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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning nest

    Welcome Carrie nice to have you here hope you are reading and learning heaps, I know I did when I first flew in.

    VG - you are doing so well, how long have you been going now? Did you read the post in one of the other sections and I cant remember which about the liver and its effect on our moods. It was interesting and certainly explained the tears for me.

    Do we have a baby yet???

    Hill - agreed with VG - you are very calming and make me think and learn.

    Off to wake the tribe and do the school run, I have yoga this morning and then a really stressful day looming after, stay strong all, hp


      Newbies Nest

      Thanks happy, I'll try to find that thread. I kind of need to understand what's going on


        Newbies Nest

        VG - look for a thread with a post from Bean. and the thread itself could have started with Mauri. Discussion also led to acupuncture which I'm really interested in. xx hp


          Newbies Nest

          Thank you for the welcomes.

          Thank you for the welcomes. I have been trying to get back in here to post. Unfortunately I went on a pretty good drunk and didn't get back. Poor way to start huh?

          I am a 52 year old housewife married to a couch potato. My 3 kids are grown and gone. I do work outside the home but would love to quit so I can just stay home all the time. I have been drinking since I was about 2 when my parents thought it was funny to get me drunk so I'd fall down. I do have a pretty good marriage, we just don't get out much. Drinking has been a problem on and off throughout my life. I have never gone for treatment or anything, but never really drank when my kids were young. Now, I find myself drinking all the time again and it's because I am lonely! Kids are gone, husband sits around , . . .

          I am hoping to meet some new friends here. People who understand the trials.


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Carrie,
            Sorry to hear your report. Lonliness was a big factor in my drinking as well, especially after the kids left home. I figured I would go on drinking like that for the rest of my life but suddenly I had a grandson & everything changed for me two years ago. I finally had a good reson to pull myself out of my funk & make some major changes. I'm 57 now & have two more grandkids due very soon. I've never been happier despite the fact that I am suddenly on my own this past year. Point is - you really can do whatever you want tp do.
            Have yo read the MWO book? You can download it right from the Health store here. Also look in the for ideas to help you make your plan.

            I do understand your trials & hope you understand that with a firm commitment & a good plan you can change your life Start by ridding your house of AL! Don't buy anymore!

            Wishing everyone warmth & comfort on this snowy night!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Carrie
              You can be bored and lonely in a marriage too. You don't mention whether your other half drinks to excess too, or whether he is supportive of your cutting your drinking. Sounds like he may need to be tipped off the couch occasionally to go places with you. Your future is what you make it, but I know how hard it is to hold onto that motivation at first. Listing your reasons for wanting to stop can be a good start.

              Here in NZ, we are feeling a little jittery as Christchurch just had another massive earthquake. Last one was 5 months ago and amazingly noone was killed, as it was 5am and most people were asleep. Today it happened at lunchtime on a business day and so far there are 65 dead and hundreds still missing, or buried under rubble in the central city. We felt it here, but it did no damage where we are. We're settling in for a night of aftershocks. At least drinking never crossed my mind tonight with so much else going on.

              Have a safe night in the nest everyone.


                Newbies Nest

                Hey carrie, sorry to read that you are struggling. Try to take it a day at a time, just tell yourself that today you won't drink and don't think about tomorrow. Lavande is right, you are not alone and the tools will help you.

                Dancingon, I have a friend who is travelling in NZ right now, so sorry to hear about the earthquake and the devastation. I have no idea whereabouts she is, so I'm off to email her and check on her. My prayers are with your country and it's people. xx


                  Newbies Nest

                  PS thanks, happy


                    Newbies Nest

                    Dont sweat it VG - read your other thread, dont be so hard on yourself, your doing great.

                    Waiting on hearing on the inlaws travelling in the south island. What is it with old people not turning on their bloody mobiles....not really cranky just worried...going to be a long night.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning nesters!

                      Woke up to about 6" of snow - arghhh - when are we going to be done with this stuff??

                      Lav - hope the storke didn't pick last night to make an appearance as I bet it was worse where you are than my house.

                      Carrie - can I ask why you want to quit your job and stay home? Do you dislike your job? What would you do all day at home? Boredom was certainly my trigger and I've tried to fill the hours when I'd normally be drinking (every night from 5:00 - ? and of course weekends but never starting before noon), with other things. You have to kind of be proactive - is there anything or any kind of hobby that you've really wanted to take up but just never felt the initiative to start? You will find a lot of understanding here - wish you all the best!

                      VG - hope you are having a better day than yesterday. Just the fact that you didn't give in to the cravings and got past them is a huge achievement. Please don't hate yourself - look how well you are doing!

                      Dancing - so sorry to hear about such devastation where you are - keeping you and your neighbors in my thoughts and prayers.

                      MHP - lol - not sure what you consider "old people" but I can relate. My 74 year old mother only turns hers on when she goes somewhere. I think that are just from a different era and aren't as thrilled with all this new-fangled technology like us "younger" folk are.

                      Have a great day everyone! - Where is that storke?
                      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Happy, thank you, and I really hope you get some good news soon from your in laws. Dancingon, I really feel for your country right now, hoping and praying there is no more damage.

                        Jolie, the snow sounds awful, wet and rainy here but not too cold. And i am having a much better day than yesterday, thank goodness! A huge part of it is being able to come here, you guys ROCK.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning Nesters!

                          Yep, looking at about 6 inches of snow out there
                          I'm sick of it this winter, really!

                          My thoughts are with the folks in NZ this morning after such a terrible event. Earthquakes are devastating.

                          Haven't heard from my daughter yet this morning so I assume nothing is going on with her, yet!

                          I need to drag my aching back outside & do some shoveling. Hope everyone has a great AF Tuesday!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning nesters. Sounds like a cold one for many.

                            Happy, there are 3 Vodafone towers damaged in Canterbury, so if that's their service you may only get through with txts and there may be a delay. Mine took ages yesterday and half my messages didn't get through until late last night. No news is good news though, so I hope your parents are well out of the way.

                            Cellphones are a blessing though. There are people alive under the rubble txting to say how many and where they are. My daughter was a bit scared to go to sleep last night - we are only 2 hours drive away - but we had a quiet night.
                            Everyone have a nice day. Keep warm on the other side of the world.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Help, nesters. Mid-day here. I am now on day 15 AF. I am struggling with sadness and resentment. Last night my husband and daughter asked for a family talk - they wanted to tell me that I really need to get help. I had had a conversation with my husband the last time I was drinking and I told him that sometimes I feel so helpless after a binge that I think about how I should just go get a couple of bottles sleeping pills and not wake up. I was still drinking and was once again dealing with how much I need to stop but don't know how to. I was not suicidal but used that to express my thoughts. He shared this very personal information with my daughter and they are both on the case now.
                              While I recognize and appreciate their concern, I felt ambushed. I am furious and so resentful about my husband sharing that with my daughter. I am resentful at her for telling me how I should handle it. It is not as though they don't both enjoy their cocktails and wine and sometimes to excess. My husband continually plans long trips with lots of couples where drinking is constant so I am triggered over and over. I understand where they are coming from - they have just seen this behavior too often now. But not one word of encouragement about the 15 days AF. Now I need to figure out how to overcome the anger and resentment without withdrawing from them completely. I feel like never talking to either of them again. I realize this is very self-centered but cant get past the resentment.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Sorry to hear that Prancy. I guess they are concerned about you, but it's hard for someone who doesn't have the problem to understand. Maybe when you've had time to cool off you should call another family meeting and tell them calmly how you feel, and that some encouragement over your days AF would go a long way to helping.

