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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    myhappyplace - thanks for suggesting someone aspires to be me!! That made me laugh. And nothing like a little admiration to make me want to stay up on that pedestal (no matter how lowly it is!).

    Thanks for the encouragement.


      Newbies Nest

      Completing Day 8 here. Can't say it was a good day but it wasn't because of AL, more because of technology issues! I would like to know what idiot said that computers could increase productivity and cut down on paperwork.


        Newbies Nest


        LOL! You are most welcome Bean! I am walking every morning and DO aspire to run. I take our dopey dog up to the dog park and walk around sedately with my poo bag and then when no one is around I run like a mad woman. Kinda like that episode of friends where Phoebe runs like that...and Rachel dont wanna run with her until she sees how liberating it is. So now u know...


          Newbies Nest

          Just about to take my dog for a walk. I thought I might try swimming this weekend.
          Trouble is I can only swim backstroke for any distance and someone always gets in my lane while I'm swimming backwards fast, and starts swimming towards me.
          I've lost about 9lb (4+ kilos) despite not tracking food last week, so that feels good.
          I'm finding the CD's good, but I've realised how little time I actually have alone. Some of the CD's require your full attention undisturbed for about 30 - 40 minutes. Each time I try it the phone goes, or one of the kids comes in, or the dog scratches at the door, or rushes outside barking. I may have to set my alarm clock for half and hour earlier and do it in the morning.
          No particular cravings today and I'm feeling relaxed. Have a good evening


            Newbies Nest


            I've just join the newbies nest,things look friendly enough here.It's my 2nd day AF.but i still feel sick.
            I don't know if I can go on moderation or try to stop completely.Is it save for a heavy beer drinker to stop just like that.
            I really don't know where to start.


              Newbies Nest

              Morning nesters,

              Happy please don't run with a full poo bag sounds like a nasty accident waiting to happen :H

              Bean I had forgotten about the bead idea thanks, I am going to do a crochet peice and put a bead in for every day I manage

              Dancing well done on the weight loss, I have dropped a couple of pounds too I am so pleased!

              Ousie, I remember worrying the same thing - is is safe for me to just quit cold turkey? I think the answer is that if you don't get any bad side effects then it is (someone correct me if I am wrong) I know that I was just trying to give myself an excuse to moderate for a while instead of having to quit :blush: (not saying this is what you are doing but that was my experience )

              So onwards and upwards and I have hit day four again, really happy with myself as that means I have racked up 10 af days in the last 11 which is virtually unheard of (apart from during my pg) over the last 18 years!!!

              Loads of luck and love to everyone for a lovely AF day x
              Taking it ODAT


                Newbies Nest

                LOL! I promise not to trip. Hope everyone is well, good night nesters - I am off to first yoga class in hell knows how long. Ohm shanty ohm or something like that i cant remember


                  Newbies Nest

                  Ousie, I guess it's safest if you can involve your GP, but a lot of us don't. Most people don't have really bad withdrawal symptoms but a few do. It probably depends how much and how long you've been drinking.

                  If you can do the whole MWO package it probably works best, i.e.Medication, supplements, hypno CD's, exercise. But if you haven't already I'd recommend you read the book and the info about medication and supplements to make your decision. Also read some of the threads to understand how it goes for people. We're all different and it takes a while to find your feet. Most of us crash and burn a few times, but there are the strong cold turkey ones.

                  Moderation is possible for some, but it's advisable to try to get some AF days behind you first. this is a safe place to explore and we're all in the same boat, or nest. :welcome:


                    Newbies Nest

                    welcome Oisie,
                    I was an every day heavy beer drinker and have managed to get 18 days AF going cold turkey with the help of my doctor, medication and this site. I would suggest talking to a doctor, but each to their own. Good luck and best whises whatever path you chose.
                    I still don't feel great, but i guess when you poison your body almost every day for 20+ years its not going to heal over night.!
                    Can I have a life please, make it a double - I've got some catching up to do!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Mornin Nesters!

                      The week is half over and sounds like everyone is having a good one so far.

                      Ousie - :welcome: You are right! We are a friendly bunch here and one of us probably has a story very similar to yours so hope you stick around and join us. The nest is a very comfy place.

                      Was online last night looking at a lot of reviews for the Allen Carr book "The easy way to stop drinking". I know madmans read it and highly recommended it. I'm heading to the bookstore this weekend as it sounds like this might be something that could be very helpful to me.

                      Supposed to have a big warm up in my neck of the woods this weeks-end - looking forward to that and hopefully melting ALL of this darn snow!

                      Prancy - I'm with you on the whole computer thing - they can be very frustrating sometimes especially when you still have DIAL UP - yes I said it. When you live in the boonies, that's the price you have to pay.

                      Word of caution on moderating - (just my 2 cents worth) - I've tried it twice and it didn't work as I think you'll find lots of others here have the same experience. Ask yourself why you never stop at just one or two - is it because you don't get a buzz until 3 or 4? That's the answer as to why moderating doesn't work for a lot of us - especially if you don't even like the taste - why just drink one?

                      Trying to change my mindset to thinking of alcohol as poison because to me, that's what it truly is. I think this book I'm going to look for deals a lot with the psychological way of thinking when it comes to AL. Reviewers comment that the book allows you to continue drinking until you get to the end where you will take your last drink. As for me, I've come too far to start drinking again so other than that aspect, I intend to give this book my all in the hopes of getting alcohol totally out of my system forever!

                      Sorry if this is long-winded - just felt the need to get this out. Hope everyone out there has a super AF day! Was laying in bed last night snuggling with hubby on one side, my precious cat on the other, listening to a relaxation CD and almost started to cry thinking - this is exactly where I want to be and it's just so much better with AL!

                      Have a great day friends!
                      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nest!

                        Jolie, nice post! I have to agree that moderating just didn't work for me at this point so I'm back to abstaining and feeling great. And now that I feel so great it's hard to remember why I wanted to drink...!

                        Hope you all have a wonderful AF day!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Jolie;1061131 wrote:

                          Was laying in bed last night snuggling with hubby on one side, my precious cat on the other, listening to a relaxation CD and almost started to cry thinking - this is exactly where I want to be and it's just so much better with AL!

                          Have a great day friends!
                          Me too minus the cat and the cd but IKWYM last night I cuddled up with DH in bed for the first time in ages and I almost cried I have been missing the closeness I lost by drinking till oblivion every night!
                          Taking it ODAT


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesters!

                            Everyone sounds great

                            Glad you droppped in Ousie! Be sure to drink lots & lots of water & tea to stay well hydrated for the next few days & ward off headaches. Treat yourself well, you will start to feel better very soon. Usually the first 3-5 days are the hardest. You are on the road to freedom now

                            I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my 2nd grandchild. She was actually due yesterday but I thinking she is waiting for the full moon on Friday to make her appearance
                            I am so unbelievably grateful to be healthy, alive & sober to fully enjoy this stage of my life

                            Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Wednesday!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest


                              Jolie;1061131 wrote:
                              - this is exactly where I want to be and it's just so much better with AL!
                              I do hope that's a typo Jolie!! :H


                                Newbies Nest

                                Either a typo or a Freudian slip....LOL!

