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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest


    I know exactly what you mean! I have the same problem with my lab mix and german shepard mix. This year seems worse than ever! Only difference I can think of is we usually get them clipped in the summer when it's really hot and we didn't do that this year. (My one dog acts psycho like he feels naked or something!) The shedding tool really works but like you, my dogs don't want to sit still for it. By the way - congrats! your first grandchild? Even if its not - how exciting. No grandkids for me yet but my son just got engaged so maybe a couple years down the road.

    Fluff - welcome back! I remember you - think your last avatar was a cute little white fluffy dog? Anyway - I know what you are going through. The fact that you are back here again means you know deep down inside that while the decision to quit is yours alone, the support and encouragement you get here is sure to only help you. Stay strong - I haven't gone 12 days without AL in 10 years and I am speaking the honest truth here - I feel at peace. Stress/guilt/sleepless nights - don't miss those things one bit!

    Mylife - good for you on doing it on your own!

    Blondie - lol "nanny nanny boo boo" - haven't heard that in a while and I'm stlil chuckling picturing that.

    Nuero - hang in there! this is definitely where you want to be when you are feeling the way you are. What can we do to help?

    Hope everyone has a great sober-Friday evening!
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


      Newbies Nest

      Happy Friday Night Nesters! This is the first Friday night I have been AF in soooo long! This time last week, I was having several glasses of wine when hubby and I were out for dinner. It was really hard getting up Sat. morning for work as I need to get out to work first thing in the morning. I am looking forward to my first Saturday NOT going to work hungover! It makes for such a LONG day at work as I'm sure you all know. I came home from work tonight (after almost a 10 hour day) and immediately went to fixing dinner. Now I am stuffed and couldn't think about drinking!

      Fluff-My husband still drinks in front of me but it's beer which I don't like. He does do mixed drinks once in a while, but again, that was never my bag. Always went for the wine. BUT, I'm finding that he isn't drinking as much as when we drank together, and that makes me happy for both of us.

      Going straight into day 8! Peace all and Goodnight!
      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



        Newbies Nest


        I had a Golden Retriever who used to get a 'summer haircut' too & he acted the same psycho way :H
        The dogs I have now have short black hair & it's everywhere!!!

        This is actually my second grandchild due mid-Feb & my third is due April 5!!!!!
        I just can't imagine myself being a gradmother of three - afterall I'm only 29 :H:H

        Blondie, congrats on your first AF Friday night - may you have many, many more!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Hi All,

          my fiance drinks quite a bit, and unlike me he can handle it, I cant begrudge him that and I wouldnt that to change for him. Our entire social circle drinks, I thoroughly enjoy a glass of wine and cant imagine not having that indulgence. Im was on here two years ago, and really tried to get myslef under control, but in the last three months, it has spiralled out of control again. I knew that, just wasnt ready to actually do anything about it. I really want be back in place where I am in control. Am happy ot confide in a number of friends, but realise that i really need to steer clear of one in particular, not that my problems are caused be her, it is just that is no level of control when we go out, it is always a train wreck. Sorry for the rant, i already feel better today, am trying to concentrate on positive things, i hate this self loathing and pity, but i guess it is normal for a time.

          Good karma to all in the nest, whatever shape we are in or twing we are on
          Live your life in such a way that
          when your feet hit the floor in the morning,
          Satan shudders & says...

          'Oh sh*t the B!tch is awake!!'


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters!

            I read another chapter of Easy Way to stop Drinking this morning for the reminder that I'm not giving up ANYTHING by not drinking! Really, it is so true. When I think back on the last time I did drink (around Christmas) I did not enjoy myself any more than I would have if I hadn't drunk. I didn't overdo it, but really I just felt foggy and out of it and probably would have enjoyed myself a lot more with water. I just need to keep reminding myself of that when I see people around me drinking and think "how nice a glass of wine would be" -- it really wouldn't!!

            Hope you all have a fantastic AF day!!


              Newbies Nest

              I like what you said there, My Life- I've gone to parties where I actually enjoyed not drinking-and it's quite amusing to watch others start getting loud and goofy.
              Neuro- My husband drinks so much he starts sleepwalking and getting dressed for work at 3a.m. -sometimes( he usually gets up at 5:30)-he is not aware of what he is doing-it's very unnnerving.
              Jolie- Thanks! Yes, I used to be theat cute little pup- but changed to this silly avatar-just feeling like a big, goofy , pink bunny-for some reason! Your days AF are great- can't wait to get there, too!
              Blondie- Hope you have a good day at work today-sans hangover!
              Lavande- I don't have any dogs- if I did, it would be a westie- not sure of the amount they shed...
              Last night,I made a pot of chili- and it was delicious- had some after picking my son up from tennis-then watched Medium- last show of that series is next Friday- I really liked that show-oh well, time to move on...Nothing good was on after that so, I watched reruns of #rd Rock From The Sun- with my daughter- I never really watched that show back in the '90's when it aired- I think it's humor was way ahead of it's time- it's so funny!
              The reason we were watching it was because my daughter saw the movie"Inception" and has a crush on Joseph Gordon-Levitt- I looked him up on google images and there were some pics of him from when he was 16-and played on 3rd Rock- that's when I realized who he was- so now she is watching the first series- I bought-it online....
              Sorry for the ramble- anyway-feels fantastic- to be up before everyone- coffee is great-
              Hope everyone has a fantastic Saturday!
              It's always YOUR choice!


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning Nesters!

                Enjoying my coffee here as well Fluff

                Chilly, partly cloudy but no snow predicted this weekend, thank goodness. I'll be busy again today prepping for tomorrow's party so I sure won't get into any trouble today!

                Have a great AF Saturday everyone!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi everyone, I hope you are having a nice weekend.

                  Lavande, believe it or not, I used to run the vacume on my dog when he was shedding a lot. He actually liked it, it was like a scratch/message. Man, did it suck up a lot of hair.
                  Fluff, "going to California", what a great vacation, and what a great Zeppelin song, I just put it on my computer, have not listened to it in ages.
                  Mylife, you have hit the nail on the head, we are not missing anything. It is funny how our brains keep insisting that the drinking lifestyle is so awesome, regardless of how bad it is for us, and regardless of how many horrible mistakes and decisions we make while drunk. Like the old saying "it takes time", I do find that perspective is coming with time being sober.
                  Hi Blondie and Jolie.
                  Neuro, it does sound like you may really need to take a long look at where you are at with your drinking. I don't want you to end up in rock bottom like I did. I had so many, many, many chances and warnings to stop drinking, and I never did. What is your plan? Take some sober time to let your mind clear? Keep us posted.

                  Take care gang,
                  Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters! Sorry I missed everyone this morning but I am out the door by 7:30AM for work on Saturdays! I hope everyone had a great Saturday, I sure did!

                    Fluff, work was wonderful going in sober after getting a good night's sleep. Amazing how much better I can handle challenges when I am clear-headed and not in a daze from drinking the night before! PS, I love your Bunny avatar, it's so cheerful!

                    Lavande-Best of luck with the Baby Shower! How exciting for another grandbaby! And as for shedding, I have 2 black cats and a white dog. No outfits are complete in our house without hair from one of them! I can vacuum and in 5 minutes, see the dust and fur settle on the floor again, sigh. But they are so worth it, aren't they? I used to have a long-haired St. Bernard, now talk about shedding. And drooling! lol.

                    Well, I'm about to sign off and start celebrating the evening with my's our wedding anniversary and I'm about to open the cap on my seltzer! Never thought I could make it through a special occasion like this without booze. Here I go!

                    A lovely evening to all!
                    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                    BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hill, You're coming up on your one year Anni......good for you. What a difference a year makes, huh? I'm coming up on two years the end of March. I'll never go back, I just won't!!!!

                      Neuro, I think maybe modding is not in the cards for you - it isn't for the majority of us! Be honest with yourself, do you think it is possible to stop at one or two drinks & drink only on a special occasion?
                      When I first came to MWO two years ago it was with the intention of slowing down & learning to moderate. Turned out after my first 30 AF days - I just didn't want to drink anymore. Something drastically changed in my thinking which I owe to the effectiveness of the Hypno CDs.
                      Rethink your plan, use the Tool Box & the CDs if you have them. Just give yourself the time & the chance to live a sober life. You won't be sorry

                      Wishing everyone a comfy, AF evening!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Blondie - Happy Anniversary
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Shotgun Wedding

                          Hi Nesters,

                          Hope you're enjoying the weekend as much as I am. I've had a really productive week and a great day today with catching up with some friends and lots of exercise. I'm now home chilling with the Saturday papers and feeling very good about life.

                          I saw 'Little Fokkers' at the cinema last night - it was pretty entertaining, I enjoyed it. If you haven't seen it, it has RObert De Niro as the FIL trying to control and derail his daughter's marriage to Ben Stiller. This is maybe a cheesy analogy but it struck me how marriage is similar to going AF.

                          You make the commitment to honour that person/sobriety till death do you part. Obviously you don't know what life will throw at you in the meantime but it is still your responsibility to work at the marriage and not bail on it when things get hard (as they ineveitably do from time to time). And there will be many times when you look at someone else/AL and think to yourself that it is more beautiful and interesting than the person/soft drink that you have but you have to stay faithful to the one you chose. If you don't you might experience a short term high but it will quickly be replaced with guilt, shame and remorse that you let yourself and your loved ones down.

                          So even though I 'only' have 18 days AF, I have decided to marry sobriety. I know it's a shotgun wedding but I think we're going to be very happy together!!

                          Enjoy the rest of the weekend all.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Happy Sunday am Nesters! It's great to wake up Sunday morning not hungover, isn't it! I slept a full 10 hours last night...haven't done that in years.

                            Bean, I love your phrase of "marrying sobriety". I think I'll jump on that engagement! I agree, I think we will be happy together with our new found "sober partner!".

                            Told my hubby last night that I am seriously not going to drink anymore and if he will support me in that quest. He said he never thought I had a "problem" but if I think that's what I should do, he thinks it is great. Funny, that he never thought I had a problem, because I sure think I did! He still drinks moderately, but can handle it. As I've stated before in posts, I think my abstinence is making him drink less too. Anyway, I never had a chance to sit down and talk to him about my AF choice all week and I wanted to make him aware that it is serious and not just a temporary "clean out" for a short time. I really don't think I can moderate, so it AF permenantly for me!

                            Celebrated my first special occasion of the year AF last night! My wedding anniversary! I can't tell you how good that feels, that I could do it. Plus, it's the start of day 9 for me and even though I have to work today, lol, I'm feeling really good about another AF Sunday (second in a row for me).

                            Lavande, thanks for the anniversary wishes. Best wishes on shower must be straight out busy! Looking forward to hearing all about it when you have a chance.

                            Peace to all for a blessed Sunday!
                            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                            BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good afternoon nesters!

                              Sunday afternoon here and 2 complete weeks AF - never thought it was possible. Sat through my second sober football game yesterday and even though my beloved team did not win (sorry Lav - I know you may have been routing for those pesky steelers), I never felt like I needed AL to get through it. Great feeling. Everything around me just seems a little better and adding more days just seems to build up my resolve to not give in. I know deep down that modding is not in the cards for me. I will always want just one more glass of wine and that's why I can't go back.

                              Is anyone using additional supplements since they've stopped the AL? I started taking the L-Glut right away but was reading an article here in the holistic forum (I believe) and have started taking B-complex and milk thistle as well as a multi vitamin every day. Hard to say what damage I've done so I'm trying to be proactive.

                              Well it's very cold here on the east coast today but it's sunny and hope everyone is enjoying this day sober along with me!

                              Lav - hope the shower was a success. Blondie - happy anniversary! Congrats to you for keeping it sober! Bean - love it! married to sobriety - gives us a lot to think about. Mylife - thanks for making me realize that I'm not "giving anything up" either. Thought I was for the longest time but when you can't stop after one or two, it just ends up being poison. Hillside - seriously - a vacuum cleaner? First I laughed then I thought, why not? I might just try it on my two tonight!

                              Neuro - Hope you can work out a plan on what's best for you. Three months ago, I only wanted to mod as well but it's not for me. Not saying you can't and if you can, more power to you! Didn't want to hear everyone say "just try to go 30 days AF then decide" before but now it just makes sense to me because each day I go AF, I feel stronger about not starting again. Just don't want to go there again.

                              Back to work tomorrow - hope everyone has a wonderful, peaceful Sunday evening!
                              Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good evening Nesters!

                                The shower was a success!!!!
                                My daughter was very pleased, received some beautiful gifts, food was great & everyone happy
                                I put a few pictures on Photobucket if you'd like to see (no relatives or other boring stuff :H)
                                Baby Shower Jan 16 pictures by elkmills - Photobucket

                                This is my favorite pic!
                                My daughter on the right due Feb 15 & my DIL on the left due Aoril 5!

                                Bean, Blondie & Jolie - so glad you are here in the Nest & enjoying your AF time. It just gets better & better
                                Wishing everyone a cozy evening.

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

