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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Day 8 here Choochie! Thanks for the shout out Feeling really good and have amazed myself that I am in the midst of a pretty stressful situation (car issues suck when you have a 1 1/2 hour communte one way) and have not had the inclination to imbibe. It feels really good. Glad to hear you are well and hope everyone is strong and knows how lucky we are to all have this wonderful group of people. Good vibes to everyone on this Monday!
    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning Coochie, Wagooneer and FB! I've missed you all and our journey to be AF! I thought I'd moderate over the weekend and it was not fun. I like not being "under the influence." So I'm back. I could beat myself up but did that in the wee hours and am just going to pull myself up by the bootstraps and get going. I read back my journal and wow I feel great when i don't have any wine even a glass - I didn't go crazy but I still drank enough just to want to go to sleep - now doesn't that sound fun...not.
      FB pick yourself back up with me and let's have a good day with no AL. I need your support, all of yours.


        Newbies Nest

        Mere, good for you for learning from your slip. I am right there with you as far as how even one glass of wine is not worth it. Here's my reasoning that really helps me stick with sobriety: If I drink little enough to not get in the way of sleeping well/feeling good, then I don't even get a buzz. I drink for the buzz for sure. So, if I do that, it's enough to cause all those problems for me - the lack of sleep and feeling like shit the next day. So, drinking is really a lose/lose proposition for me. Sending you strength. I can hear it in your "voice" that you're ready to be serious!!



          Newbies Nest

          still here choochie i'm on day 8 also
          AF 5/jan/2011


            Newbies Nest

            Yea Madmans!!:goodjob:


              Newbies Nest

              Hi All,

              Had a weekend away, and missed so much! Sorry about your slip FB and sorry to hear that moderating didn't work, Mere. All I've learned in the past couple years is that everything associated with this journey is a struggle and at the end of the day AF is really the best feeling there is! It's so hard to ignore that voice, though, the one that says "Oh, just one drink won't hurt..."!!

              Choochie, great to hear you're doing so well still. Your posts are always so great!

              Have a great evening everyone!
              Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h


                Newbies Nest

                Hi guys, good to see you all posting and thanks for not kicking my arse too badly ( have been doing enough of that myself today!)

                Mere, last night taught me that I can't mod, at least not yet anyway, if ever. I'll gladly climb on board with you

                Choochie, thanks darlin, the plan is now 30 days AF and then I am going to make a decision as to whether I want to really try sensible and well controlled modding, or aim for long term sobriety. For now it's ODAT and back to day 1...

                Ican, nice to see you! I listened to that bloody voice last night and I really could kick myself for it.

                All of you guys posting here are doing great, make room in the nest, day 1 is over, I feel tired but in a good way, work was demanding and really cheered me up.

                One more thing I decided today, rather than be maudlin and sad that I slipped I am going to concentrate on the AL free days I did achieve and outdo myself this time! Can I make it to 30 days? YES....and if I feel tempted I will remember how I felt waking up this morning, hungover and sick with shame and guilt.....bleugh, sod that!

                Looking forward to a busy, productive, hangover and AL free Tuesday :l


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good evening all! Good for you FB for jumping back on and glad you are climbing on board with me.
                  Thanks for your "voice" of encouragement Coochie - you are inspiring.
                  I think I need 30 days under my belt before I try moderating. It seems so daunting since wine has been my only consistent support in the past. I think I still think "oh I'm not so bad" since I'm high functioning. I really have though decreased my intake since coming to this site and when I was at my worse stress/loneliness I just couldn't drink that much - tried but couldn't - isn't that pathetic!
                  Any way AF Monday and ODAT.
                  Happy AF Tuesday to all of you!


                    Newbies Nest

                    fighting back;999781 wrote: Mere, last night taught me that I can't mod, at least not yet anyway, if ever. :l
                    It took me a few goes at moderating before I too realised that I can't moderate, not now , not ever. The surprising thing for me now is that I don't want to moderate any more, I don't want to put Al into my body at all. I don't want to preach so I'll stop now. I can only tell you for me it has become easier to not drink with every day that I don't. Does that make sense?
                    AF since 12 April 2010


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Foamy here, :new:

                      It's been 3 months 17 days since you know what.

                      Take it a day at a time.

                      I've a medical condition in which alcohol helped with the pain. Learnt to tolerate it , No not drugs LOL, shear will power, It's difficult at times, so easy to pop down the local off-licence, but nooooooooooooooo would be my undoing.

                      Day at a time guys.

                      Pat on the back to all of us for trying :heart: It's half the battle knowing we have a problem.

                      :h:h that took a bit, sign out now.

                      Love the jokes forum, lights up my day when I'm feeling real down (thanks for all who contribute there )
                      Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! KISS SLOWLY Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. sigpic

                      Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders & says...

                      ?Oh no....he's awake!! Cos he's bleeding sober again


                        Newbies Nest

                        mere;999820 wrote: Good evening all! Good for you FB for jumping back on and glad you are climbing on board with me.
                        Thanks for your "voice" of encouragement Coochie - you are inspiring.
                        I think I need 30 days under my belt before I try moderating. It seems so daunting since wine has been my only consistent support in the past. I think I still think "oh I'm not so bad" since I'm high functioning. I really have though decreased my intake since coming to this site and when I was at my worse stress/loneliness I just couldn't drink that much - tried but couldn't - isn't that pathetic!
                        Any way AF Monday and ODAT.
                        Happy AF Tuesday to all of you!
                        I know exactly where you are coming from with this mere and it is so great to knwo I am not alone..let's get this 30 days under our belts, ODAT!

                        tantangra;999856 wrote:
                        It took me a few goes at moderating before I too realised that I can't moderate, not now , not ever. The surprising thing for me now is that I don't want to moderate any more, I don't want to put Al into my body at all. I don't want to preach so I'll stop now. I can only tell you for me it has become easier to not drink with every day that I don't. Does that make sense?
                        It makes perfect sence tantangra. Like mere said, at this stage of the game it s a daunting thought to say 'I am never gonna drink again' but hopefully the more AL free time under our belts will make us better equipped and make that thought a little less daunting! And you weren't preaching, you were sharing your experience and giving advice (and hope!) to someone who needs it, so thank you! And well done on your success

                        Foamfollower;999901 wrote:
                        Hi Foamy here, :new:

                        It's been 3 months 17 days since you know what.

                        Take it a day at a time.

                        I've a medical condition in which alcohol helped with the pain. Learnt to tolerate it , No not drugs LOL, shear will power, It's difficult at times, so easy to pop down the local off-licence, but nooooooooooooooo would be my undoing.

                        Day at a time guys.

                        Pat on the back to all of us for trying :heart: It's half the battle knowing we have a problem.

                        :h:h that took a bit, sign out now.

                        Love the jokes forum, lights up my day when I'm feeling real down (thanks for all who contribute there )
                        Thank you so much FF for taking the time and effort to post and share with us! 3 months
                        and 17 days is awesome :goodjob: I can only imagine how tough it is to handle apainful medical condition and remain AL free....inspirational post, thank you!

                        Day 2 , I wil not drink today.....cheeres to everyone, have a great AL free Tuesday! xxxxx


                          Newbies Nest

                          Day 9 here. I WISH I could moderate but I really don't think that is in the cards. I come from a long line of substance abusers and have a bit of an addictive personality so it is probably better that I don't even try at this point, or ever. I am a bit jealous of people that can have a nice glass of wine and stop at that. I am not wired that way. Oh well, I will deal with it! Hope everyone has a great day and stay strong
                          February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                          When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Newbies,

                            Hey - just wanted to tell you that you have something to look forward to if you can stick with being AF. At least for me, (now day 36 af), I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything by not being able to drink just one or two glasses of wine. I have "hit the switch" as they say from thinking I'm being deprived to being grateful not to need to have alcohol in my body any more. I actually am not feeling like I'm missing anything. I never thought I could have this mindset. But, then, I never made it this long without alcohol. So, try to get a month under your belt, and see if you feel this too. Suddenly I don't feel like I'm struggling. I've been craving a lot of sugar, but that too has started to calm down.

                            Sending you all peace and strength,


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning FB, Tatangra, FoamF, Wagoneer and Coochie - Ah feel great this morning! A bit rough sleeping because I've got a head full of work! But took a bit of melatonin and am a=okay.
                              My weekends are my toughest. Being alone with no one around and very long days ahead I know I drink to "just pass the time." Which is not something I want to do. I've also used it as an excuse of "poor me." Blah!
                              Today will be AF. Congrats FoamF on 17 days and stopping in with us. Hope you'll stick around.
                              Happy AF day to all!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Is there room for me in the nest?

                                Hi everyone,
                                I hope you don't mind scooting over and making room for another newbie in the nest.
                                I feel so crappy and depressed today ...after yesterday's deliberate self-destruction. I have been so horribly depressed and feeling numb is such a nice diversion. Except when it comes time to waking up.

                                So today is another day 1 and I am getting back on the horse. Hoping the supplements arrive and looking forward to feeling differently this time tomorrow.

                                I hope eveyone has a nice day!

                                "No matter what happens, be fearless!"
                                Sam - AF since 12/11/10

