hi softy we are all in the same boat on this site , we are all here to help and get help . hi hillsidetime great to hear your irish connection , the irish seemed to haved travelled all over the word to live , work and set up irish pub's, always an irish pub some were . hi choochie how are you keeping ? i have allready seen that there is loads of irish people on this site , but there is room for a lot more here also . hi fighting back how is your boots doing? did you buy them?
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Newbies Nest
Newbies Nest
hi softy we are all in the same boat on this site , we are all here to help and get help . hi hillsidetime great to hear your irish connection , the irish seemed to haved travelled all over the word to live , work and set up irish pub's, always an irish pub some were . hi choochie how are you keeping ? i have allready seen that there is loads of irish people on this site , but there is room for a lot more here also . hi fighting back how is your boots doing? did you buy them?AF 5/jan/2011
Newbies Nest
Hi everyone, and welcome Softy!
Good the see the old hands in here checking up on us too, your support and advice is invaluable.
Choochie, what can I say but you're great, a fantastic support to me :l
Mads, well done on your three weeks, fantastic work! The boots are great btw, got nice warm tootsies now!
Have a wonderful AL free week eveyone, I am off to see who gets booted off the X Factor
Newbies Nest
Hi Everyone - just checking in to see if all is well.
Softy - good to reward yourself with good food - I think that's critical in keeping us away from al.
FB - always thinking of you and your progress - hope things are still good.
MM - hey guy - trust that you're ok today.
Sam - you're doing great too, I see.
Big hugs to everyone and happy af night - you're gonna feel so much better tomorrow!:l
Thanks Lav for the bump.
Newbies Nest
Hi everyone, thanks for the bump LavandeChoochie, thanks for thinking about me hun, Sam, good to see you here!
Top of the morning to you madmans, hope all is well with ye.
Things are going well here, day 15 and sober as a judge lol
I was just thinking this morning that over the last four weeks I only had AL one day, so really, 29 AL free days out of 30 is another way of looking at it.
I regret my slip but somehow feel stronger for it, if that makes sense. I tried to turn the negative into a positive and add just how bad I felt the next day to my toolkit for future reference.
Anyhoo, enough of my rambling, wishing you all a fab and sober Tuesday! :l
Newbies Nest
Hi MM - hit balls again on Sunday - think I could get into it!! I've always wanted to play - just could never commit the time. We'll see - I plan to try to stick with it - not as a replacement for al but just something I now have time for because I've given up al. Feeling great - thanks for asking. Trust you're doing well? You sound good - glad to see you visiting other newbies and helping them out!!:l
Newbies Nest
feeling good here but carefull not to get carried away, its funny how good i am feeling but also knowing one drink will start it all of again. At the end i did'nt drink ever day tried to controll my drinking but the days i did'nt drink all or it seemed like all my time was spent thinking about it . i cant moderate and i have tried, one time in my life it was black outs , going to work , different off licence ever night and the weekend would start on friday and i be drunk when i was'nt sleeping and i do mean when i would wake at 7 in the morning . i tried to moderate for about 6 years , sometimes better ,sometimes worse but i knew the truth . i dont think about drinking all day but the cravings do come , i've used lots from this site to help me with that and taking a step back does help . ODATAF 5/jan/2011
Newbies Nest
:l awww Thanks, Sam.
MM - I hope you can keep it up - sounds like you had gotten to a pretty bad place with the booze. Don't you feel good, now? If I ever have any al thoughts, I just try to project myself mentally to the next morning. When I wake up I'm always so glad that I'm not drinking!! I can't wait until I don't think much about alcohol anymore. I know that day will come.
Hugs to you both,:l
Newbies Nest
Hi all.....Choochie, well done on your 50 days whoooooop whoop! fantastic work, and that tip about projecting yourself to the next morning is a good one, I do that myself! Congrats hun, you have an excellent attitude and that is encouraging for the rest of us. :l
Madmans, you are doing just great. I know what you mean about not getting too carried away, I am so worried about letting my guard down and I know that I am my own worst enemy when it comes to AL. Still plodding along ODAT and enjoying my sober mornings and my heavy workload and just life in general. Still have my moments though so I don't want to get complacent.
Hi to everyone else, hope all is going well. It's blimming well freezing here so I am off to curl up in front of the fire for a read before bed. Might even have a cocoa! (life on the edge, or what?) :H
Great to see everyone, take care. :goodjob: