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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Sam, I don't post here much but I can hear your sadness! The first few days and weeks even, are a roller-coaster of emotions. I didn't realise first time round that that would go away - I thought that was the 'new me' and I wasn't that keen! Use the electricity thing as a weapon - when you're sober for a while and feel like a drink just think to yourself 'do I want to be that woman who didn't even pay the electric?' I do that with everything that was negative. Re. the job, I read where you posted that you wanted to move on from your job and good on you for that, give yourself a little while to work on your sobriety without adding more life changing changes so to speak. I found my job mindblowingly boring when I was drinking and used that as a reason to drink --- doing the same job now and happy as a cow in muck. I'm not saying not to move on - of course do if that's what's right for you - just be gentle with yourself for a little while, giving up the booze is a biggy all on its own
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Newbies Nest

      mario;559007 wrote: i am new here and still trying to find my way around,anybody any tips as i would love to talk and get some help to stay sober 27/02/09
      Just found this post,I was over a month alcohol free before i found this great community, without it i would be still drinking, by coming here everyday it shows that this monster can be beaten, never give up we can all do it. :goodjob:

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        Newbies Nest

        Kelly, Mario just said it all, he is an inspiration to so many of us here and even he had to start over somewhere - and you couldn't pick a better place than this one - it saved my life too:welcome:
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Newbies Nest

          good morning all, kelly you are most welcome here some great people here to give advice, keep posting and reading. Sam hang in there, all the bills, money problems drinking makes them seem worse, for about 4 years i use to come home from work and panic at the thought of opening the front door to see what the post had brought. Choochie we are all about 39 old enough to have a bit of cop on. Day 11 AF
          AF 5/jan/2011


            Newbies Nest

            Great to see so much activity on here this morning! Mere, choochie, madmans, we are hanging tought this week aren't we? Go us! :goodjob:

            Kelly, you will find the nest to be a warm and welcoming place and the forums in general to be a mine of wonderful advice, info, and inspiration! :welcome:

            Sam, so sorry you had such a rough day, but also proud that you dealt with it without AL. I know that when I am feeling anxious I am also at my weakest, so your post has shown me that even very stressful situations can be dealt with if you really try. :l Maybe when you are sober a little longer the things that you mentioned like your job, sadness, maybe these can be tackled in time..I am hoping that I will get stronger too. More :l

            Mario, wondeful to see your original post, a reminder to us newbies that you 'started out' just as we did, and look where you are now. Thank you! And you too molly, another great example of what is possible.

            I had such a great sleep last night, feeling very fresh and energetic, so off to enjoy a busy, fulfilling and AL free Thursday! Wishing the very same for you all! :l


              Newbies Nest

              Hi everyone! Long time no posting - sorry about that! although i am very very very happy to report that everything is going really really well. i have not had a drink in the week at all and even more surprisingly i havent felt like one at all. i seem to have completely accepted that i dont drink in the week SO FAR... fingers legs and everything else i have are crossed and i am feeling so much better. although my life is far from stress free - loads happening, starting new career about to move to other side of country next year, two little ****uggers to handle (3.5 and 19month old both not sleeping!). HOWEVER. I do not want to get complacent hence me popping in to say hello. I have three maybe four weekends now under my belt when i have had two small glasses of wine on a saturday and thats it. my aim is to continue in the same way. I am aware that i have quite a few risky scenarios approaching and want to do my best to stay on the straight and narrow: in laws arriving tomorrow for the weekend (both drink like fish and I feel rather stressed in their presence and tend to do the same!), hen do in edinburgh next weekend and then all the christmas parties... my saving grace at the minute is running and going to the gym. i am slightly addicted and feeling amazing - have lost half a stone since ive started..... x wishing all of us good luck for the weekend and all the strength of mind possible. take care xxxx

              1st goal: 100 days
              2nd goal: 1 year
              ultimate goal: forever


                Newbies Nest

                Nellie, missed you! Glad to hear you are doing so well and managing your moderation! It sounds as though you have the right mindset for what you want to achieve and I would be deliriously happy if I could do what you are doing.

                Like you, the weekdays are pretty easy for me, I run, I work, I take care of things...I wish I could limit myself to a couple of glasses on the weekend. I can do it when my OH is here no problem, but when he has to travel I just seem to hit that place.

                Anyway, good for you nellie, you came on here with a clear goal to be AL free till Friday and you have achieved it for two weeks now! Keep us posted! :l

                Good luck with the in-laws too!

                As for me, had a great day again, the weekend is looming but I have made a few plans that will keep me away from my old habits *snurk snurk*

                Happy Friday to you all! :l


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi everyone, I hope you had a nice day.

                  Sam, you asked about how I was feeling with some sober time under my belt. I have to say that I am feeling great now. The first few months of sobriety were very hard. After about 6 months, my new habits and my new lifestyle started to feel natural. I am still figuring out a lot of things, and only my family and close friends know that I am sober. Battling the social aspect of going sober, is something I am still working on. Battling demons from my drinking days is something I am working on. Remembering my rock bottom, is important. There is a very interesting post, in long term abstainers, by Mario about this.

                  I have to say I would never have made it without the concept of urge surfing that I learned, by several people, here on this site. The urges to drink come like waves. Some smaller, some larger. Some last longer, some shorter. THEY WILL COME, and when they do surf them. EXPECT THEM. This concept gave me enough power, to fight them. Sometimes I would be at work, or alone, and I would close my eyes and go over the mental aspect of surfing the wave; knowing that it will pass, if I hold fast.

                  I just thought I would share this concept. All the best,
                  Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                    Newbies Nest

                    hello all. Day 12 AF here . Hope everyone is well. Lets all stick to the plans for the weekend , what do you think fighting back are you on?
                    AF 5/jan/2011


                      Newbies Nest

                      Greetings Everyone,

                      Just stopping in to say Hello - day 39 AF for me and feeling fabulous!

                      Sam, I hope things have settled down a bit for you and that you've been able to maintain your will to not drink. I know that stress makes us want to drink but that we just have to keep in mind that our coping skills are much better without it. I can remember being so hung over that I just didn't think my brain could work. Then, when I had to perform at my job, it was nearly impossible. I don't miss that at all. Now, I still have stress, but I'm calm and handle it so much better! Sending you big hugs and strength to get through this tough time. Maybe if you make a plan on how to exit from that job you hate, it will give you something to look forward to.:l

                      Hillside, Mario and Molly - thank you for checking in here. It really helps Newbies to hear what their future can be if they stick with being AF.

                      FB, Madmans, Wagoneer, Tant and Mere (if you're still visiting), Nellie - all of you sound good!

                      Have a wonderful AF Friday, guys.



                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi all!

                        Off to bed sober this late Friday night/ Saturday morning!

                        Hillside, your experience, your advice and your honesty about still battling those demons is invaluable. Please keep visiting, you know how much it helps. :thanks:

                        Choochie, well done on day 39, a fantastic achievement! Allthough you are a relative newbie, you have such a wonderful attitude and your posts are so honest and helpful, please, keep posting here!

                        Madmans, I am so definitely on! I feel energised, positive and ready. Thinking about you and the weekend you have to face, sending hope, strength and positive vibes.

                        To all of you, ODAT, every minute every hour every ten Hillside said, the urges go, like the waves, surf them! :l


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hillside, I'm just now seeing your posts - maybe you've been on different threads. I sure hope that you'll continue because your wisdom is helping us tremendously. You are thoughtful and have a way of inspiring me (and I think others). Thank you for taking the time to relate your experiences.

                          FB - thanks for your comment. I will definitely continue to post. It makes me feel good if I can say something to help others. I love the symbiotic nature of MWO - we help ourselves at the same time. MWO is like therapy for me. Posting helps me stay grounded and clear on what I'm doing. And, reading of others' struggling to get sober reminds me of what I don't want to go back to. I tried moderating for a long time and it was absolutely futile. So, I don't ever want to go back to that dark place of struggling. The emotional battle - just trying something new every day - the ever-constant bargaining with myself, only to fail at 5pm and crack open another bottle. Such a drag!! Freedom from being dependent, now that's where it's at. No more figuring out how to make sure I was able to get my fix at 5. The lengths I would go to are pretty humorous, in hindsight!

                          Madmans, Nellie, Sam, and anyone who happens along today, have a wonderful AF day!



                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi guys and gals, just checking in! Had a busy and sober weekend, this time last week I was on the brink, but not tonight, no sirreeeee. Not this time!

                            Hope you are all well and enjoying your weekend (or what's left of it!)



                              Newbies Nest

                              Hello all. Glad to see your still here Fighting back. had a busy weekend myself, but stayed of the drink . Once i got the first hour over, all people conserned did'nt care if i was drinking or not. and after i got the first hour over and had said "I'm not drinking" i did'nt mind , do'nt know why, was convinced i would'nt be able to do so . Day 14 AF
                              AF 5/jan/2011


                                Newbies Nest

                                FB & MM - way to go!!:l

