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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi everyone nice here today ( nice as in no frost no rain ) , DYD it would to have sun all the time but you have to have bad times to appreciate the good , If i keep telling myself that over and over i might one day believe it. Lav reading back you were in Galway its a nice part of Ireland were else did you head when you were here?
    AF 5/jan/2011


      Newbies Nest

      The main issues that I see people encountering is the shear volume of information and all of the 'experts'. Your best bet is to find one or two well known gurus to follow and just pay attention to them. You can subscribe to many others but just don't spend much time reading their 'offers' just yet.

      Learn the basics of SEO and how to optimize your page. Little by little it'll all come together. Learn keyword research and how to pick the right market. Learn how to analyze your website data to see where to make changes.
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        Newbies Nest

        Good Monday morning everyone, I am jealous of the weather in California. Have a great week,
        Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning Nesters!

          Welcome Litre! The Nest is is great place to get started, make yourself comfy

          Greetings to everyone! :reminder: to everyone - ignore the SPAM.

          Bright & sunny but still very cold in this end of the Nest. Those of you residing in NZ - enjoy the warmth

          mm, my trip to Ireland involved flying to Dublin, spending a few days there exploring the wonders! Also spent 1 or 2 nights in Waterford (bought a good deal of crystal & had it shipped home). We took the ferry to Inishmore & spent the day walking & exploring there - awesome! Wouldn't mind doing it all again
          BTW, I looked out the window as we were landing in Dublin........first thing I saw....cows!!!!

          OK, time for me to get some work done.
          Wishing everyone a terrific AF Monday!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Welcome Litre! Congrats on 6 days, good for you! I am at 17 this morning and am feeling elated! Some friends of ours moved up to Ontario last of them is going to grad school at Waterloo. They write to us how cold and snowy it is. They are both from Maine, so I'm sure they can take it. Not that where I am in NE is much better! Nice to have you back!
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



              Newbies Nest

              Good morning everyone!

              Lav-We must be getting the same is bright and beautiful here albeit in the single digits. Lots of winds last night and our old victorian shook and shifted in the wind, but I slept like a baby no less, AF and peaceful. Feeling better today...was a bit under the weather this weekend and had a busy weekend at work to boot. Today I work a later shift, so I have my morning to myself and I am so grateful for that! Love to putter around, have my coffee, browse on here and feather my "own nest" so to speak! I'm off to do some exercise and a killer ab workout. Hubby's birthday is this Friday and I'll be seeing a bunch of family and I want to be looking fine!

              I would love to see Ireland and Scotland someday. I have been to England a few times...London and then the Cambridge area. I used to work for a company in Cambridge so I got to go over there a few times for meetings and is such a quaint, olde English town. And I love the countryside dotted with sheep and yes, cows! I will get there someday! My ancestry is mostly Scottish and my mom has been there a few times, raving about how my husband and I should go.

              MMs, are there really fairy folk there? The people of the hills? In Scotland, I believe they are referred to as Sidhe? Banshees, whatever. I am intrigued by them as much as mermaids Do share any folklore, I'd love to hear it!
              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                Newbies Nest

                PS, Hi Mauri! Good early morning to you, although by the time of my post you are quite a few hours ahead of me being in the UK. Bright blessings on your first day AF!

                The days add up quickly...I can't believe I am already at 17 days! Hmmm, I'll put this into a rhyme...IT'S SEVENTEEN DAYS AND I'M NO LONGER IN A HAZE!"

                Anyone else got a rhyme for their number of days today? Like "11 Feels like Heaven" and so forth? Let's hear 'em! Mauri, I just thought of one for you...DAY ONE AND I'M SHINING IN THE SUN!
                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                  Newbies Nest

                  Wow...hitting home

                  Jollie, you and I started about the same time last year! I am still struggling, but am now on day 5! I saw something you said that has really helped me....and it was when you commented, 'besides, what's 1 glass of wine going to do for me anyway?' Wow, how true is that? Why bother? Thank you for that, you'll never know how much that has helped me for some odd reason. xxoo, t
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest


                    I'm so glad that something I said helped! It's definitely the truth for me though. I finally realized that I will probably never be able to mod - I will always want to keep drinking until I get to that "normal" buzzed state that I thought used to make me happy. I think I just got fed up with getting up every morning feeling crappy, feeling guilty, waking up at 3:30 a.m. EVERY MORNING, and the extra wine belly/bloating that I could never get rid of.

                    Life is so much better now. I know I have a long ways to go but for some reason this time is different (this is actually the 3rd time I've tried to stop). I think before I had it in my head that I would just cut back - may have worked for a while but I was soon back to my old ways. 5 days is AWESOME! Hang in there - you've probably read it before but it really does get better! PM me if you need to talk.

                    Lav - thanks for the heads-up! I was about to PM you and ask you who the heck this nut job was!

                    Blondie my friend - you keep me laughing. Okay - I'll give it a try:


                    Hi to Mauri, DYD, Hillside, and mm - have a great day everyone!eace:
                    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi All,

                      Today is my first AF day in 8 months and I am so happy I`ve done it.
                      I had 5 months under my belt last year but fell off in May due to a whole host of bad times and it has taken this long to get back on.
                      I thought my drinking was out of control when I quit last time but this 8 months have been even worse so this time there is no going back as next time I might not be so lucky.
                      For me personally I have hit rock bottom and can`t do it anymore but I had to hit it to want to stop enough, I have had the worst two weeks with drinking to excess and last night I went out with a bang so I feel so bad today it`s untrue but I do know it will get better from my experience last year.
                      Those 5 months being AF were the best ever no guilt, looked better felt better had more money, loved life so I have everything to look forward to once again and I can`t wait.
                      I began drinking without giving it a thought that it would overtake me but it did it has been a battle getting control back and I honestly thought I may never but I have and it is a relief.
                      I wish everyone well you can do it honest.
                      Love Flo xx
                      Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.


                        Newbies Nest

                        I am new at this

                        I am trying to detox from alcohal on my own. I have read my way out literature and am taking GBA and other herbs...but today is my first day without drinking and I am feeling awfal...not jsut cravings but not feeling well at all. I am having to work so am setting at my desk trying to act normal when inside I feel sick, shaky and just awfal. just need some confidence i can get through this for today...I have been wanting to quit for a while read alot of books on the subject...Last time I quit it seemed easier physically. Well I will hand in there by the grace of God. SAm:new:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Evening everyone, Hi Sam, it's my first day too I feel really awful too, like I am about to jump off a cliff or something we CAN do it though, this forum is full of such helpful people

                          Had a wobble earlier and almost talked myself out of starting AF today but then just pushed the thought away and made a lovely milky coffee with two sweetners in (how luxurious ha ha!) Just watching coronation st now.
                          Taking it ODAT


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hang in there, Sam. Sometimes you feel worse before you feel better, but in a day or two things should settle for you. Eat healthy, drink plenty of water and go for a walk when you get a chance.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hello Nest!

                              Wow, we are busy on this Monday! It's bright and not too cold here (it got up to 70 F today) but nothing like California! It keeps dipping down into the 40's at night and our house is just not built for the cold. Brrr....!!

                              Sounds like everyone is doing great -- if this is day 1 for you just hang in there and keep counting. You will feel better each day that passes!!

                              Have a fantastic AF day and evening all!


                                Newbies Nest

                                I actually found the water container in the chicken house frozen this morning despite the fact it sits on an electric warmer - that's cold :H:H

                                Welcome back Byrdlady & Flossie! You know this is a good place. Get your plans revised & jump on board. There are a lot of newbies here right now doing a great job

                                Welcome to you as well Sam! Hang in there, you're going to love the results! Be sure to drink lots of water, stay hydrated.

                                Greetings to everyone here today, let's stay positive
                                We're winning the battle!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

