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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Blonde - WE MISSED YOU! So sorry to hear about your computer problems - been there many times. Also great to hear how well you are doing! You know it's good when you have to go back and count because the days have just slipped by without you realizing it!

    Myhappy - you are truly blessed to have such good friends. This journey is mine to bear in silence - no one really knows the extent of the problem I had as I always drank at home and hid it from family. I guess that's why I love this place where I can feel free to let it all out and I know I'm only going to get support and friendship in return.

    Lav - no baby yet? You know tonight is the full moon and it's gonna be so stinkin warm out today! That ought to get things moving for that precious grandchild to come!

    Bug - you are so right - you have to always be on guard - cravings also hit me on the Friday ride home from work - especially if I get home and the house is empty - after all, it is Friday - right? Today I'm going to say - yes it's Friday but why do I feel like I deserve to poison myself with something that's taken so much away from me in the past! I've got a list of things to do on Saturday and the only way they are going to get done is if I wake up with a clear head and no guilt - COME ON SATURDAY - I'm ready!

    Dancing - great plan to get the housework done so you have a free day!

    Hill - I'm doing fine - nothing too exciting down here - still cold up there for you? I'm hoping we've seen the last of the snow but ......

    Hope everyone that stops by has a great AF Friday!

    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


      Newbies Nest

      Friday nights are a beast

      Bugs, that beast is powerful....I'm doing good now, just one.... Well, the reason we're doing good is we aren't drinking!! I read a post a long time ago that stuck with me, "One drink is too many, and 1000 aren't enough". Sad, true.
      30 days for me today, a miracle and milestone. The longest sober in 25 years!! Congrats to all of you who are stringing those AF days together! Best of luck to us all over the weekend!!! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning to all.
        Glad to hear everyone is staying the course. Day 11 for me.
        Congrats on day 30, byrd, that is wonderful.
        Have a great weekend!


          Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters!

          Very nice on your 11 days Prancy - keeps getting better & better

          Byrdie, you have 2 Congrtas threads going on today, nice!!

          Kind of quiet here - hope evereyone is prepped with a good plan for the weekend.
          I'm on stork watch still so I sure won't be drinking.

          Wishing everyone a good AF night!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            G'day All,
            Byrdlady- Well done on hitting 30 days. It must feel good !

            Joie - I like your idea to change Friday night thinking. I'm too scared to write a list of things to do on Saturday, might just run out over paper!
            My bachelor pad house has been neglected over the past couple of years. Wow, have I got some work to do!
            Not to worry, I know if I stay sober and do a little every day, the place will be ship shape in not time.

            Blondie - If been having 'puter problems too. They don't work so good when there is a mouse living inside! - all fixed now.

            Lav - Thanks so much for your continuous support

            Best wishes everyone - stay strong and be safe.
            Can I have a life please, make it a double - I've got some catching up to do!


              Newbies Nest

              Blondie I wondered where you had gone, great to have you back

              Lav is the baby overdue now? I went 3 weeks over with my DD and two with DS!!!

              Byrdie I also love that saying 1 is too many, 1000 is never enough - it definitely rings 100% true with me :blush: Well done on your 30 days :goodjob:

              Hi everyone else, hope everyone is doing good today?

              DS got me up at 6.05 today, hopes of a lie in well and truly dashed LOL, at least I can say I am not feeling groggy from any AL though, just naturally shattered :H

              Day 7 for me and feeling strong and ready to face the day AF
              Taking it ODAT


                Newbies Nest

                Good Saturday morning Nesters!

                Sunny, windy & cold here today ~ the lovely spring-like weather we had for a few days is gone. I knew it was too good to be true.

                Hey bugallugs! No time like the present to begin your clanup project Just think how nice it will be when the work is done

                Mauri - congrats on your 7 AF days! Feels good, doesn't it?
                Yes, my granddaughter was due on the 15th! These first babies always seem to need a little extra time ~ my daughter was 11 days overdue when she finally arrived

                Well, I will busy myself with something to keep from stork obsessing today :H
                Wishing everyone a terrific AF Saturday.

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning all!

                  Well what the heck happened? Couldn't sleep all night because the wind was howling and I do mean howling! Cold and windy today. Got my first good walk in with one of my dogs yesterday (daughter took the other one to the dog park). It was absolutely beautiful. I'm definitely appreciating all the good things nature has to offer now that my body isn't saturated with AL. Okay - now I know this might sound dumb to a lot of you but here is what a typical Friday night used to be for me. Rush home from work and start in on that first (of many) glass of wine. Pass out - go to bed, wake up and feel like crap. Last night I actually had to run into town around 5:00ish. Now I can't tell you when the last time I drove myself anywhere on a Friday night at that time was - and I got home in the dark!! SOBER! Seriously - I was almost giddy and kind of felt like when I first got my drivers license (ummmm some 32 or so years ago?) and I was allowed to drive into town by myself.

                  Hope everyone out there has a super Saturday - the sun is out so I'm not gonna complain even though it's windy & cold.
                  Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi everyone! Good to see y'all this fine weekend.

                    Blonde, I have been having internet issues too recently so I feel your pain, hope it all gets sorted soon

                    Jolie, nice to see you, you always have such nice things to say!

                    Byrdlady, a HUGE well done for your 30 days, that's AWESOME! And you prancy on day 11, well done!

                    Lugs, you need to get the marigolds out and get that bachelor bad soerted out, you never know when you might have company!

                    Mauri, I posted on your thread, the mehndi is great, and so much easier when your hands ain't shaking, huh? :goodjob:

                    Lavande, I am sure the stork will visit soon, can't wait to hear your news!

                    Hello and happy Saturday to all that drop by

                    I am enjoying another AL free weekend, can't quite believe how enslaved I was to AL and how much it affected my free time. Waiting on my husband getting home to have a nice AL free meal and a snuggle in front of a movie.

                    Hope you all are having a great Saturday, AL free, happy and enjoying every second! :l


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning nest!

                      Hope all are well and kicking some serious weekend AL habits!

                      I cant get over how good this feels and the question pops into my brain why didnt I jump off that ride sooner? Guess you have to feel ready but I will say 95% would be finding MWO and being able to communicate with you beautiful people. Just makes it easier.

                      Had a great Saturday night. B2 had a school dance so we dropped him and took the other two boys to a turkish restaurant, sat cross legged on the floor, B3 who is 11 and is into any kind of music, danced with the extremely attractive belly dancer and we just laughed so much, then went to a dessert cafe up the road, where the kids had a chocolate fondue - yum! and Mr happy and I shared white chocolate cheesecake. Did i say i like food? Like it even more now I remember what I ate...

                      Jolie I know what you mean about being out and being sober, felt like a grown up being out at night in control and not cloistered with a wine and the tv and a ticket to passing out.

                      Family day to day, my eldest has a day off his part time job so we are thinking of heading to the beach when they all wake up which will be the first beach trip hangover free for a very very long time.

                      Have fun nesters enjoy life it is all around us! hp


                        Newbies Nest

                        Everybody in the nest sounds happy so far. I hope everyone is having a good weekend.

                        Lav, that baby has to come out some time, but I bet the mum is counting the minutes.

                        I was surprised by Friday night cravings again this weekend too. Earlier I had posted that it didn't feel like it was a Friday and wouldn't be a problem. However, the pantry was looking bare and while I usually buy just enough so that I can put off grocery shopping until Saturday, I made the mistake of shopping at 5pm on Friday night - not a good idea - 5pm is the worst craving time, it was Friday night and I was hungry/ tired. The wine aisle called which it hadn't in weeks, but I walked the other way and after a while the desire went away. Phew!
                        So I made dinner, cleaned my bathroom and vacuumed the lounge. Daughter wanted to put up the badminton net we got for Christmas, which we did and played a fun game until about 8.30pm after which we watched a movie until it was time to collect my son at 10.30pm. In the old days I wouldn't have had the patience to put up a net on a Friday night because I would've already had a few wines. If I did put it up I wouldn't have lasted over an hour playing the game, let alone being sober to collect my son.

                        The last two days I've felt that dehydrated, headachy withdrawl feeling again in the morning, but as it's such a long time since my last drink I think it may be to do with the fact that I am drinking much more coffee than usual (substituting). I've slotted that into my hypno tape - that I don't need to substitue coffee for alcohol, but crave healthy drinks. Now I'm sipping on a new herbal tea called "Be gorgeous" which has a delicious blend of aloe vera, peppermint and green tea. I'm trying to get back to drinking 2 - 3 coffees a day.

                        The weather has turned drizzly here, but I have cabin fever so will go out for a walk later anyway.


                          Newbies Nest

                          G'gay All,
                          Jolie, I can really relate to your driving at night experience.
                          When I was drinking everyday, I did actually have enough sense not to drive, hence I never went anywhere in the evening. (Except in an "emergency" when I ran out of AL).
                          The other night I found myself driving in the dark. It was great! I took a very long detour just to drive along the esplanade. It was one of those little awakening moments for me.

                          Just had a nice long walk along the beach and now back to sorting out my house.

                          Hope all are well and have a great AL free Sunday.
                          Can I have a life please, make it a double - I've got some catching up to do!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Can someone help me?

                            Horrible Sat night cravings! The bars are calling and I've got little to do. I had 20 days then binged real bad and now am back at 5. Any advice PLEASE!!


                              Newbies Nest

                              The best advice I can give you is - distraction!
                              Do aything to distract yourself, the cravings will pass, don't give in!
                              Go to the for some good ideas.

                              You have 5 AF days under your belt - that is wonderful!
                              Wake up tomorrow with no hangover on Day 6. You can do it
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Be strong ! - You and your body will be thankful tomorrow.
                                Can I have a life please, make it a double - I've got some catching up to do!

