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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Madmans, nice work. You should be proud of yourself. Keep adding those days together.
    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


      Newbies Nest

      madmans;1003682 wrote: Hello all. Glad to see your still here Fighting back. had a busy weekend myself, but stayed of the drink . Once i got the first hour over, all people conserned did'nt care if i was drinking or not. and after i got the first hour over and had said "I'm not drinking" i did'nt mind , do'nt know why, was convinced i would'nt be able to do so . Day 14 AF
      well done, knew you could do it! :goodjob:

      Choochie, your post is inspirational as always, great positive thinking....what a difference that can make!

      Off to work, hi and bye to everyone, have a great day! :l


        Newbies Nest

        Thank's hillsidetime and Choochie . one of things i noticed over the weekend away with my friend's was the amount of drink and how drunk they( i before) would get . we are all mid 30 to 40 and it was like watching kid's . they drank from 7pm friday night to 6 am sat up again 9am, breakfast, walk and back drinking 11-30 am for most of the day, some sleep and then back out that night . was'nt with them last night but if i had been drinking over the weekend like that you can be sure i would have had a six pack just to get to sleep
        AF 5/jan/2011


          Newbies Nest

          Hi fighting back just seen your post have a good day at work
          AF 5/jan/2011


            Newbies Nest

            Madmans - whew you and your buds make the rest of us look like schoolkids! Ya gotta ask yourself, what living creature tries to whack himself like humans? Makes you wonder just how evolved we really are??

            FB - you are sounding wonderfully strong - so happy that you and Madmans are hanging in there.:l

            Hillside - Hi - hope you're having a good day.

            All you other newbies who happen along, check in, say hi and let us know if we can help.



              Newbies Nest

              hi Choochie your right if we made an animal feel as bad after drink we would be locked up
              AF 5/jan/2011


                Newbies Nest

                Madmans - and rightfully so!!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Mondays are so underrated! I suppose the difference is going to work with a clear head! I was an absolute dynamo, cleared my 'to do' list and then some.

                  I am realising how badly the after effects of drinking have been affecting my Monday's, and how that in turn can affect the people working for me. Not this week!

                  So proud of you madmans, that weekend must have been a real eye-opener for you.

                  Choochie, I do feel strong. I think that I have turned the negative behaviour of last Sunday into a kind of weapon, like a reminder to me of how bad AL can actually make me feel and how I never, ever want to feel like that again.

                  Hillside, please keep posting here in the nest, we need your advice and perspective (we need all the help we can get!) :nutso::nutso:

                  Mere, nellie, we want to hear from you!

                  Off to bed, goodnight everyone and a very happy and AL free tomorrow! :h:heart:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi everyone. Choochie, you are right - it is nuts how humans continue to take poison day after day, I know I did for decades. Fighting, you are on the money, about productivity, great point about Monday's being a wash out. The other thing I used to do, was to start drinking on Wednesday nights after I played hockey (up till about 1PM), and Thursday nights I would drink after work, through the evening etc. I know that I was tanking at my job Thursdays and Fridays too.

                    I love weekends now so much. Saturday morning, I can't wait to get up early, before my family. Weekends seem much longer, somehow, when sober.

                    Have a great day,
                    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                      Newbies Nest

                      hello Fighting back,Choochie and Hillslidetime all good here fingers crossed. i now find i can sleep longer in the mornings without a hangover sometimes too long.
                      AF 5/jan/2011


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello my friends, hello!

                        Had a little episode today that I thought I'd share....been bouncing along quite happily this week, no crazy cravings or mad urges just keeping busy and getting on with it.

                        I had to go to the supermarket today for a few things....walking past the wine aisle and there it was. Three bottles of my used-to-be favourite wine for 10 pounds. (It's usually about 8 pounds a bottle!)

                        And the fight was on! Alky self saying 'what a bargain! You could buy them, have a glass or two tonight after work.maybe keep the rest for guests at the holidays....tooo good to miss etc etc'

                        I could literally see myself, after work, relaxing with just one glass....and that was the reality check I needed. I actually laughed out loud at myself, as if I could stop at one glass! :H Those three bottles would be polished off within a couple of days and I know it. I KNOW it and am starting to recognise it and maybe even come to terms with it.

                        Anyway, I didn't buy them! Treated myself to some lovely rainbow trout fillets for dinner instead

                        Beware my friends, you just never know when temptaion is going to jump out at you!

                        Hope everyone is doing well, happy and AL free this Wedesday! xxxx


                          Newbies Nest

                          madmans;1004767 wrote: hello Fighting back,Choochie and Hillslidetime all good here fingers crossed. i now find i can sleep longer in the mornings without a hangover sometimes too long.
                          am really enjoying my AL free sleeps these days mads, maybe a little lie-in all cosy on these frosty winter mornings isn't a bad thing


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Fighting back glad to see you left the wine behine you, now that's what i call FIGHTING BACK we all have the ability to reclaim our life. Its that thought that keeps me going
                            AF 5/jan/2011


                              Newbies Nest

                              Never question your decision to stop, guys. For me, the sleep alone makes it worth it.

                              FB - way to go on resisting temptation. It's always going to be there. Excuse me if I'm repeating myself, but consider reading The Easy Way to Stop Drinking by Allen Carr. If you can do what he espouses you won't feel like you have to resist al with willpower. He teaches you to look at alcohol in a totally different way so it's not like you're giving anything up by not drinking. So far it's working for me.

                              Best to you all.:l


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi everyone, I hope your week is going well. Choochie, I am glad that the concepts in the book are working for you, and that you are staying strong. I notice you went smoke free a few months before giving up the booze. I used to smoke little cigars, on the weekends, I would inhale (no filter) - at parties I would smoke cigarettes too. I gave up smoking about 7 months before I gave up the booze. Getting that double wammy out of our lives is a huge step forward for our health and wellbeing. Let's never go back.
                                Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

