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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello Guys!

    Welcome Blonde! So glad you're doing well. To me it just feels so great to have energy and good sleep to deal with life each day! Bean, I can relate to some of the cravings as well, although they come much less frequently these days (I'm on day 18 now). I agree with Hill, AL can be evil and malicious! You never know when a craving will pop up -- but the good thing I'm learning is that they can be "surfed" through.

    Lav, hope you're surviving the snow up there! We're feeling the cold coming all the way down the east coast.

    Have a great AF day everyone!


      Newbies Nest

      Hi bean, Hill, blondie and lav . well done bean on them craving they can be a right bollocks at times, not sure if i want to know what my avatar does to you blondie good job on 5 or is it 6 days now. i am after eating a flake, kitkat and half a caramel bar just now no cravings just hungry. must go now
      AF 5/jan/2011


        Newbies Nest

        Hi My life x post ( long x post)
        AF 5/jan/2011


          Newbies Nest

          Good afternoon Nesters!

          It is super chilly here but the sun was nice all day.
          Yes Hill, my neighbor did plow my driveway, thankfully. I guess I'd better get busy baking some thank you loaves of bread or cinnamon buns or something :H

          Bean, Distraction was the key for me! I just kept myself as busy as possible during the first few weeks/months. Everytime the 'thought' of a glass of wine entered my head I would stop what I was doing & do something completely different. It worked!!!!

          Greetings to everyone!
          MM, I'm still not sure what your avatar does for me....I just keep staring :H
          I've kept my big blue head winking avatar for nearly two years - I don't have the heart to change it

          Think I'll light a nice fire to ward off the chills. My hands are freezing!!
          Have a good evening everyone.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Evening Nesters! Do I get kicked out at 30 days? Well today is day 24 and the cravings are hitting me again at 3ish. I got my L-glut and I'm diverting well but I was hoping we were done with this. I don't want a drink! So why the cravings? I'll jump back here later, off work and off to the gym now.
            You always succeed if you never stop trying.
            Everyday we choose the direction of change.


              Newbies Nest

              Lol Jenny - don't think anyone gets kicked out around here and 24 days is awesome! Day 11 for me and still wondering why this time is so different? Cravings are still there - especially on my way home from work - looked forward to that first glass of wine before anything else! Not sure why but my resolve is stronger this time. Maybe it's the satisfaction of knowing that I'm beating the AL instead of it beating me! Watched the blind side last night with hubby - so wonderful to be able to watch a movie all the way to the end and remember it!

              Blondie - I read your story this morning and could not believe how many similarities we have in common. like - the box. Absolutely more economical - easier to hide - holds more than a bottle - I could go on and on - Dumped the rest of my last box down the drain 12 days ago. Unfortunately, an open box is just too much temptation for me but you are doing great - even pouring a glass for your hubby? That speaks volumes.

              Madmans - your avatar makes me laugh every time I see it. Hope you are doing well.

              Hi to Bean, Hillside, mylife and Lavande!

              Second week of sobriety for me and I'm sure you guys can all relate to guilt-free mornings, feeling proud of yourselves, appreciating the little things your were too drunk to notice before - hope everyone has a great evening!
              Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                Newbies Nest

                Good evening everyone!

                MMs, It is day 6 for me...almost day 7! Your avatar is um....well, let's put it this way, it's an ecouragement to stay AF and not get the beer or wine belly that tends to settle right there!

                Jolie-Congrats on your 11 days AF! My box is still lurking in the cabinet yet I have remained strong on day 6. Wed and Thurs are my days off from work as I work 5 days straight starting Friday, through the weekend, etc. I was worried about me being home alone during a snow week when hubby was at work and I was left in the house to my own devices. Needless to say, I have been on MWO lots over those past 2 days! And I was able to not drink and honestly didn't have an urge! Not letting myself get too hungry during the day and exercising is helping tremendously. This morning, I actually saw the box of wine in the cabinet when putting away some glasses and I stuck my tongue out at it...Nanny Nanny Boo Boo!

                Well, have a lovely evening all! I'm looking forward to another sound sleep and then back to work tomorrow morning!
                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Nesters,

                  Im not new, i have simply returned. Feeling miserable and sorry for myself and ashamed. Just need the nest. This helped a lot last time, anyone else feeling rough, come join me, we'll make it pass together, wishes to all on their journey, Nuero
                  Live your life in such a way that
                  when your feet hit the floor in the morning,
                  Satan shudders & says...

                  'Oh sh*t the B!tch is awake!!'


                    Newbies Nest

                    So, I am jumping back in here- yet again! I need a place to record my progress- Okay day 1-drinking coffee- and it's pitch black outside- so depressing...I hate winter! Hi everyone- I need to look back and see who's posting in here and what's going on...
                    It's always YOUR choice!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nesters!

                      Sunny but chilly here in southeast PA Typical winter day I suppose.

                      Welcome back neurogenic & Fluff! Pull up a twig & make yourselves cozy right here in the Nest!
                      If you haven't already - look in the Tool Box for ideas to revise your plans. A firm commitment & a good solid plan will hep you both succeed The best tool for me was learning the art of distraction!!! It really works!

                      Wishing everyone a fabulous AF Friday!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Mornin' all! Let's crank up the heat in the nest, it's cold outside!

                        FLUFF-I also am not a huge fan of winter but I guess it makes me appreciate the Spring/Summer more and more! I am a Leo, a true Sun sign, and even though I am fair-skinned and can't bake out in the sun, I sure love to be in it with SPF 100 on! Even then I freckle in 5 This time last year, hubby and I were in Jamaica and hope to get back for a vacation later this year. Maybe in March, then when we come back it will be almost Spring here in NE. Anyway, welcome back to the Nest. I am really liking it here!

                        Neurogenic-Great to have you here! The more the merrier. Strength in numbers!

                        Day 7 is like heaven! Off to a busy day at work today so I'll be back to chat with you all this evening. Have a warm, wonderful AF day everyone!
                        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                        BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning (late) Nest!

                          Jenny, the cravings come and go with me as well. The best I can say is that they're less than they used to be.
                          MM -- lots of comments on that attractive avatar you chose! Enough said! :H:H
                          Lav - thanks for your positive and supportive posts each day for us Newbies!
                          Blonde - I said day 11 feels like Heaven, so you've got another one coming up!!

                          Hello Jolie and welcome Fluff and Neuro and all to come! Have a wonderful AF day all!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Lavande, Blondie,My Life,Jolie,Neuro,Jenny,Madman-and anyone I missed- Hi!
                            Yeah, a Caribbean vacation would be just fantastic right now! Our vacation is at the end of March-going to California, then.
                            I just got back from the dentist- the left side of my face is numb- good thing I don't have to actually talk in here- ha!ha!
                            Anyway, tonight my son has tennis from 4-7 that's prime drinking time- so Friday night's I don't drink-because I will be driving to and fro- and I don't ever drink and drive...So will make it through tonight, definitely-it's the weekend that gets me started-so Lavande, I need to find my distractions- you know this would be a lot easier if my hubby didn't drink- the temptation when I see him "enjoying" a g&t is very strong. Guess I just have to be firm with myself and not be such a woosy and give in all the time.
                            Still afraid to talk to my doctor about my"problem" and starting antibuse.
                            It's always YOUR choice!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hang in there Fluff!

                              I agree it would be hard to have my husband drink in front of me -- in my case it's hard because my husband tiptoes around me and won't let me see him drinking for fear of tempting me! Very sweet, but I feel like I'm on a diet or something and no one will eat cake or ice cream to avoid tempting me! I keep telling my husband to just act normal and I just have to accept that other people drink and deal with it!

                              I can also relate to not wanting to tell my regular Dr. I actually went to a psychiatrist to see about getting a perscription for the AL -- they gave me one for Naltrexone which had absolutely no effect on me whatsoever, and I've just been kind of doing it on my own since then.


                                Newbies Nest


                                Honestly, when I first quit & people were drinking around me I just told myself 'it doesn't matter'. They didn't care what was in my glass so I shouldn't care about what was in theirs. Just keep distracting yourself anyway you can. The end result is worth the effort you put in now

                                Does anyone know how I can get two dogs to stop shedding for a couple of days? :H
                                Seriously, I'm throwing a baby shower for my daughter on Sunday & feel like I'll never get ahead of the dog hair. I'm willing to take them outside & run the shedding tool over them but they won't sit still long enough!

                                Hope everyone has a peaceful, non-hairy evening :H
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

