up with the l glut for the sugar cravings (don't have any). so despite feeling poorly, feeling good if you know what i mean...? can relate to the good sleep/wierd sleep thing. am finding im having lots of full on dreams but overall sleeping a lot deeper and a lot better. thanks for all the mutual support everyone! my goal this week is to make it to fri completely al free and nothing fri with one or max two glasses on sat. xx

                                1st goal: 100 days
                                2nd goal: 1 year
                                ultimate goal: forever

