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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Helloo Nesters,

    Hi Pearl:welcome:I'm new here as well.

    Wish I could send some warm desert weather to all who are freezing your little butts off.

    My Life - I had forgotten about Carr's book. I'll have to pick that up. I'm reading MM's book right now. Already read MWO a few years ago. I used to be shy about ordering books about problem drinking. Now I don't care!!

    This is day 6. Last night I had some AF beer. Beer has never been my choice but the cold one did the trick for me. I'm feeling better these days. Nice to be out of the rut - the drinking and H.O. cycle - yuck. What was I thinking?

    Have a great day everyone!


      Newbies Nest

      Hi again everyone. Nice to see some old and new people tucked on their twigs.
      I've been away from the site for a while, as I couldn't seem to get myself together last time. Although everyone was very supportive, I got fed up with coming on and admitting failure again.

      I now have 12 days AF, and feeling good. I would've had more but couldn't resist one of those little testers to see if I could drink one glass, and ended up drinking 3 and tipping the rest down the sink. Never mind, you learn (hopefully) from these things.

      Pearl, you've probably worked it out by now, but when you click on a thread go to the last page. The first page of some threads might well have started in 2009.


        Newbies Nest


        I'm also new here and was confused by the threads. It seemed different that threads would go on forever but I finally figured out to go to page 87 and find the latest!

        I read the book, am waiting for the CD's, have started Topamax and taking a ton of vitamins. Whew!

        I'm glad to be here. :new:
        Do Your Dream


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning everyone. Welcome doyourdream, can we call you DYD? Tell us a little about yourself, what your situation is, so we can help.

          I hope your weekends are going well. It is minus 31 today, that is chilly. I officiated five hockey games yesterday, and it was cold !

          Jolie, yes I am an early riser like yourself. I am off to work by 7:30 on weekdays. Mylife, it is great to touch base with you each day too.

          Have a nice Sunday everyone, I am off the rink again.
          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters!

            Very, very frosty in my portion of the Nest today! Brrr!

            Welcome doyourdream! The Nest is a great spot to get started, make yourself comfy. Be sure to take a look in the for some great ideas for you plan. If you have any questions please just ask.

            Hill, -31 is definitely chilly!!!!! Stay warm!

            Well, I have my son, DIL & grandson coming for dinner today & that makes me
            Wishing everyone a great day!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Morning all. Welcome DYD! I agree these threads were confusing at first, but just keep reading and looking around you'll figure it out!

              Hill, Lav great to hear from you as always. Hill, you said you're off to the rink - I assume Hockey?
              Lav, great to hear you're having family over for dinner. That's always nice.

              Have a great day all!


                Newbies Nest

                DYD :welcome:

                Sounds like you have worked out a good plan for yourself - post away! you'll find that a lot of us here are going through the same things you are.

                Dancingon - I can relate - I'm working on day 21 and working towards 30 and beyond. This is not however, my first time but my 3rd. Sometimes you just have to find your way and really, really be willing to stop the madness and enjoy all the benefits that being sober have in store for you! I now wake up with a smile - guilt/anxiety are a thing of the past.

                Please let us know what we can do to help.

                Lav - yes - chilly one here yet again. I think it is supposed to warm up a little before the next snow hits on Wednesday though

                Mylife, Hill, Pearl - hope you are all having a great Sunday!

                Bluejay - I'm jelous of your warm weather - anything you could send our way would be greatly appreciated:H

                Have a great sober day everyone!
                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning nesters. It's a little cold here in Texas, about 35ish. My hubby still has the flu and the rest of us are keeping our fingers crossed (and our Lysol out) that we don't get it! So glad everyone sounds good. Welcome to all the new people.

                  Hope everyone has a great AF day!
                  You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                  Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi everyone hope your all feeling good at this point in the weekend. To all the new guys hi and just keep posting and reading you will soon get the knack of this site , if i can do it so can you . Jolie i am about half way trough the book now and it looks good when i finish it i will be sure to let everyone know what i think, so far it has made me look at things a bit different
                    AF 5/jan/2011


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Nesters!

                      I've had a busy weekend at work and now I'm playing catch up tonight on MWO...missed you guys!

                      Jolie, glad to hear how smooth the AF lunch went with your Mom and Sister. You are right, what good would just one glass have been?

                      Lav-I am right with you in the low digits temp-wise...I don't even want to share what our wind chill factor is right now, it's frightening! I have a pot of narcissus bulbs that my sister-in-law gave to me for Christmas, and luckily I planted them right away. They are now in full bloom and it gives me just a smidgen of Spring in my heart. It helps!
                      Bluejay, yes, please send us some warm weather ASAP! I could go for a January thaw right now but we're getting another 3 feet of snow on Wednesday, yikes!

                      Welcome Dancingon and Doyourdream and Pearl:welcome: Great to have you here...pull up a twig in our cozy nest!

                      Mylife, Hill, MMs, and everyone else along the journey, thank you for being you!

                      Have a wonderful night everyone and think warm sunny thoughts:h
                      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                      BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Mauri,

                        Is tomorrow D-Day? Good luck to you, we are all rooting for you. Welcome to the Nest, by the way, I hope you had a wonderful weekend. That is a great idea to write out your ideas on paper and sort it all out. I'm sure it will be a very valuable tool in helping you on your way to being AF!
                        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                        BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                          Newbies Nest

                          For me tomorrow is a new day and looking forward to it. Here in Grand Bend Ontario Canada, it is bitter cold. I was a Newbie in the Spring then fell off the system, so I guess you could call me a new Newbie.
                          AF for 6 days and counting
                          I stopped Al for I want a better life, I will control my life not the other way around


                            Newbies Nest

                            Brrrr. Well I feel better. We're in the middle of summer in NZ. Last week we had everything in one week. It started out in the 30s C (90s F) and then plummeted to 11/12 degrees (52 F) and I was grumpy, and almost lit the fire. Today is 20 degrees (70 F). Not exactly summery but quite pleasant.
                            It's the end of the school holidays and I've had enough of my wee darlings at home. Bring on February!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Wow, how nice to feel so welcome! Seriously, it's amazing what support I feel even though I'm new here.

                              Yes, you can call me DYD or whatever you want. I had a different name at first (my middle name) because I didn't know what to pick but as I was running through the woods yesterday I decided I wanted something more inspiring so I changed it to Do Your Dream.

                              This phrase has meaning to me because my Mom had a bumper sticker with those words on it and she died at 61 before she got to live hers. This means you never know how long you have in this life so it's important to make the most of it which is why I bet most of us are here.

                              I will definitely be checking in every day, ramping up on my meds, paying attention to my drinking, hopefully doing my CD's soon and making good changes in my life. I am so happy to be here!

                              Happy to read about your adventures as well.

                              And by the way, it's been beautiful and warm in California. I don't know how we got so luck when the rest of the US is getting clobbered.
                              Do Your Dream


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning all, Day One AF has dawned bright and early for me (5.50am) thanks to one small boy!! Hope everyone is ok today?
                                Taking it ODAT

