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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Nesters

    Day 7 for me and still feeling positive. I have decided to just post in this thread only until I have at least been at MWO for 30 days AL. I will continue to read other threads to try and better understand modding and AL. I dont see modding as something for me now or in the future.

    Whilst I say I have been drinking consistently for too long with no breaks, that time also involved saying I wouldnt drink and then going back to it, but of course I kept no record and really have no memories apart from the guilt and shame and the small things my eldest boy will say to me, which is why I started looking for this website over a week ago.

    There seems to be a safe place in the nest, away from all the discussion on the rights and wrongs of our personal chosen journey. I just wish everyone would take a piece of the nest with them when they fly to remember that. Stay strong all lets see February out AL free and happier stronger people for ourselves and those we love.:thanks: nesters


      Newbies Nest

      Evening check!

      Glad to see so many dropping in today, positive attitudes & piling on more & more AF days

      That 30 AF day mark is an important one!
      That's when I decided that I definitely would not make an attempt at moderate drinking. I've never regretted that decision either. 30 days seems to give you just enough time to ask yourself some important questions & more importantly answer them honestly (sans the BS).
      Everyone has to make their own decisions.......just be sure to be completely honest with yourselves.

      I had a great day, a busy one. Had the family here for dinner, the weather was decent, no complaints

      Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Morning nesters, another early one for me, 5.50 seems to be DS new wake up time - yawn!

        Hope everyone is sitting on a nice comfy twig and ready for a lovely AF day?
        Taking it ODAT


          Newbies Nest

          Hi All,
          Day 16 for me today. :yay:
          My first post on this thread, allthough I have spent alot time here over the last two weeks.
          Just wanted to say thanks to all you prolific posters out there, helping us quite one's through the tough times. !
          It's been a hard slog, but with MWO, a solid plan and Campral, I'm feeling really positive about the future.

          Thanks again and stay strong
          Can I have a life please, make it a double - I've got some catching up to do!


            Newbies Nest

            first morning after, AF

            Had a hard time sleeping but that's ok. I feel really good about myself. Just hoping I don't get too jittery or have too many phys. symptoms. I was bet. 3-5 drinks per day...what to expect?:new:


              Newbies Nest

              Goodmorning everyone, I hope you are well. Hello to all that pop in.
              Lavande, glad to hear you had the family over, sounds nice - hope your weekend was too.
              Dancingon, keep fighting the battle, great job on getting through the party (and dancing) sober.
              Bugalugs, nice work, 16 days. You can do it. Like you say, stay strong.
              Hi Mauri, Vintage, Prancy, and Mylife.
              Myhappyplace, welcome to the nest. It is great that you feel comfortable to post here. Good work on your first week sober. How old are your kids? Mine are 7 and 5 and 1/2. How much did you drink in a day or a week? Hang in there, you can do it.

              Let's have a great sober week,
              Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning everyone! Looks like everyone is having a great sober start to the week (even though it is Monday)!

                Mauri - You are gonna make it - your positive attitude is truly an inspiration for everyone here - hang in there friend!

                bugalugs - way to go - 16 days is truly an accomplishment!

                Mimsy - :welcome: Great to have you here! The sleep will get better - that's one of the best things about being AF - better sleep, no guilt - everything is just better - you'll see. As for symptoms - at least for me, not being able to sleep and a slight headache for a few days were all I experienced - about at the same level of drinking as you were. Others might be able to chime in with their experiences as well.

                Hope everyone that pops in has a great day! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! :h:h
                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Bugalugs well done on your 16 days :goodjob: keep posting it is lovely to hear early success stories

                  Mimsy, welcome, I have had sweats and headaches while AF and I drank about a bottle to a bottle and a half of wine a day, hope you don't get any withdrawals
                  Taking it ODAT


                    Newbies Nest

                    Wow, good morning Nesters!

                    Great turnout already Love it!

                    Mauri, it's OK to wake up early.......especially when you have a clear head.

                    Bugalugs, welcome to the Nest & congrats on your 16 days. Great work!!

                    Mimsy, welcome to you as well! Difficulty sleeping in the beginning is pretty typical. When your body adjusts sleep will return. Be sure to keep yourself well hydrated, lots or water & tea will help prevent problems with headsaches over the next few days. Treat yourself well, rest when you can, get some fresh air, etc. Look in the for ,ore ideas. If you think you are going to run into any severe withdrawal problems call your doctor by all means.

                    Hill & Jolie, great to see you both!

                    Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hey Newbies,

                      I'm back after a hiatus - not a good one either.

                      Have a great day everyone!!


                      I'll get there.


                        Newbies Nest

                        My two cents

                        Bugalugs and Mimsy!!! I'm so proud of you both...I'd say at 16 days you've got a real handle on your situtaion. I seemed to turn the corner at 13 days!
                        Mims, when I drank vodka, I was having 7-8 per day, more on weekends, of course...then when I switched to wine thinking it was less evil, I worked myself up to about a bottle a day (and yes, more on weekends). I didn't have any physical withdrawls at all, miraculously....just pshycological.....that habit is a really strong one. So maybe you won't have any either!
                        Day 26 today! I'm enjoying the freedom from that strong pull back into the hole of doom. Just keep doing what you are doing! The reward is hard to put into words! You'll know it when you find it.
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello Nest!

                          Hope you're all having a great AF Monday. I woke up today really rested and so happy to be joining the AF group again after briefly flirting with the idea of Moderating last week. I guess you could say I've "flown back to the nest"!!

                          Hope you all have a fantastic week!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning all.
                            It is exactly one week from last Monday (brilliant, huh?) when I woke up and over the course of the morning consumed three beers in the blackest despair about not being able to control this horrible habit/disease/compulsion/. It really was a low point. I have not had a drink since. Every time I think some thought about how nice it would be, etc., or read some one writing about their wonderful night and about how they only had two or three and how it was not really that many or whatever, I substitute a memory of one of the mornings when I woke up so demoralized or some event when i made an ass out of myself.
                            I am not euphoric by any means, but I am happy to have 7 days AF.


                              Newbies Nest

                              7 days is outstanding!

                              Great job, Prancy!! For some strange reason, day 6 was a bear for me. I had the pity parties, too...why can't I have a glass of wine like everyone else? Then I read Jolie's words: 'Besides, what's one glass of wine going to do for me anyway?' Isn't that the truth? We aren't happy with one or even two...we aren't happy until we are smashed! Therein lies the rub. So hats off to you and your seven days! They get easier, I am here to tell you and the feelings of 'why can't I?' get less and less. You keep it up, we are all here for a reason and that is to string as many AF days as we can together.
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Evening everyone,

                                Prancy you have done great!! I am going to adopt that policy too, reminding myself of what a silly b*tch I am when I am under the evil influence of AL!

                                My life great to see you back in the nest where you belong, I am not going down the modding route either

                                Doing fine today, only a brief pang at about five oclock but took a kudzu and (psychological or not) was ok not long after, just going to have my dinner then watch coronation st and do some crocheting
                                Taking it ODAT

