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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    There are plenty of Velcro straps up here in the nest, just in case anyone needs extra assistance staying perched on their twig ...just remember, nestlings ...this will get easier as you stay AF. The first week is the hardest! :h


      Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters!

      Fennel, that is a great way to put it..."velcro"...I love it!

      Wow, Lav, frozen water in the heated water dish...yup, that's cold. I'll take Mylife's temps in the 70's...even if it is 40 at night. MyLife, how do you do in the summer with the severe heat? Is it as bad as they say? I think Hubby and I may migrate South at some point...the winters are getting to us! But then again, they always do at this time of year and then the hope of spring comes about and we stop thinking about

      That was a great rhyme, Jolie! Well done on your 22 days! I am right behind you...tomorrow is day 18! Day 18 and I'll be feeling keen! Ok, I'll stop rhyming now.

      Just got home from an after work party that we gave for an employee who is leaving us soon. She is moving away. We are a small company, more like a family, so we will miss her terribly. There was some wine there but I had already convinced myself that I wasn't going to drink and it was as simple as that. I am proud of myself for not even wanting it.

      Welcome Sam! Stay can do this. As everyone before me has said, it gets better and better with each day. You'll see!

      Have a great night everyone!
      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



        Newbies Nest

        Hi Nesters

        To the newbies with just a day or two AF so far, I second everything everyone else has said - hang in there, it really does get easier after the first week (the first couple of days in fact). I am coming up on a month AF tomorrow and it almost felt like a surprise to realize that today. Honestly!

        Haven't really been thinking about drinking at all the last few days as I'm still battling a really nasty cold/sore throat and feeling pretty lousy. Just happy that AL is not another thing to think/worry about when I'm trying to get better.

        Have a good evening everyone.


          Newbies Nest

          Morning all feeling very sorry for myself today as think my sons cold is starting to get me, I have a sore throat and headache and an annoying sniffly feeling in my nose also had a rubbish nights sleep thanks to OH snoring and the sweats (withdrawal?) :blush:

          ON a happier note I am so glad I didn't drink last night, got the first AF day under my belt and confident of not drinking today :happy:
          Taking it ODAT


            Newbies Nest

            Good for you. i don't quite do one day at a time, but I definitely take one decision at a time.
            congratulate yourself on a day AF and then make it go further


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning everyone, I hope you are well. Blonde, great job on day 18, and Byrdlady on day 6. Jolie, I am like you, eventually I owned up to the fact that for me, moderation does not work - day 22, nice!

              Flossie, Sam, welcome and great job on starting this battle. Morning, Mauri, Dancing, Mylife, Lavande, Fennel, Bean, and everyone else, have a great day.

              A day where we have power over alcohol.
              Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning nesters!

                A little warmer (25 degrees) this morning in my part of the world. Blondie - congrats to you on being able to socialize without partaking of the wine - you should be very proud - that is quite an accomplishment and one I'm sure you never thought you would be able to make. I know I am going to come up against that in the very future - I hope to follow in your footsteps and just say no!

                Bean - almost a whole month - AWESOME!! Keep going cause I'm riding on your coat tails!

                Fennel - I agree with Blondie - love the "velcro" straps idea.

                Hill, dancingon, mylife and Lav - happy sober Tuesday friends.

                To all the newbies just starting day 1 or 2 - YOU CAN DO IT!! we're routing for you and will be here for you no matter what!
                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Dancing on what do you mean 'don't quite do one day at a time?'

                  Blondie that is great you were able to just say no, I am worried about the first occasion I am faced with that dilemma! In fact I suspect DH will suggest getting some wine to go with our steaks for valentines dinner - I am going to speak to him about it tonight and ask him not to LOL - forewarned is forearmed!

                  Hope everyone is having a good day?
                  Taking it ODAT


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nesters!

                    Running a bit late myself just wanted to drop in & say hello

                    Looks like a lot of success happening in the Nest - I'm very happy for you!

                    Blondie, congrats on your success. Making the decision to not drink before you find yourself in a social situation is very smart, good for you!

                    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday.
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi: This is my first post. I don't really know how to do this, ended up posting in an old thread last night. Anyway, I drink on weekends with my boyfriend. It has evolved into part of the whatever event is going on. But I think it is a powerful chemical for me, that keeps me from really being present. I'm afraid when the weekend comes, I will not have the resolve to say no. And although I don't think it will bother him, I feel a little nervous about it.

                      I'm happy to be here. Thanks.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Just another note, one reason I want to stop is that alcohol seems to depress me the next day, make me more emotional, less able to handle things. Cry easily. yuk.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Weekends, huh?

                          Well, just speaking for me....if I only drank on the weekends, I wouldn't have a worry in the world! I started at 10:30 am and kept going all day Saturday and Sunday...but that wasn't enough for me...I also partook every day, occasion or not...oh, it's 2:30! I appreciate your nipping it in the bud, I guess the bottom line is if it's interfering with what you want to do, it's a problem. You are so smart to recognize it, and address it. It is amazing what I was willing to ignore for the sake of a blast! Good going!!!
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning all nesters!

                            Mauri - sorry to hear you picked up your son's cold and congratulations on day one. In a way that might help get the first few AF days out of the way without really having to focus on it. (I hated AL when I was sick)

                            Hill, Jolie, Lav, great to hear you're all doing well and surviving the cold spells!

                            Welcome NewOrleans and Byrd! NewOrleans, this is a great place with lots of information. Keep reading and posting!

                            Have a great AF day all!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Mauri, I'm probably just nitpicking over terminology.
                              Last time I tried to quit I found the idea of ODAT unhelpful, in that it presumed I can drink tomorrow if I want, and I WANT quite often. So now I prefer to have a longer term goal in mind (end of the week, 30 days whatever) but take each temptation as it comes and make the decision to stay sober several times a day. It amounts to the same thing I guess.

                              I hope you're not feeling too lousy with your cold. I quite often get cold symptoms when withdrawing from alcohol, which passes after a few days, but maybe you have a real one from your son. Look after yourself.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Blonde, just saw your post from earlier today (it was a couple pages back already it's so busy here!)

                                The heat in the summer is intense, but I've grown used to it, and as long as I can get to the ocean I'm okay. I also try to take a trip out in the summer (opposite of the northern folk who come here in the winter!)

                                Sounds like everyone is doing great! Keep it up gang!

