Byrd, my auto correction on my computer is a little over-enthusiastic. I meant modding, not molding!
No announcement yet.
Newbies Nest
Newbies Nest
myhappyplace - hanging out with kids is always safe - afterall we do want to be good role models
Hi Prancy!
I'm calling it a day, hope everyone has a good, safe night in the nest.
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Newbies Nest
Good morning everyone, it is the weekend!
A thought on the virtues sober weekends.
I am excited to do so many things, skiing and ice fishing with my kids. Get some work done around the house, finish a good book I am reading, rehearse tonight with my band, and the list goes on. It is so nice that I am not trying to think about how to buy more beer, I am not worrying about getting arrested at a spot check by the police, I am not going to be so exhausted each morning that only booze will get me through the day. I am not hiding my beer breath. I don't have to hide, so I can hide my messed up speach. No head aches, no feeling like crap. No showing up to work on Monday absolutely exhausted, and the list goes on...
Sober weekends rock! Let`s do one together,
HillSober since Feb 7, 2010.
Newbies Nest
Good morning Nesters!
What you said Hill - awesome:wd::wd:
This is exactly what newbies & anyone struggling needs to hear. We are giving up nothing when we give up AL - we have everything to gain.
Greetings to Mauri, mylife & all who drop in today.
Make it a great AF Saturday!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Newbies Nest
HI nesters
I'm back from conference and feeling good. I had my first boozy work dinner AF and actually got up and danced AF. I'm still aware of triggers and those moments where a drink would be really nice, but I'm committed to February AF and I know I'll make it. I have to admit that signing up for Febfast has helped keep the motivation going - lots of people asked me about it and have sponsored me, but noone thought it odd and during those tempting moments it is helpful to remember those sponsors. It just remains to be seen whether I can keep it up afterwards.
I think I've turned a corner this month. I've been having flashbacks about how it was when I hardly drank, and feeling like that should be the default setting rather than simply an exception to feel proud about. Now anyone on this site should feel pride and hope at even one day AF, but wouldn't it be nice if that was the norm and a drinking evening was the exception.
I've got my hypnosis CDs now - just having a read of the book again before starting with them, but I'm feeling hopeful.
Newbies Nest
Hi nesters just checking in after a night with Michael Buble - well the concert anyway. Can I say thank you Canada for producing this man what an awesome entertainer - particularly when you are SOBER!!
Ha! At dinner passed on my favourite Chandon and an apparently brilliant pinot noir bloody hell and i didnt feel hard done by just in control and loved every minute of the show and it was such a buzz enjoying something with a group of people and not being buzzy with AL.
anyway short and sweet this morning got to get out and get this day underway!
Day 6 and to quote the man "I'm feeling gooood"
Newbies Nest
Hello All,
Popping in to wish everyone a great AF Sunday. We're off to a Sunday brunch this morning. Not worried about AL, as I never cared for AL at a Sunday brunch -- ruins the rest of the day for me.
Hope you all have a great AF day!
Newbies Nest
Morning Nesters!
Enjoy the brunch mylife
I'm cooking dinner today, kids coming over so I'm happy. Temps rising to near 60!!!! Goddbye snow
Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Sunday.
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Newbies Nest
Morning nesters.
Back to the office this week and finding it hard to concentrate. I am just checking e-mails and having a quick check on MWO while listening to my subliminal CD. I have the office to myself for the first hour of work so this works well. so far so good.
I used the sleep learning one last night. I don't know if I learned, but I certainly slept peacefully.
Have a great day.
Newbies Nest
Hi Nesters! So good to see everyone posting, how are we all? I have been offline for the last week, missed MWO and the nest in particular, still sober though and feeling really good! Hillside, how was your tournament? Lavande, you are a ray of sunshine on this thread!
Dancing on, well done on passing up the booze at the conference! :goodjob: My happyplace, Buble is amazing, I am so jealous!
Mauri, one day at a time hun
Anyone I missed (for there are many!) I hope you are all enjoying a lovely AL free Sunday!