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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest


    PS, I loved your list about the shopping experience, AF. I so relate. I used to go to different liquor stores in town, kind of on a rotation basis, so it didn't look like I was shopping too much for AL at any given one! We don't have booze in our supermarkets here, so we have to make separate trips to the liquor store for wine, beer, etc., Of course, I should be saying this in past tense as I no longer drink, can't drink any longer and won't drink any longer. And it's wonderful! I would add to your list all the money that you (and everyone else here) are saving and not wasting on AL when you go shopping! Well done on day 3!
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



      Newbies Nest

      No booze in the supermarkets here either kids but the liquor stores are often conviently situated next door to the supermarkets! I drive right past that store several times/week & it doesn't phase me anymore, thank goodness

      Yeah, I would definitely recommend at least 30 AF days before attempting moderation. I started my 30 days with the intention of learning to moderate but I found I was too happy & content with myself to mess it up. When I hit 30 days I just kept going & I've never regretted it for a moment

      Snow still falling here........not happy about that but what can you do?

      Nora, good to see you too! HC was around briefly not too long ago - I'll have to look her up.

      Have a good night all.
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest


        Hi Everyone

        tomorrow I hit 30 days AF and I'm feeling....kind of blah about it. I think it's because I've had a really horrible cold for a week now (like getting through 180 tissues in 2.5 days kind of horrible!).

        I've also had some dreams in the last week that I just slid back into drinking because the first 3 weeks going AF were relatively easy and I was telling myself that meant I could/can obviously handle it. I'm worried that as soon as I feel on form again, I'm going to have a crazy craving and just want to give into it whereas at the outset I was super motivated.

        Also, my best friend is getting married in May and just thinking about it today, I felt like I'm totally going to want to drink there. How can I not? etc etc. I know this goes against the whole ODAT but the projection to future drinking occasions is something that has often stopped me going AF in the past. My logical brain tells me how utterly RIDICULOUS it is to use a wedding 5 months away as a reason to drink today but that's how I used to think. Well still do, just am not drinking today! Do other people do that too?

        Anyway, just thinking aloud...hope you're all good.


          Newbies Nest

          I wish they didn't sell booze in the supermarkets here! They do unfortunately, beer and wine, and since I only drank wine that was fine with me!

          I had to change my shopping habits and shop for groceries in the morning on the weekends instead of on the way home after work. That would be when I'd pick up a bottle of wine along with the dinner items. Now, I avoid going to the grocery store after work at all, and if I need something I'll call my husband to pick it up on the way home. Just changing bad habits!


            Newbies Nest

            Hello Bean, XPost!

            I have been working on my drinking since the end of November -- I can't say I've been completely AF, but most days with a few exceptions since then I've been AF. Anyway I had all sorts of anxiety over things like that (your wedding dilemma) and kept worrying about dinners, meetings whatever, that had not happened yet. Lately, as I'm getting used to being a "non drinker" those fears have been slowly disappearing. Not completely but my anxiety over that stuff is just getting to be less and less. I think if you just hang in there you will see them slowly subsiding too. Hope that helps --- !


              Newbies Nest

              I can relate!

              My neighbor chooses to use my recycle bin instead of having his own and even though I know he and his wife drink quite a bit of vodka I've also felt quite a bit self conscious about my own wine bottles. I can SO relate to what you wrote below.

              And being the environmentalist that I am, I want to recycle my wine corks at Whole Foods but I am so embarrassed to take the bag of corks to the front desk and am always relieved when there is nobody there and I can drop them off with nobody looking. If you drink one to one and one-half bottles a night that makes for a LOT of corks!

              I am tired of feeling ashamed of myself. I am waiting to ramp up my Topamax and get my hypnotherapy CD's. I am already onboard with my supplements and exercise.

              Tell you what also I have been worrying what my neighbours think since one of them commented on the number of bottles in my recycle basket a couple of weeks ago, she came over for a chat outside and said "ooh we know what you do on a night then" and looked at the mountain :blush: she hadn't seen the boxes full down my cellar either :blush: I had a trip to the bottle bank on Sunday and chucked away 75 bottles no less - I am soooo ashamed!![/QUOTE]
              Do Your Dream


                Newbies Nest

                Morning nesters,

                Bean I can totally relate to that mentality, that is why I have had to give myself a date so far in the future as I know if I say I can drink in a week's time I will make an excuse to start now instead - it IS a ridiculous chain of thought and I don't know why I have it but I am glad it's not just me!

                DYD we don't have cork recycling (our recycle system is very poor) but if we did I wouldn't have many - only cos most of our wines are screw top these days :H

                We have alcohol in ALL our supermarkets and most of our local shops stock it too, it is far too accessible if you ask me, the licensing laws changed a few years back here too so you can buy it 24/7, I remember the days where you couldn't buy it before 11 in the morning or after 11 at night but that is no more which just makes it even easier to be an alcoholic!! (oh and there are 24 hour AL delivery services around the uk too - I mean WTF they may aswell come and pour it down our throats for us!!)

                I feel reallly positive today, I didn't sleep very well - sweats and tossing and turning again but I am looking forward to my new Mehndi (Henna art tattoing) class which starts at 10 - I don't even have to worry about driving there or breathing al fumes on everyone
                Taking it ODAT


                  Newbies Nest

                  HI Bean, yeah I thought about waiting until after Valentine's day, same thing, I guess it's part of the journey.


                    Newbies Nest

                    I'm looking for the 'toolbox', where, what is it?



                      Newbies Nest

                      Where is everyone today, i expected to have loads to catch up on?

                      Neworleans I am not sure where it is but it is full of useful tips for quitting, I think someone put a link somewhere on one of my threads I will go have a look...

                      Enjoyed my mehndi class and can't wait for next week Having mixed feelings about AL today, met up with a friend this afternoon who drinks wine every night and it got me wanting a drink when she mentioned wine Not got any in the house though and not going out to get any either!!!!
                      Taking it ODAT


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning Nesters

                        thanks for the replies (ML, NOL, MD) and hi to Lav, Jolie, Hill, Blondie, MM - sorry if I'm forgetting anyone. So many names to keep up with but I do read all the posts and get a lot from checking in here every day!

                        So I am approaching a calendar month AF on Saturday and just remembered yesterday that I decided at the start I would reward myself with a treat at the end of every AF month. I think I'm going to have a facial or a massage this month. How many other people are rewarding themselves for this amazing thing we are all doing? I think it's really important. So many of us saw AL as a treat so since we have cut it down or out, it makes sense to substitute it for something else to look forward to.

                        I think once I get more months under my belt, I will perhaps set some longer term goals/treats that cost more money but are things I've wanted to do for a long time or places I've wanted to go....

                        Have a wonderful day everyone. May the force be with you!!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Nesters,

                          On to day 4 and life is great, I feel totally free and at ease with myself at long last, its sad how in the end drinking becomes so time consuming, its the first thing I thought of in the morning, did I have enough in, where to go for it, getting rid of the bottles, beating myself up about it in the middle of the night phew it was no wonder I was a wreck this time last week so what a relief I now feel.
                          Two great things about not drinking already, I can finish a page of a book and remember where I left off, how many times I have re read pages over and over again I`ll never know and also being able to remember the end of a programme or on bad days the beginning middle and end lol.
                          I`m not saying we have a drink problem here lol but due to weather conditons and Xmas etc we didn`t have our recyling boxes taken for almost a month so to say it looked like a wine, beer and spirit hypermarket is an understatement and in the end I stopped putting mine out as I swear someone from AA would have been knocking on my door in sympathy lol.
                          Everyone keep up the good work
                          Love Flossie xx
                          Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.


                            Newbies Nest

                            My recycle bin is a full sized wheelie bin with a lid, so the neighbours can't pry. I takes tins and cardboard packages as well as bottles, so I tried to hide some of the bottles at the bottom. However, I was always aware that the smashing glass seemed to be louder and longer outside my house than anyone else in the street.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good afternoon Nesters!

                              Here it is neworleansgal:

                              18" of snow on the ground, no power for 16+ hours & a dead battery in my generator...............
                              All this does not make for a happy Lav today. But, the battery has been replaced & the generator is working. Had no heat, water or anything for all that time, ugh!

                              It's good to hear a lot of you already enjoying the benefits of being AF.
                              Getting rid of the guilt, shame & anxiety is the best

                              Hope everyone has a wonderful AF Thursday!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Afternoon Nest! It's chilly but sunny here! Actually, I think it got up to 70 F today.

                                Thanks Lav for posting the Tool Box link! I always have a hard time finding that and posting it and usually give up...!! Sorry about the snow!

                                It's a great feeling to wake up AF and know that we have made it through another day and are happier and stronger as a result.

                                Have a fantastic AF evening Nest!

