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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thank you Mere. Just wanted to comment about mind over matter. I think it's so true - have read that the alcohol is really out of your system quickly - can't remember how long. It's definitely the psychological part that makes it a true, long-term addiction I think. Making that mental shift to realizing you're not really missing anything! I like the saying - shifting from deprivation to gratitude. I'm there!! Now, to just HOLD ON!!


      Newbies Nest

      F[pre]B - gosh you've made my day. Thank you so much for letting me know that I've helped you. I hope we'll be here for a long time, encouraging one another and reminding each other of how wonderful a thing being AF is!

      So happy for you Choochie and hoping that I can emulate your success one day!

      i[pre] think it had the opposite effect on me - i.e. masked all my true emotions - i just couldn't be bothered and not much seemed to affect me. im rambling so i'll go now but just trying to see the positives in a dark moment!!! x take care, i'll be ok!

      I can so identify with this nellie, it might not feel good all the time, but at the same time it is good to just FEEL. You are doing great!

      I woke up early and thought "crap am I hungover?" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH nope.[/pre]

      mere, I LOVE this. 'Normal' people don't wake up every day feeling on top of the world, why should we? But that sense of relief when you realise you are NOT hungover and didn't drink the night before is AWESOME!

      It's definitely the psychological part that makes it a true, long-term addiction I think. Making that mental shift to realizing you're not really missing anything! I like the saying - shifting from deprivation to gratitude. I'm there!! Now, to just HOLD ON!!

      Love this too Choochie, you are bang on!

      I just wanted to let you guys know I feel so much better than I did last night, and I just realised, tomorrow, day 10 is a double digit day for me! Small potatoes, I know.............but still.........wooohoo!

      I love this thread and I am so happy to see you all posting, let's keep each other strong for another day! xx


        Newbies Nest

        Hi FB, Nellie and Choochie,
        Well I caved tonight and had some wine but didn't go CRAZY. No excuses. Just let my job pile up on me and a friend asked to go out and meet some new people (remember I don't know many people in this town) and have dinner. So I did, had dinner a couple of glasses of wine. But I was (and am so) brain dead from my job that all I wanted was to go to bed before dinner,,,So good for all of you and know that I am good as well. Off to bed.


          Newbies Nest

          Mere hun, you had a couple of glasses but didn't go crazy, thats something. Being so tired probably didn't help. Glad you are okay, hope you got a good night's sleep and feel okay in the morning.

          Don't let it be too much of a setback to you. Just because you drank yesterday doesn't mean you have to do it again today (that's what I am so afraid of, and probably what stopped me from drinking on Tuesday.)

          Day 10, Friday tomorrow...hope you guys all have a fabulous day, for some reason I feel really GOOD today, so sending all my positive vibes throough the interweb to you all! :h


            Newbies Nest


            Totally new here.

            Hope that getting to meet you all will help me.


              Newbies Nest

              Good Morning Peeps,

              I had another amazing night's sleep and am facing my days with the best feeling, attitude, etc. So happy - day 31 for me (yea).

              Raphael, so good that you're here with us. Can you tell us about yourself? We are all somewhat new too but will do all we can to help you. Be sure to visit other threads as there are lots of wise people scattered throughout. Be sure to post often with your questions. Are you trying to moderate or be alcohol free?

              FB - way to go 9 days! It gets better so keep it going.

              Mere - sorry you had to resort to wine, but really hoping you'll pick back up on the af with us. Are you thinking you might want to try mods? Can't remember which route you're trying to take. I know it's difficult and that a good part of my success is that I'm able to avoid trigger situations. I too will ultimately have to face a social setting test. I'm going to try to do some hypnosis (MWO tapes) and get more time under my belt before I subject myself.

              Nellie - sorry about your blah day. I too had a family situation similar to yours (where someone was being left out and shouldn't have been). It's has disappeared now - all the players have changed - doesn't erase the bad memory but life does move on. Re the alcohol numbing - I do think we go through some pretty big changes after taking it away, so I would say you're starting to experience what it's like to be a whole person. We will be sad, blah some days - I know I have had that for sure -- but if you just hold on it goes away. That's the beauty of it all. WE aren't sad, we just have a sad period, and then it gets better. Good for you for not caving into the feeling by covering it up with AL!!

              Gotta run for now. Hope we all have a super AF day.



                Newbies Nest

                Raphael;996502 wrote: Totally new here.

                Hope that getting to meet you all will help me.
                Welcome Raphael, choochies right, there's a lot to be learned from this site, and it really does help! Are you trying to achieve sobriety or moderation? Right now I am taking things one day at a time, so far so good.

                Anyway, welcome. If your drinking is causing you concern then you have come to the right place, read lots and let us know how you are getting on! :welcome:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning Nellie, Coochie and FB and now Raphael! Welcome! Tell us about yourself we are all in this together!
                  Thanks for the words of wisdom to all. I slept well and am not hungover. I'm thinking about all of this and will post more later this evening. I've got to get to work....
                  I hope all of you have a good AF day!


                    Newbies Nest

                    mere;996533 wrote: Good morning Nellie, Coochie and FB and now Raphael! Welcome! Tell us about yourself we are all in this together!
                    Thanks for the words of wisdom to all. I slept well and am not hungover. I'm thinking about all of this and will post more later this evening. I've got to get to work....
                    I hope all of you have a good AF day!
                    Glad you feel okay mere, I am off to bed but look forward to seeing your post tomorrow :l


                      Newbies Nest

                      Well finally made it home from work and I am exhausted! I am doing about 3 jobs at once so I'm going to postpone posting much of anything until I've had some decent sleep. Thanks to all and I'll get to you all once I've recouped my sleep = I am 57 years old and working like I'm 20! So bear with me while I get my rest.....


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning newbies (and oldies!) Happy Friday to all! Mere, hope you get a good sleep hun.

                        Well, not going to drink today, busy and working till late tonight. I have an engagement celebration to attend tomorrow where the champagne and wine will be flowing. Biting my lip just thinking about it. Helpful suggestions and tips would be most appreciated!

                        Day 12, onwards and upwards! :l


                          Newbies Nest

                          FB, I wish I had a foolproof answer for your question about attending a function where the booze will be flowing. We're all going to be facing that because of the holiday season. I'm not looking forward to the temptation and plan to avoid any social setting I can for a while. It's obviously not possible to avoid everything, though, so I too would like to have a plan in place. I'll be anxious to hear others' advice. I think I read something recently written by someone here who said that they usually leave early and always have an exit plan. Someone else said that if they go to someone's home for a party, they take their own Sprite - makes it easier on the host to not have to have something special for them. Other than that, I guess I would just order something sparkly with lemon or lime...........

                          Mere hope you're rested up, Nellie, and Raphael if you're still with us - have a great AF day,



                            Newbies Nest

                            I too have been thinking and worrying about it like you guys. The holidays are a ginormous trigger for me. I am having the family for Thanksgiving and the wine will be flowing and I really need to make a plan. I really don't want to screw up. First thing I think I will do is get lots of Bloody Mary Mix (my new AF drink with a wedge of lime or lemon over ice YUMMO). I will also stock up on flavored sparkling waters. Not a big soda person. Also seems to help if I put it in the big ol wine glass I used to gulp chardonnay out of for some reason. Anyone else have some tricks, please share!
                            February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                            When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning all! Ah slept and slept and am going in a bit later this morning. Feel so much better!
                              And am so happy it's Friday!
                              As for tips I've read as well to keep your glass full of whatever AF beverage you have so there's need to respond to someone saying "want another drink?" or "you need another glass." My former husband quit drinking for 6 months and carried his own seltzer bottle around. He just kept drinking his bubbly. When I've not drank at big events I just don't drink.
                              So I think I'm going to try the moderate section. I feel pretty confident I can do so given my history with AL so wish me the best. I'll pop in and see how all is going.
                              Best to all of you to meet your goal and FB "YOU CAN DO IT!"


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello! Interesting posts! Yes, Holidays are always challenging.

                                My plan at Thanksgiving is to keep a wine glass full of sparkling cider or soda water and carry it around. Besides, I'm the host this year, so I have an excuse that I need to keep my head on straight to get everything on the table and off after!

                                Christmas will be with my in-laws and they are very light drinkers (like my husband). So there's no pressure at their house -- it used to always be the trying to sneak more wine and hoping no one noticed!

                                Looking forward to great AF Holidays with you all!
                                Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h

