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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi All,

    Just checking in to say :goodjob: to all of us in this lovely warm nest lol.

    I got through last night feeling really positive and took Allan Carr to bed with me, not him the book lol and it was very interesting and yup as promised I had No More Hangovers

    Today is my day 2 and how fantastic it has been no guilt, no shame and I was even able to walk out without feeling a bit woozy, I usually take 50 minutes walking our dog but this morning I must have had a spring in my step and it only took 40 so more of that for me please.

    On occasions I have a severe itch on my lower arm and I can itch it until it is raw but it only seems to be when I have given up so does anyone else suffer with this when we withdraw or is it only me !!! :upset:

    Love Flo xxx
    Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.


      Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters!

      Flo, your doggie is so cute
      I'm with you - living a guilt free & shame free life is awesome! Congrats on your 2 AF days.
      Not sure about the itchy skin thing......maybe it's the winter weather. Not sure what products you have available but I love Curel Utra-Healing lotion. I use it a lot.

      mylife, I flew from Philly to Tampa in March 8 years ago. They had to de-ice the plane before we could get on the way. I've been as far south as Hollywood in July - it's hot there!

      Wishing everyone a comfy evening
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Morning nesters, hope everyone is feeling good today?

        Dancing on I see what you mean now and I agree I want to drink every evening so a longer term goal is a great idea, that is what I have planned actually - I have set myself the optimistic goal of my holiday in September but I am still just taking every day as it comes as I have no idea how I am going to cope LOL!

        Flossie congratulations on making it to day 3 , dunno about the itching, I have had something similar a couple of weeks ago when I abstained for 4 days, I will google it

        Lavande what does PA stand for (your location?) sorry am rubbish at geography !!

        Well I got through day 2 unscathed, aided by trying out a new hobby - crochet - OMG it is impossible not going to give up but think I need to get some different yarn as the stuff i got is too thin to see my stictches (and I couldn't even blame my poor vision on AL ha ha!) I feel ok this morning although I keep sneezing really hope I am not catching DS' cold, taken my vit C, echinacea and my Kudzu already!

        Anyway DS got me up at 5.20 this morning, he is just watching Peppa Pig whilst I type then DH will be up for work, we will have breakfast and then I plan to put DS back to bed and go back myself I am exhausted!!! No plans for today I might take him to the childrens museum for a wander later...

        Good luck for today everyone
        Taking it ODAT


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning my little feathered friends - how's the nest doing this morning?

          Sooooo I woke up to SNOW - looks like we are going to get more than originally predicted. Heading in to work a little later than usual but news reports say the roads are really bad. Wish I had 4-wheel drive!

          Anyway, hope everyone is doing well. Mauri - I can remember those days of having little ones in the house and not getting much sleep - they take so much energy!

          Byrdlady - lol - on wishing our drinking only happened on the weekends - mine was an every day event as well.

          neworleansgal - great for you to realize that you may have an issue with AL and trying to gain control now - I can attest to the fact that AL had totally taken over my life and by you realizing you may have a problem now, hopefully you will never get to that point. Good decision on your part:goodjob:

          Flossie - congrats on day 2 - are you now at day 3? The first couple weeks aren't easy but so so worth it. Stay strong - we are here to help!

          Lav, mylife, dancingon - happy hump day guys! Lav - looks like you are going to get hit with maybe a little more snow than us? 4 -6 inches is predicted here. Oh well - it is winter - guess I shouldn't complain cause when it's 95 degrees and humid this summer, I will not be liking that either!

          Peace to everyone!
          Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


            Newbies Nest


            Hi; A little confused about where I should be. I'll be thrown out of here if I keep doing this. Do you post new threads in Newbies? or just reply? Seems like this is where I should be.

            Today it occurs to me to attempt to moderate instead of complete withdrawal. However, I have not been very successful at that in the past. Looking toward the weekend, wondering how it will be.



              Newbies Nest

              Hi neworleans, just post wherever you like, no-one minds I have started a thread of my own to write down my feelings so you could do that if you like - I have been told its ok to post it in the starting out section
              Taking it ODAT


                Newbies Nest

                thanks for the encouragement. Maybe I'll do that. Good luck with your journey. I admire your courage.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning Nesters!

                  That is snow out there isn't it Jolie? So much for weather predictions. Schools are closed here - be careful!

                  neworleansgal - posting here in the Newbies Nest is a good idea right now. You will be more likely to receive a quick answer. Have you read the MWO book yet? You really should to get a feel for the program as Roberta Jewel designed it. Getting 30 AF days under your belt before attempting to drink moderately is advisable. It takes at least that long to break any habit really. Download the book from the Health store here so you can read it immediately. Then go to the for ideas to help you make your plan. IMHO, attempting to moderate right now is just not going to work as you mentioned from past experience. Give yourself the best chance possible to succeed! You can send me a PM (Private Messagae) if you like.

                  maurit, I am in Pennsylvania, US. PA is the abbreviation for my state

                  I hear snow plows outside - good! Maybe there is hope for getting out & around later.
                  Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Wednesday!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    I just post replies and hope for the best!

                    Well, I'm not a cussing woman, but I have 2 things to say: Day 6 was a Bit__! I kept making deals with myself. Then I heard Jolie..."Besides, what's 1 glass of wine going to do for me?" Thank God for those words. I finally had to tell my brain to shut the ____ up!

                    NewO, Jolie and I started a year ago almost to the day....trying to moderate and moving right back to the wrong place and worse on top. I could have a date at the bottom of my postings saying AF 1/31/10 but I WASTED a year making those deals with myself that I could moderate. I've had it with me. This time, my date is going to stick! 1/20/11.

                    Up to here with AL!
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good job Byrdlady!
                      Do whatever you have to do to stop the 'mind chatter'. That's our addicted brains trying to prevent us from moving forward. Don't listen to that's all lies!!!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi All,

                        Yipee its Day 3 for me phew.

                        I went shopping for the first time today since I stopped and how lovely it was to not have to walk down the drinks aisle where all those booze bargains are so tempting, I think the booze here this Xmas was cheaper than than food and yet they say we shouldn`t drink so work that out !!
                        Just a couple of things whilst shopping I won`t miss lol.
                        1. Not having to hide your stash under your other items incase you should meet someone you know.
                        2. Trying to place your bottles strategically between the other items so it doesn`t look so bad on the conveyor.
                        3.Wondering what the person behing you is thinking.
                        4. Having the 16 year old assistant halt the queue as he is too young to serve alcohol with the Vodka held high and the lights flashing waiting approval with everyone else tutting lol.
                        5. Going through the self serve where the lady has to take the tag off at the end and then handing it back saying HERE IS YOUR LITRE OF VODKA you loser lol.
                        6.The assistant asking can she come to the party there is so much booze and yikes that was just for me lol.

                        You may ask yourself what have you done today to make you feel proud and mine is go shopping and have only food and soft drinks purchases only

                        Keep up the good work Nesters

                        Love Flo xx
                        Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Great post Flo and congrats on the AF shopping trip, IKWYM about worrying what the checkout person is thinkiing :blush:

                          Tell you what also I have been worrying what my neighbours think since one of them commented on the number of bottles in my recycle basket a couple of weeks ago, she came over for a chat outside and said "ooh we know what you do on a night then" and looked at the mountain :blush: she hadn't seen the boxes full down my cellar either :blush: I had a trip to the bottle bank on Sunday and chucked away 75 bottles no less - I am soooo ashamed!!
                          Taking it ODAT


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello to the Nest!!!! I just wanted to stop by. I haven't been here in quite a while. I just wanted to say that this is a fantastic place and I am so happy that I found this forum. Congratulations to everyone for taking this positive step to self improvement.

                            Hi are you doing? Is Hippie Chick still around??

                            Have a wonderful day!!!!!
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thanks, Lavande for your advice. I will read the book as soon as I can. I'm suffering from a bad cold right now and during a very busy week. Oh, well. But I think that may be true, to take a while off before trying to moderate.

                              I'm wondering if part of my fear of stopping has to do with how I'll feel in the relationship, I really almost only drink with my boyfriend. And it's the longest rel. I've had since my divorce. So I want to change for the better and do it right this time. I think I've relied on a drink or two this past year or so with him to make it easier to be real. When the opposite is what really happens.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Nesters! Gee, I missed a lot in the last few Welcome all the newbies! I am relatively new myself and am about to make it to day 20 tomorrow AF! I am so excited!

                                Thanks for all of your kinds words about my non-drinking success the other night at the after work party. Now I am faced with hubby's birthday on Friday night and even though I am NOT going to be drinking, I will be the only one, and I am curious to see how this new sensation will be. I must get used to it because I cannot moderate, I know it. And I just feel so darn good waking up in the morning AF, that it just simply ISN'T WORTH IT! The old me would be all over drinking on hubby' birthday...even starting extra early since it is his birthday afterall, and then Sat. morning, when I have to be at work at 7:30AM...I would be so sorry. Not anymore...I might be a bit tired this sat am after going out to celebrate but I sure as hell won't be hungover and that's a big difference. Even a tired, not hungover morning is leagues ahead a hungover one!

                                Stay warm all my north East coast nesters...we are almost at the end of what I consider the worst weather month of the year. I did find some beauty in today though, despite another pending storm coming in. I had bags of stale bread for the seagulls, and hubby and I went to the beach when he got home from work and I gave it all to them. There were masses of them. It was trully a sight to behold...beautiful gulls on the beach and it was boats coming into the harbor, the lighthouse call in the fog. I am so grateful for that experience and even more so sober. I have today and tomorrow off, so I am happy to write about those little things in the bleakness of winter.

                                Hope everyone has a lovely evening! I am roasting an organic chicken for dinner and it smells wonderful.


                                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                                BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

