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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning to all in the Nest!

    Well said, Jolie, about not being judged here under any circumstances! This is so true! Have a lovely luncheon with your sis and mom...sounds like you have a plan on no vino and that is key!

    Well, more snowfall with me this morning. Luckily, hubby gets a ride from a someone he works with that has 4 wheel drive, as I always worry about him on slippery commutes with his front wheel drive sedan. Better to have all the help you can with this weather. I will be bundling up shortly to make it into will be busy but I'm looking forward to seeing everyone after my 2 days of Wed/Thurs. It's nice to be able to say that about work!

    Thanks for the encouragement, is now day 14!

    Lavande, I understand what you mean about gratitude...before I went to bed last night I was thinking of all the things I am grateful for in life, one big one right now is being AF. I actually started crying tears of joy, it hit me so hard. It was so out of the blue but it felt good to cry and I thanked my inner voice for finally shouting loud enough to get me to stop after all these years. I imagined sunlight pouring through me and a little person deep down inside me looking up and seeing the sun after being in darkness for so long. I felt elated.

    Have a wonderful day everone...snow or no snow!
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



      Newbies Nest

      Hello everyone, just found this forum, hope to find some nice new friends to help/help me on this journey
      Taking it ODAT


        Newbies Nest

        :welcome: Maruit and Blue jay ( i was going to shorten your name to BJ but some people have very bad minds) , I bought Allen Carr book that has being talked about so much on this web site today, so that will keep me busy over the weekend. busy here feeding time at the zoo
        AF 5/jan/2011


          Newbies Nest

          Blondie, that's a great visual you created there for yourself - conside it a precious gift

          Welcome Mauritius! MWO & the Nest are great places, please grab yourself a comfy twig & settle in.
          Be sure you download & read the MWO book to help you get started. You can take a look in the for good ideas to help you make your plan

          mm, are you a farmer? For real?
          I keep hens for fresh brown eggs - it's fun & interesting! Right now I have 26 'teenagers' who should begin laying the first week of March

          OK, back to work for me.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Hello Nest! It sounds like everyone is up and thriving and busy already!

            Lav - that must be a challenge keeping hens with all that snow?? Then again, I know absolutely NOTHING about animals on farms so maybe I'll just shut up.

            I have been feeling so great lately, like it really is a gift to have this sobriety. I can completely relate to your tears of joy Blondie. My short term goal was 30 days (which are up on the 26th) and this morning I told myself I can keep on going after that for as long as I want and I felt so happy at that thought. I really hope this feeling continues.

            Hope you all have a fabulous AF weekend!


              Newbies Nest

              Lav i live in the Mayo, Ireland look on Google earth nothing but farms and bog, but i don't farm myself . i'm a stay at home dad my zoo is my two kids both under 5 . grow a lot of my own veg , cant beat the taste. Do you ever get temped to fire up the oven for the birds? or is that a no no
              AF 5/jan/2011


                Newbies Nest

                Happy Friday Night everyone! It was 2 weeks ago that I took my last drink...seems like longer but in a good way, you know what I mean? Feeling very happy going into the weekend sober.

                MyLife...30 days is coming right along for you my friend! That is so exciting! I hope you do something fun to celebrate. I still have a couple more weeks to go, but I want to plan something nice for myself when I do hit that landmark. Then I can shoot for 60 days!

                I hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday evening. It's down in the single digits here...time to crank up the heating blanket and hop into bed pretty soon...I have to work early tomorrow morning. Hubby is watching the Celtics game and happy that they are winning. That leaves me free to read on here or read some books before I go to sleep. I love having "me" time's like finding a long lost friend I wanted to be reunited with but couldn't find her for so long.
                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                  Newbies Nest

                  mylife, my chickens don't like the snow but I toss some straw around - they're willing to walk on that. I don't know how they tolerate this cold weather but they do! I was born & raised a few miles outside of Philadelphia so moving here 7 years ago opened up opportunities to learn new things like raising chickens

                  mm, I visited Galway & other areas of Ireland June 2003. You have a very interesting coastline there - much different from ours. I do remember passing by quite a few cows in my travels

                  Enjoy your 'me' time Blondie, I completely agree with you!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Evening all
                    Just a quick one as not feeling the best...have a stinking cold which was slowly building up all week and just came in full force last night. One good thing I have discovered is that frozen yoghurt popsicles are really soothing for sore throats. And fat free so good for you too!

                    Last night I went out to see a band play in a local pub. It was my first time out this year and since going AF. Actually, I don't seem to find it so hard not to drink in those situations. I always (or eventually) preferred getting a big bottle of wine and drinking it at home. So I had an AF beer and then they had run out, so I had a juice. I was talking to a friend who'd obviously had a few and wasn't making much sense (how many times have I been the one in that position?). Then she suddenly said "oh god my ex boyfriend is here, I have to get another drink"... it's SO clear/obvious when you're not drinking when you see someone else using it to avoid awkwardness or pain.

                    Anyway, had a great evening, hardly spent any money and was doubly glad since I'm not well to not have a hangover on top this morning. I couldn't be happier to be on the sober train with you all.
                    Have a great weekend.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning all, Blondie I love your posts they make me long for my sobriety thank you for inspiring me

                      Today I am going to (try) and write down all the reasons I drink and then the reasons I don't want to anymore and try and make sense of my lifeready for D-Day (Monday) - wish me luck!
                      Taking it ODAT


                        Newbies Nest

                        I am struggling to find my way around this whole web page as all post seem so old eg 2oo9 and I am desperate in 2011.. I have the book read it and now saving for Dr appt and supplement and Cd's my plan is to take time off work in April so I can take the meds and achieve some results before returning to work plus listen to the CD'S and lay the foundation :new:
                        for a better future. I think I have something to offer others but not sure ow to access them
                        Pearl 58:new:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning everyone, I hope you are well. Bean, good job on hitting the pub, going out, and not drinking. Like you say, you wake up sober, you don't waste a tone of money, you don't make bad decisions while intoxicated etc etc. It sounds like you learned a lot from the experience. I am glad you are happy on the sober train.

                          Hi Mauri, sounds like a good plan. It will hopefully help you with your decision of whether to quit, to moderate, and how important this decision is, or is not, for you right now. In terms of making sense of our lives, I think we all do that all the time, and I think it is a lifelong project.

                          Hi Pearl, and welcome. I hope that the forum is working correctly for you. Let us know, so we can try to help.
                          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Saturday morning everyone!

                            Just posted a huge reply here and my computer froze! Think I will put that on the list of things to do today - get a NEW COMPUTER! Anyway, Blondie - totally agree on having the "me" sober time. I can now sit down and read my book at night and actually remember what I read the next day - priceless!

                            Lav - hope your chickens can stay warm this weekend - can you believe how cold it's going to be?

                            Hillside - sorry for whining - you are probably used to this cold weather where you are from. You must be an early bird like me! Love to get up in the morning, get my cup of coffee and come in here and read/post. Gets the day off to a good start.

                            Had lunch with my mom and sister yesterday at an upscale restaurant. When the waitress asked if we wanted cocktails I saw my sister hesitate - before either of us could say anything my Mom said "just water" and I followed with "water w/lemon" and my sister had tea. We plan on making this a monthly ritual so I know I'm going to need to stay strong and keep on course. (besides - what is 1 glass of wine going to do for me anyway

                            Mauri - good idea on writing your reasons down - having them phycially in front of you should help as opposed to just thoughts you can push aside to some faraway place in your brain. Hang in there and come here often!

                            Pearl - :welcome: When I first came to MWO I also found it kind of overwhelming with all the posts/threads. Usually what I do now (especially with newbies nest) is just go to the last page and work my way back thru the posts. Hope this helps!

                            Bean - good for you on choosing the alcohol-free drinks! That takes willpower.

                            MM - please let me know how you like the book - been reading a lot about it here but haven't actually read it.

                            Mylife - I'm right behind you with 20 days. I'm really enjoying this sober life so I'm going to try and keep on going! Be you feel awesome getting close to your goal!

                            Well I'm having lunch with a friend (alcohol definitely won't be in the picture with my friend) so I hope all you guys have a great Saturday!
                            Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning Nesters!!

                              Brrr, 14 degrees at the moment. It's definately winter!

                              Not sure what I'm doing this weekend but I'll figure it out at some point

                              :welcome: Pearl!
                              Glad you found the Nest. Settle in & make yourself comfortable. Great that you've read the book & made a plan. April is a long time away ~ do you plan to decrease your drinking over the next 2 months? You can use the Drink Tracker to help you see your progress.

                              Greetings to all who stop in today & wishes for a terrific AF Saturday!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nest!

                                Welcome Pearl! You will find lots of good advice here. Keep reading and posting!

                                Lav, hang in there with the cold! We're getting the cold air down here, so I know it must be cold up where you are!!
                                Bean, good job on not drinking. I really am finding it easier to not drink in those situations myself each time. And the no hangover is SO worth it!
                                Hill, Mauri, Jolie, glad to hear from you guys each day!
                                Mauri - I recommend Allen Car's book the Easy Way to Stop Drinking - if you haven't heard this already!
                                Jolie, I agree with you - I like the sober life, too.

                                Have a great AF day all!!

